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Posts posted by wolfko

  1. 1 hour ago, Mikael Cedergren said:

    I am a bit late on the topic but I saw someone wanting you to keep static airlines at ESGG, pleeeaeese dont!! There must be an absolute majority of people who want to see them gone. I have been waiting forever to have a clean airport only with AI when flying offline and other pilots when flying VATSIM. So again please no static aircraft at ESGG.


    I highly doubt, that the majority does not like static aircraft. Maybe one can get this Impression, because them who like statics keep quiet as they do not have a reason to complain.

    An opportunity to choose between the options of having static AC or not having static AC would be ideal. If this is not possible please keep the statics.


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  2. I agree, it is never good to anounce a project too early. And if you do, good (marketing) practice would be to constantly release updates on the state of deveopment or just posting screenshots or just posting about the project, even if there is no progress at all in the development.

    Customers like this, they feel cared about.

    The is one well known Orbx developer (you can guess, whom I mean ^_^) who does the above in perfection. His projects sometimes are taking forever, but he is just talking about his projects on a regular basis. Sometimes releasing screenshots which honestly don't show much or even nothing new, but people are happy.


    So it would be easy for Orbx to calm people down. For me it is not understandable why nothing happens in this way.

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  3. 3 minutes ago, paulb said:


    Thanks Wayne. I have an xbox controller but it seemed to 'mess up' controls on a couple of payware aircraft. So I have removed it for now.


    3 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

    Thanks Wain.  I have a lot of things to do today both real life and sim but as soon as I am able I'll try this with my wired Xbox 360 controller.  Haven't even plugged it in yet to see if it'll work.



    You do not have to use an Xbox controller. Moving the drone anywhere ypu like works with any device, e. g. your joystick, yoke, keyboard etc.

    I am using my joystick and/or my yoke for controlling the drone. So there is no swapping of divices (from joystick to Xbox controller vv.) necessary, which I find very convenient when switching to drone mode inflight.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Jack Sawyer said:

    Hi Wolfgang, (Paul, sorry if I ask similar question) is there a way to eliminate the plane altogether?  I'd like to taxi around on the ground without a plane in view so I can take shots for comics.  Thanks.


    Jack, I think literally eliminating a plane is not possible, but you can take screenshots without having the plane in sight. Either move the drone away from the plane (you can move the drone (unlimited?) miles away from the plane, in each direction, up and down or you just face the camera away from the plane.


    You could pause the sim (P-key by default) then go to slew mode, slew the plane out of the way (e.g. 10,000 feet up) and then move the drone back to the ground and do your shots. You might have AI planes in the pic though, but you can disable AI traffic.


    In summary, the drone is not tied to the plane, it can independendly moved around in any direction.

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  5. Paul, I assume you mean the drone mode when you say external view.


    Just go to "Control Options". Then select the device which you use for steering the drone, i.e. keyboard, joystick, Xbox controller etc.

    Then to "Drone Camera" and check which buttons/ keys etc. is assigned to "Translate Drone Up" and "Translate Drone Down". Use these commands to centre the plane as wished.

    Of course you can assign any button or key to these commands.

    I hope this helps.

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  6. Great set of shots Paul.


    BTW, the Fouga Magister was used as a jet trainer by the Austrian Airforce in the 1960s and/or 70s. Can't remember exactly.


    PS: actually Austria doe not have an airforce on its own but it is part of the army.

    • Like 2
  7. Since in MSFS one can assign multiple commands to one and the same button/axis I am using my joystick and/or yoke for steering the drone. I think this is much more convenient than using an Xbox controller or the keyboard.

    Moving the joystick forward will move the drone forward, moving it to the right will move the drone to the right etc.

    Up and down is done by the trim buttons, the head-switch (POV) is used for yawing, the twist for tilting left/right (on the yoke I have buttons assigned to tilting).

    So no swapping of devices (joystick to Xbox conttoller vv.) is needed when changing to/from the drone camera.


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  8. On 7/24/2022 at 9:02 PM, nialfb2510 said:

    Has anyone tried the  EU Wales add-on in MSFS 2020. The bumph says it's compatible with MSFS X so I assume it's probably compatible with 2020. I fly around Wales a fair bit and I am hoping the add-on will include an enhanced Pembrey airfield. I have a really nice one for X-Plane 11 but I can't find anything for MSFS 2020.


    Thanks in advance




    Hi Nial,

    I think you will get more response when posting this in the main General Discussion section.



  9. 5 hours ago, Bassman said:

    Prices cannot be based upon where potential customers live, prices have to be based upon where the people who produce the products live. In general comparing currencies and salaries is not a good measure rather it is more useful to consider what you can buy for say US$1 in the USA and what you can buy for US$1 equivelant in a poorer country.  Having said that it is understandable that poorer countries just cannot afford some products that are produced elsewhere but that is a hard fact of economics.



    Sorry, I do object. Very often prices are adjusted to the general price levels in different countries. 

    Sometimes prices are also adjusted accoring to the popularity of certain products or the demand for them in different countries.

    Amazon is a good example. Sometimes one and the same product is much cheaper on amazon.com or .uk than on amazon.at. But I as an Austrian am not able to buy via amazon.com or.uk I have to buy via amazon.at.

    On the other hand sometimes identical products are cheaper on amazon.at than on amazon.com or .uk.

    I assume amazon is controling

    this via IP addresses.


    PS: Different tax levels are not the main reason for these price differences between different countries. 



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  10. On 7/18/2022 at 7:53 PM, AirRide said:

    MSFS or FS2020 ... 
    Looking for CYCW = Chilliwack, BC, Canada.
    Any plans for Orbx to release this airport? Timeline?
    The mountains either side of the valley between Hope and Abbotsford and the Harrison Hot Springs area (home of Sasquatch), and Cultus Lake make it a scenic flying area. Many fans enjoy flying to and from this beautiful location. And, live weather offers a LOT of variety. We enjoy an annual free Airshow in August. Hey Fans ... Please show Orbx your support for this airstrip!!

    Thanks for your attention.

    AirRide - Dan Wheeler


    If I remeber correctly the developer of Chilliwack and Orbx have split on bad terms many years ago.

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