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Jack Sawyer

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Everything posted by Jack Sawyer

  1. Thanks Ken. Real people live-streaming from there? Must be run being there, I wonder if they have a nice bar?
  2. Thanks Landon. One of these days I'm gonna take the Kitfox there and camp out on the ramp.
  3. Thanks Iain, do you live near this airport? Ever been to it?
  4. Absolutely amazing shot Iain, that mirror really sets it off.
  5. Fantastic shots Nick. Such unparalleled beauty in this sim.
  6. Wow Bernd, I can almost smell the ocean, it's excellent!
  7. The only debris was my lunch sack that floated out of the cockpit
  8. Thanks Paul. Any word from Orbx? They did such a good job on middle and north. I love EGLC because it's in London and on a cool airport surrounded by water.
  9. You're. photographic master Paul! That shine on the plane simply amazes me.
  10. Holy smoke Paul! You know how to pick the detailed airports my friend. This one is on my to buy list for this very day! Thanks for these awesome shots and man do I miss that environment.
  11. Orbx's partner Parallel 42's Kitfox trying to reach the space station, it was a long flight and we used a lot of O2 but the view, it's amazing.
  12. Orbx's EGLC and boy do I wish they would release GB South
  13. Thanks Wayne, it’s a great fit in my virtual hangar.
  14. Thanks Wayne. I don’t use Little Nav Map but I suppose if you can import one into the GTN 750 then maybe here too. I use SimBrief so I would just type in the waypoints. They have a great tutorial flight but haven’t had the time to fly it yet as I’ve been very busy with real world stuff.
  15. Beautiful Pete. I could swear the first one is a photo. And your explanations are helpful and well written, many thanks!
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