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Everything posted by paulb

  1. Great shots Andreas. Now you just have to land on that strip!
  2. Thank you Martyn. Indeed, good memories. Probably a few more Washington flights ahead before I have another go at getting FS2020 right for me.
  3. Thanks Martyn. Good to know that I am not alone! I will still persevere with FS 2020 as the graphics look a step up. Anyway, on the positive side we still have two sims - P3Dv4 and XP11 - which are light years ahead of what we were using thirty years ago!
  4. Thank you, but no Gerold! I turned mine into a homemade disco ball
  5. Thank you Landon. I agree, a nice combination!
  6. Many thanks Andreas. Indeed,the landclass regions won me over to Orbx. All to the detriment of my wallet!
  7. Thank you Andreas. Glad that you liked it.
  8. Thanks Gerold. Feels like a long time ago. All on DVDs then
  9. Thank you! It does look a great area.
  10. I started purchasing Orbx products some years ago. One of my first was the PNW Region. Shortly followed by Orcas Island. For FSX from memory. Anyway, I recently bought the Washington TE package for XP11. So I had to fly from and around that airport. KORS Orcas Island Airport and True Earth Washington USA. XP11.55 The state of Washington is situated on the North West coast of the USA, adjacent to Canada.
  11. Thanks for sharing Adam. The first shot looks like real life!
  12. Great shot Martyn. Like you, I am slowing getting into MSFS 2020. XP11 is currently my sim of choice followed by P3Dv4. Part of this is just familiarity in my case. A lot of new things to learn with MSFS and getting older doesn't help!
  13. Glad that you enjoyed them Landon.
  14. Great set Bernd. Now that looks hot and dry!
  15. A great choice and shot Martyn. I always love flying it in Alaska.
  16. Thank you Gerold. For me, one if the joys of simming is being able to fly aircraft of all vintages.
  17. Yes a slower one this time . Thank you for your comments Martyn.
  18. Glad you liked them Adam
  19. Thank you Andreas. Yes, very nice freeware from Aerobask.
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