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Everything posted by VH-KDK

  1. A top class set Darryl. The beautiful weather has that holiday feel to them.
  2. Beautiful views of Pepper Spray City Carlos. I was thinking of how the skyline has grown upwards since I first arrived in Oz in '81.
  3. Practice makes perfect or in my case, more holes in the ground. I like your 146, very nice.
  4. A good looking scenery from your images.
  5. Splendid images Carlos and good to see that we can keep one if the World's iconic airports alive.
  6. Some great caps there Don, and I bet those Wasp Juniors make the right sound buzzing along.
  7. Top images of an interesting looking scenery but with my lack of helecopter skills I would have to fly there in a floatplane landing on the water of course.
  8. Top class images adam. That third one with the wet taxiway is especially good.
  9. A nifty little jet along with some great views from your flight.
  10. I like the Eagles as they are the only team that North have beaten this year but I was more thinking of a man called Brian who had quite a life. I will have a look at Rodgers interesting topics and put in my six pennys worth! All of this under no pressure at all.
  11. Thank you Adam, yes a most enjoyable day was had.
  12. Thanks Mr Boetie, I will see what I can do.
  13. A wonderful pair of images and it is indeed an different paint job.
  14. A terrific set Carlos showing what a wonderful world we live in.
  15. This message is being approached at the right level Carlos. Another non papi here too.
  16. Glorious tropical scenes made even better with the old Beech. All very ar-tist-ic!
  17. Colourful plane and beautiful rugged scenery.
  18. Beautiful images Adam. I like the sky in the first and last ones. Luck it is Summer or you would be fresian your ****s off!
  19. Thanks for that Karl. He indoors said she wants me to live to 100, what the hell have I done to deserve that!
  20. Thank you TT, a most enjoyable day was had.
  21. Thank you Gerold, I do visit most days to see what is happening.
  22. Thanks for that Wayne, a nice relaxing day but they all are now!
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