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Jack Sawyer

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Everything posted by Jack Sawyer

  1. It looks like a pitot tube Landon. With so much intake pressure they'd have to place it way out front.
  2. Thanks Bernd, can't seem to avoid yellow planes for some reason.
  3. Thanks Landon, great minds and all that. I was looking into the Twin Otter but ain't sure yet.
  4. Thanks John. That's bad. It's very green here but the weather guessers cry wolf all the time, always a chance of thunderstorms then they never materialize. I could say something about "climate change" but some people would object strenuously so I won't.
  5. Thanks Bernd! I can't remember where I got it from.
  6. Very cool shots Paul. It's a fun jet isn't it?
  7. Thanks Calum, it's a great plane in the sim, everything works, I like it.
  8. Thanks Paul. It has a nice niche. Now I have the Kitfox for fun, the C310 for medium range, the Honda for intermediate to long and the 737 for long hauls. Happy so far. Wish A2A would hurry up.
  9. Made this flight about a week ago. Orbx's EGAA, EGPH, and GB North.
  10. One time I was camping in Idaho and there were National Forest Service outhouses there but with a warning. They caught a guy IN one spying on women using it. I was almost sick thinking of it.
  11. Cool shot Iain, this bird needs a bird bath.
  12. Cool shot Iain, imagine sitting on top of a running jet engine?
  13. Thanks Paul, if you’re comfortable with the GTN 750 this will be easy to learn and use.
  14. Th video is ok but still doesn’t show how the pylon is connected to the one-piece wing. I doubt such a video exists as I’ve spent several hours watching and looking.
  15. Thanks Landon. Man I remember that show, back then I thought that car was so cool and it could actually fly.
  16. Seeded rye bread, Boars Head oven gold roasted turkey, a slice of pepper jack, a few cucumber slices, and some spicy brown mustard.
  17. Happy birthday Landon! I hope you're camping in the mountains for your birthday!
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