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Jack Sawyer

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Everything posted by Jack Sawyer

  1. Well done Pete and well deserved! This is a beautiful capture. Congrats.
  2. Yeah, I thought this would be shut down faster than you can say Bob's yer uncle. I think all of them going back to 1982 were great, at the time, then as software and hardware improved the next iteration made the new one even better. What "makes" a sim for me is smoothness first and foremost, no stutters, second is planes where everything works, not "eye candy" producers but deep planes which I know are not for everyone. I too am very grateful for all the work these different sim producers, scenery developers, and plane builders put in, I know I could never do it unless I devoted enormous amounts of time I don't have to learning it. Way back in the 80's I couldn't even imagine a time like this where we have so many sims and with so much realism. Not even gonna say "which is the best" that's a powder keg. I think the "best" for a person is how they personally feel about it. I honestly don't like to see such negativism in this community. Instead we should count our blessings.
  3. MSFS Orbx's KTIW Honda Jet Approaching and then landing at KTIW in this exquisite plane. This jet is an avionics lover's dream, no many things in the G3000 are configurable, it's now one of my all-time favorite business jets. Taxxing in. Thanls for looking. Jack
  4. Neat Paul. I have fond memories of vacationing there in the 80's. Terrific shots ad you always manage to buy the airports with the awesome interiors.
  5. Just wow. I was watching the Hobbit last night and saw these same beautiful mountains. Stunning country in my opinion.
  6. I have a better chance of winning the lottery than them doing that Paul.
  7. Nope, it looks like a rubbish dump. It's sad they can have such good imagery in other places. The sat view of where I live looks like it was taken 60+ years ago with Sputnik.
  8. Agree with John. Looks like yet another to buy . Don’t know about this plane though as I don’t use it Andreas, sorry.
  9. Interesting comparison Paul. Good idea. I’m glad you have landmarks in your sim for your area. Mine? Fuggetaboutit. The data from all three goes back to the Stone Age. Someone here was doing my area in P3D but stopped which really hurt. Won’t mention any names but it was a huge blow to me.
  10. Cool looking plane Paul. Man have we come a long way since those FSX days.
  11. Stark beauty John, looks like Mars or Oz.
  12. Amazingly lifelike Darryl, terrific shots here.
  13. Thanks Paul. That’s wicked cool. Imagine that when I went over that bridge in the ‘80’s I had no idea I’d be flying a sim plane underneath it
  14. Thanks Andreas, yes sir, the panel lights work well, I had them off.
  15. Thanks Paul. I’ve been over the Firth of Furth bridge in real life. Is that bridge near these?
  16. Thanks John, can't help myself sometimes.
  17. Thanks Paul, it's a wonderful airport and those three bridges, so close together, I wonder why they did this?
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