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Posts posted by wolfko

  1. Okay, it is Vienna Schwechat Airport (LOWW). 


    And here is the next one. As mentioned before this was not taken by myself, but I have personally taken an almost identical shot (which I cannot find) of a Qantas (or Qantaslink) Dash 8-300 at exactly the the same parking spot at the same airport. So this may be a hint, a Qantas and an Air NZ Link Dash 8-300 at exactly the same location.^_^



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  2. 11 minutes ago, Stillwater said:

    Sherlock Wolfgang has found it again. And the right timing as well: That picture was taken the last spring before Corona.

    The only Orbx airports I can (plan) travel to now are Porta Westfalica (already posted here), Innsbruck (same), Jena (don´t own it and have no interest, the German freeware airfields (too small to travel to). Ah, I have one more:


    Probably too easy to guess. So... please answer only, if you can reply with a picture from your travels.


    I know this one, but I won't answer, because I have no personally taken photo to post.

    I remeber to have a spare digital pic of an Orbx airport stored somewhere, but I can't find it. However I had a shot of this airport available which was not taken by myself but was taken at exactly the same spot and looks almost identical. Only the aircraft shown on the pic is different. And it is of an airport which was already featured in this thread.  Would it still be okay to post this shot?

    • Haha 1
  3. 31 minutes ago, bernd1151 said:

    ... someone from Sydney speculated that the city government had managed to have the bridge patent protected. No idea, whether this is true, but if it would be true, Asobo/MS would have to ask the city government for permission to model it into the sim, hence they didn't bother.


    That's really interesting and misterious. But isn't the Harbour Bridge modelled in other sims? So it should be possible to get a permission. But I like the idea that this was the reason for not modelling the bridge.

    • Like 1
  4. 12 minutes ago, BradB said:

    It's almost like Orbx was working on them long before August 18th ..............B);):D


    Yes exactly. Orbx says in the introductory post of this topic "Over nine months in development, Cityscape Sydney is an enormous project that pushes the boundaries of what is possible with the current MSFS SDK. "

    So Asobo knew they did not have to bother about a Harbour Bridge. ;)

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  5. 1 hour ago, bernd1151 said:

    Best news since I threw up my lunch :D:D




    1 hour ago, bernd1151 said:

    This will be an instant buy for me!! I only hope that Frank and the talented Orbx team have also people with less than monstrous PC hardware in mind, so we can handle all these details without having to live with a slide show, when we fly over Sydney


    Yes, I hope so too.

    • Like 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, John Dow said:


    Interesting observation.  I've been testing all the aircraft and I'm finding the modelling is incredibly good for default planes.  There are things that don't work in some of them sure, but the flight models and the look and feel in the cockpit is pretty damn good.  I put the C172 on a par with the X Plane 11 model which is pretty darn good.



  7. 10 hours ago, RobdeVries said:

    Love the airfield, glad to have it back! However the cemetery north of rwy 10 isn't modeled at all. Photo underground is blurry so nothing to see if not modeled 3D. And not being nitpicky but it actually helps as a landmark IRL to  align and land rwy10. Yes experienced in reality in 2015.




    Rob, what I see from the video you have posted, the cemetery can't be a landmark for aligning to rwy 10, because the runway can be seen long before the cemetery comes in sight. The cemetery is actually hidden by the little forrest IRL. 

  8. On 8/26/2020 at 2:31 PM, davenicoll said:

    Hello Wolfko,


    Just to chime in.


    I am now upgrading my system like you and have just ordered 2 more 8gb sticks of RAM to go with the 2 already in the system. Same make, CL rating etc


    This will now give me 32gb over 4 sticks. Just a little way to shave off some cost...





    Thank you for ypur response. I only  had 2 x 4GB in my system, so I couldn't utilize the old sticks any more. I also wanted to upgrade the RAM frequency to match my MOBO's capabilities.

    In the meantime I have bought 4 x 8GB and I am very happy with it.


    On 8/19/2020 at 7:37 PM, Donka said:

    2 x 16GB seems the way to go for a number of reasons - there are potential minor gains going with quad channel but it seems less so in gaming. If you get 2 x 16gb, you have the option of upping to 64gb in total down the line if you ever feel held back.


    Donka, thanks for your ideas. Unfortunately my rather ancient MOBO supports only a  max of 32GB RAM. Otherwise I probably had followed your advice.

  9. 16 minutes ago, cassis87 said:

    Looking at the thousand of people complaîing about MSFS Camera (i am one of them from day 1), i really hope Keven Menard is reading this post as his soft is probably the most anticipated one for MSFS and for a sure a future business hit !!!! We need it ASAP. please. 


    If you want that Keven Menard is reading your post, then I would rather post it in the Chase Plane forum.

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