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Everything posted by VH-KDK

  1. A wonderful series of views Andreas, so much to see here.
  2. Part of the Airdrie Airpark scenery is the enhanced city centre of Calgary. It has stood the test of time well, especially in the sunshine.
  3. Happy birthday John and I am not tired of saying it but here is hoping for a good year ahead for you.
  4. Cheers Landon, the Caribou is not a bad plane to go exploring in.
  5. That is good Andreas, I shall look out for them.' My poor settings haven't affected Spain as much as they have England unless the dreary weather there had anything to do with it.
  6. Thank you Ladon.
  7. Cheers Landon, I am sure there will be shenanigans a plenty.
  8. Thank you Karl, glad you liked them. She is much better now and lucky for her it hasn't affected her throwing arm or aim!
  9. Thanks Landon and it is good to be back. She is much better now after suffering the effects of all the medicine they pumped into her the previous evening.
  10. Many thanks Gerold. We will have to go to Melbourne to visit the allergy specialist but apparently there is a long waiting list. Glad you enjoyed the post.
  11. Thank you Wayne, the medical staff did a good job getting the wife on the mend.
  12. Glad you liked them John and she is back to nagging again so she must be better!
  13. Cheers Andreas, I feel old when I can remember things that happened 60 plus years ago. I have Xvision installed and I believe with the latest version so I will have to do some tinkering. SHe is good now but off the seafood which will hurt!
  14. Thanks John amd she is much better today.
  15. Thank you Johnny. Not too bad in Spain but England does need some adjustment when I get the time. Far too dark and hazy for my liking there.
  16. Thanks Johnny, it is always good to fly in NZ.
  17. ........plus 1 day! I can clearly remember events on the 29th of June 1962, 60 years ago. The time would have been around 17:00 and we were sat having dinner around our large square table. We lived in a big house in the Surrey countryside about 8 miles from Guildford. We had a very strict upbringing and meal times were no exception. We were used to glares of disgust from our parents when we held our cutlery the wrong way or other heinous mealtime crimes! Then we heard a different sound and as one, without any word of permission, we jumped up and ran out to the back step and looked up. There was the Vickers VC-10 on it's maiden flight from Brooklands to Wisley. We had seen the prototype,G-ARTA, a few weeks before when a friend of the family took us to the Vickers factory. It was to be a familiar sight over the next few years, along with the Super VC-10 and a Ghana Airways plane which were also tested at Wisley. This is how I remember my first view of the VC-10 flying. 1. As there is no Brooklands airport in P3D, the JF VC-10 is taking off from nearby Dunsfold and as probably in the real flight, no payload and little fuel. 2. Now to some XP views and as XP doesn't have a VC-10 I am flying the JF PA-28 in BOAC colours. Brooklands is where the VC-10 made it's maiden flight from. You can make out the old runway going roughly in the direction the top left corner. The short runway meant that only a take off was possible. The prewar motor racing circuit can be made out too, roughly a tear drop shape. 3. This is what is left of the Vickers test facility at Wisley. I lived only 5km from here to the left of screen and Brooklands, which is the light patch top right, was another 5km in the opposite direction. 4. As you can see, I have to make a lot of adjustments to XP. I made the mistake of doing an update and lost all my settings. I am a day late with this post as I had to rush the missus to ER last night after she had a very bad allergic reaction to some shellfish she had for tea. She is on the mend now but the doctor told me it was a very serious attack. A big thanks to the staff at GV Health, who as usual provided first class care.
  18. Beautiful images Wayne. Sorry but I cannot help it. I like the first view of the Severn, it doesnt bore me!
  19. Wayne, you haven't made me smile one bit but laugh out loud! We have a great crop of humorists really putting in the hard graft to bring a smile to our faces. Lucky we have the tine for this frivolity and lettuce hope it will continue, peas and goodwill to everyone!
  20. Me, him or everyone!
  21. I am glad you are not a detractor of punny "humour." If you had been my brow would have been furrowed.
  22. Great to see images from the old sims, a fine pair too. My XP needs a lot of work on it but I don't have your white buildings. Must be the direction of the sun.
  23. Many thanks John. Indeed, there is a sign in the cockpit saying "no coasting in neutral!"
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