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Everything posted by VH-KDK

  1. It is getting hard to keep up with all these wonderful new partners but some excellent images here to show off the airport.
  2. A pleasant trip around the island John.
  3. Plenty of spit and polish in these images.
  4. I really enjoyed looking at your mega set of images especially the ones with the shipping. I hope the mowing went well!
  5. An enthralling tour around Cape Town Bernd. Well narrated with some sad info about the Rhinos. People are so stupid and ignorant.
  6. A romantic song from the great Peter Sellers and the delectable Sophia Loren.
  7. An excellent set Gerold. The biggest offset when The Mule Team flies into Juneau is when Hilda walks around the cabin and the massive changes in the CofG.
  8. Beautiful images of this old classic now in the new game. Beware of wayward tee shots when walking on the beach. Now you know why it is called the foreshore!
  9. Many thanks for this series Rodger and please keep it going. I don't always comment but I do enjoy reading the replies and if some don't like it they don't have to look at it!
  10. A wonderful set of images and preflight commentry.
  11. Excellent images John, I like the hangar view.
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