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Posts posted by wolfko

  1. Perhaps a way to find out, if there has hever been a BBJ at YMEN, was checking the pics archive at airliners.net.

    BTW I once heard, that decades ago a large plane (don't know the type) landed at Essendon by error, because the crew had mistaken YMEN for YMML. The problem then was to get the plane out of Essendon again, because the runways were too short. I don't know, how they solved the problem.

    Can anybody confirm this story?

    • Like 1
  2. 7 hours ago, HenningR said:

    Is it possible to get rid of advertising for MSFLIGT Simulator.
    I have no  interest in this simulator and it flows over with it. I am aware that many has this interest, but not me I an still stuck with the old P3Dv4 and 5 so I would like to avoid advertisng for the MSFL.
    It sounds like I an an grumpy old man, but I am not, but I like to be able to select what I want to see.



    Where and how are you harassed by advertisment for MSFS?

    • Like 2
  3. 16 hours ago, Sniper31 said:

    Not so sure how good this idea would translate at home though....don't think I want mist being sprayed all over my multi-thousand dollar sim setup :D


    Yeah, or imagine flying over a waste dump, sewage works or a hydrogen sulfide gas exhaling volcanic area. Yuck! ^_^

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  4. 18 hours ago, John Heaton said:

    For some reason the topic announcement of the new Brisbane Cityscape was locked and as I personally cannot let this work

    pass without a congratulatory comment


    Well done Developers - as a local - I am so pleased to see this latest version and its so well done -especially the CBD

    You have even incorporated Queens Wharf and Freedom Bridge - which is not even finished yet - and as far as the river is 

    concerned = no worries -----  after the recent great floods - it looks just as dirty as shown


    It was worth waiting for - and we now await Sydney - which on this basis will be a worldwide winner


    (maybe I can feel a video coming on to go with my Melbourne one)

    Brisbane -Queens Wharf and Freedom Bridge (2).jpg

    I love these muddy waters in your shot.

    • Like 1
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  5. 29 minutes ago, Stillwater said:

    Hi there,


    may I suggest that you indicate which simulator this refers to, in case of future announcements?

    I checked my Orbx Central but did not see the update - being a p3d user...



    Hi Gerold,

    since it says "...compatibility with the recent World Update..." I assume it's for MSFS.

    • Like 1
  6. 6 hours ago, Fidel said:

    Hi, I have noticed an update has been released on LKPR for MSFS. V 1.0.1 is out now, Is there any changelog to see what has been changed?




    Where have you seen that an update was available?

  7. 11 hours ago, John Heaton said:

    Brilliant - absolutely brilliant - The announce by Nick a few moments ago is sooooh welcome


    Over the past few weeks - I can't be the only one who has noticed the fall off in participation in Our - Oxbx - forum

    It was beginning to look as if it was going to die out leaving it to a few stalwarts trying to keep the forum from disintegration


    I just wonder how many have struggled this last few weeks trying to solve problems - in my case at least 3 - one solution of which

    had to be solved by a visit to Avsim - which is not Orbx - and I for one missed the help of some persons - who "Stillwell" tried to honour a few days ago


    Well done Management - i used to teach my sales force - " The customer is not always right - but he/she is the customer!"




    Thank you very much for your heads up, John. Without your post I had probably overlooked Nick's announcement. 

    • Like 3
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  8. 3 hours ago, Stillwater said:

    I want to say "thank you" to the moderators here, using the occasion that they / he / she just removed one of the usual bullshit spam posts.

    You make this forum a civilized place - get yourself a well earned coffee for that. I try to upload some good pastry for you!



    Well said Gerold!

    And the spammers are getting more and more shameless. The post Gerold is referring to had it already saying in its title what it was spamming for.

    • Like 4
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  9. 14 hours ago, renault said:

    Hi Colin


    "I am also seeing alot of bright pink planes but when i get close i see its a texture load issue any help here? "


    This may be a clue to what is happening, as in my experience the pink is caused by an incompatibly issue with one of the files

    in the aircraft texture folder . First thing I could suggest is if these are aircraft liveries that you have downloaded from another source

    such as Flightsim.to , then I would check back to see if the livery author has updated his product and confirmed that

    the livery is SU7 compatible.


    I know it sounds like a minor thing, but this can cause seemingly random CTD's when  approaching an airport. MS2020 may

    simply be bringing in the aircraft with the problem livery to populate the airport and when you get close enough and the aircraft

    is rendered, if there is a file issue this is when the problem would occur.  


    Please have a look at this link as well. There is some useful advice on how you can fix the problem yourself (it involves file editing). 

    It is probably simpler and easier first to check that all your aircraft addons are SU7 compatible.  This compatibility is listed for all files

    at flightsim.to.


    The other thing to do, is to move all your add on liveries out of your community folder to a safe place , if you are not using a tool

    such as addon linker Then repeat the flights.  If the problem  CTD does not reoccur  then this is useful information about the cause.


    Pink textures - Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020) - The AVSIM Community


    BTW removing all addons from your community folders is also useful when dealing with an issue like this.  If you still get CTD's then

    the issue lies within MS2020 itself, or alternatively in Windows updates or in areas such as the C++ libraries or with an audio driver extensions. 


    We normally don't think that installing other software on our machine  can cause issues, but many products also come packaged with

    their own  Visual C++ extensions or with their own customized driver sets.   There is one program which I use a lot, and with each update ,

    it insists on installing its own customized C++ library.  Sometimes it affects MS2020 and sometimes not. 


    I have learned that the best policy for me in this situation (since I use both products, even though they are not related) is to go into

    the Control Panel, Uninstall the C++ libraries and  get the most recent Visual C++ libraries from Microsoft (  https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe  and  https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x86.exe ) and reinstall them.


    Oddly enough both programs work fine with the full library, but MS2020 definitely needs the standard set from Microsoft.

    Without it,  random CTD's 


    This type of situation  can cause the "sim was right and then with no changes to MS2020 it is now CTD ing."   . 


    In  the most recent problem I had with MS2020, a win10 update caused a problem with the Namimic audio extension that was

    on my machine (it now has been disabled). 


    Just for reference , here is a comment for reference I posted in a previous note on my experience with the Nahimic audio driver.....







    In my case ever since I updated to SU7 I was getting CTD's all the time.


    What I discovered was in my particular case, the problem was all due to a program
    called Nahimic.  Nahimic is a group of audio drivers  designed to enhance the users audio
    experience. In essence it is virtual sound software.


    In a great many cases, PC's are shipped with Nahimic preinstalled. In my case with  a MSI motherboard, 
    Nahimic is part of the MSI Dragon Center package. With Asus, it is actually installed in the bios with the
    motherboard.  The problem comes from a recent change with Windows updates. Now the Nahimic driver update
    adds a companion app which provides a user interface for the driver which allows you to add additional
    Nahimic features.


    In my case ever since I updated to SU7 I was getting CTD's all the time. Prior to this, my system was
    completely rock solid.  What I discovered was on the day of the SU7 release, when I updated my windows, 
    it also updated the Nahimic driver (nahimic mirroring device).  


    Unfortunately this update is "buggy as hell" to quote the dozens of 
    different forums that I have looked at. It seriously interferes with the audio output from games and applications
    in a negative way in many instances.  When this happens , you get an immediate CTD.


    I have attached a link to LinusTechTips about it.


    What is nahimic companion and why is it suddenly on my custom pc? - Programs, Apps and Websites - Linus Tech Tips


    My experience mirrors, the discussion in this article.  Simply put, Nahmic is impossible to delete, although 
    with a bit of effort , in my case I was able to disable it.


     If you do think you have deleted it, then Windows update will simply reinstall it. There are good instructions in the article about

    disabling it.


    However, I also want to mention that I use a free Microsoft program that is perhaps the most useful bit of 
    software you can ever have on your PC when you run into problems such as this.


    It is a program called Autoruns64 which to is best described as the most comprehensive way to see (and disable (temporarily or

    permentantly,  if desired), every program which is configured to run during system bootup/login or when you run windows built in 


    It includes programs in the startup folder, Run , RunONce and other Registry keys etc. As a complete aside, it is very surprising

    when you actually see all the programs and other apps that Win10 starts with.  The programs listed in the Task manager etc, are a very minor part

    of the startup process.


    Autoruns for Windows - Windows Sysinternals | Microsoft Docs


    It is a very user friendly application, very simple to use and also allows you to use Virus Total (Google multi virus scanner
    website) automatically to check an application.  So if you think that a particular application, extension
    service etc. is a problem you can easily disable it from startup, reboot to see if it solves the issue.


    In my case to be doubly sure, I found that the main Nahimic executables , the first two can be disabled by the Windows services app as

    per the LinusTechTips article.


    However.  the Nahimic Mirroring device driver along with the Nahimic Task executables,  don't show up in the windows services menu and the only

    way to disable them was with Autoruns. I also found that if they are left active, Windows updates detects that and redownloads .


    So in my case disabling Nahimic required both applications and a layered approach.


    If you do use Autoruns, make sure you follow the instructions in LinusTechTips note on disabling the Nahimic services first , before

    you use Autoruns. Otherwise windows will revert to using the Services entry  as part of its startup and you will be back at the beginning.




    In my case, since doing this SU7 has been 100% CTD free, except for when I rechecked these  Nahimic
    drivers, rebooted , started up MS2020 and guess what CTD.  The longest I have left MS2020 running is 34 hrs and it was perfectly fine at the end of the test.


    I knew immediately when I started up MS2020 after disabling Nahimic that I was on the right track. I have never heard until now, that as you circle

    an aircraft with its engines running that the sound varies and shifts from one stereo channel to another or the sound inside the cabin of my Kodiak

    is much more muted than it is outside the aircraft. These simple pleasures did not exist with Nahimic , even though it is supposedly a virtual sound 



    So this may not be applicable to the original author as you may not have the Nahimic device present, but I wanted to put a response together, on the

    off chance that this may be of help either now or in the future if you do.  As I mentioned , it is on many different systems and 
    until Windows updates the driver to include the Nahimic companion, you will never know it is there.


    And exactly how and why Windows Updates chooses to update the driver to the Nahimic companion seems to be one of life's great mysteries.


    In many ways , Nahimic  is not a bad program  as listening to sound while playing a video was quite nice with it, but MS2020

    simply doesn't get on with it at all I discovered. 



    A general "Thank You"@renault for all the work you put into your helpful and informative posts about technical issues.:)


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  10. 1 hour ago, John Heaton said:

    It is good to know that somewhere in the world -  someone has noticed the potential plight of mine  - Boetie's - and thousands of our neighbors


    In my case here on the Gold Coast - we recorded 51/2 " of rain in 48 hours - and that was no Joke - but little or no effect on yours truly - thankfully


    This time of the year is known as our wet season - because - as most of you simmers know - we are a dry Country - and we get quite used

    to a couple of inches now and again - hopefully in our Dam catchments areas


    However - speaking of jokes - this photo  - taken yesterday - just up the road in the next main area   - is an epitome of the old joke -

    "Must have been written by a Real Estate bloke!":rolleyes:

    Screenshot 2022-03-01 152922.jpg


    Good to see John, that you haven't lost your sense of humor under these serious circumstances. :)

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  11. 15 hours ago, bvdboomen said:

    Like everyone wanted METAR and now the weather engine is not so perfect since the implementation? It was good with only Meteo Blue as source. ;)


    So true! I also want to have Meteo Blue back! Thank for your comment mate!

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