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Jack Sawyer

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Everything posted by Jack Sawyer

  1. Wow! Great shots Paul, I have this but didn't have time to see if it had an interior, I love it! And that train is very cool!
  2. Thanks Calum! Yes sir, it grows from the ground up, on four legs and makes a funny sound
  3. Thanks Martyn! They have a huge Scottish area here in Atlanta and they sell it already cooked.
  4. Thanks and amazing stuff but isn’t that cheating using CGI? If they are using CGI then I think it’s wrong to do so.
  5. Thanks Calum, I agree completely, I’m stunned and amazed.
  6. Thanks John, soon it’ll be with that camping add-on.
  7. Thanks Paul, yes, I was looking for it. I remember seeing the armor there, it was tiny.
  8. MSFS Orbx's GB North Just having a quick look around and liking what I see.
  9. Holy moley! Is this sim or CGI? I had to pick my jaw up off the floor, this is freaking amazing.
  10. Without a doubt or hesitation, B for me. I love forests more than anything in life, hiking, camping, you name it, I have a natural affinity for trees and shady forests.
  11. Me neither, I just thought it might be more palatable
  12. Thanks Landon, how ‘bout a Big Mac haggis with a Bud Light?
  13. Well, I went there and since it's not Orbx I'm not gonna post any shots but it would be pointless anyway because in the tunnel in spot view all you see is blue blocks. In the cockpit you can see the synth vision of the tunnel and looking out the front windscreen can see the tunnel and the lights but it's completely underwhelming. Oh well, the sim is excellent but not in this instance. I tried.
  14. Thanks Landon, I just posted part three of four my friend.
  15. Thanks Landon, wish I had the time to make a flight from London to here or Glasgow.
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