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Joys and Woes of a 4K monitor


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A year or so ago, I visited our good simming friend Howard Rockliffe.


I could not believe just how good his resolution and sharpness was, until I learned that it was a 4K (3860x2160) monitor.


At last I can afford one, and now I have a brand new Samsung 28" (less than $700) UHD monitor.


so you say stop bragging and show your screenshots.


I use Snapshot and it obviously records at a lower definition.  Effect wasted.  The V key for some reason will not record off the monitor ..  nothing in My Pictures.


LC Europe and Orbx Norway are stunning.  I will bring them to you as soon as I have worked it out.

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Skycatcher:  it is a Samsung U28D590D.  I am unsure about your TN TM question.  Not sure where to look in the specs.


But it is good.


There seems to be a small drop in fps, and I have some judders, particularly at low altitude.  I am hoping that someone with a monitor like this might suggest some P3D tweaks.  Not serious but I would like to reduce or eliminate them.


However, although my video card has Display Port connections as does the monitor, and these are rated as the best connectivity, I haven't yet got this connection to work.  Instead I am using HDMI which has lower specs.  

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Taph:  your blood should be  bottled.  I guess I once knew of the utility, but until your information, long forgotten.


It works well, and after I get a little more practice I can post some screenies.

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The higher the resolution the smaller the menu bars.  For old eyes a problem.

Glad you mentioned that.  I ran the Nvidia DSR feature up to 4k and the menu bar almost disappeared.  Fantastic shots by the way.

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I have had my Samsung 28'' UHD 4K monitor since February now..and it is just the best thing that's happened to my visuals since I started flight simming.

Yes  Macca...your eyes need to be eagle sharp to read the menus..very small indeed.

My FPS is fine..I use DX10 locked at 21FPS...and its all good and smooth....my overall FPS hit is minimal as far as performance goes.

The clarity on my monitor is just quite remarkable.



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Stu are you using Display Port ... I can only get 2560x..But the HDMI connection gives me 3860x

Zoran, thank you.  The TV was 1920x and at 32" meant the pixels were large and the resultant resolution never really sharp.

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Im using the HDMI connection and its all good, and my native reso is 3860 x...(cant remember the last number..im at work)


I am not using my display port at all.

I use a laptop that I have networked to my sim for external instruments and other stuff.

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The Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away.


A pompous way of saying there are swings and roundabouts.


The higher the resolution the smaller the menu bars.  For old eyes a problem.

Cant't you use the 125% or 150% options in WIndows display control panel ? I do that on my 2560*1440 27".

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Great images, yes it took me a while to get used to smaller menu windows... wonder if there is a way to alter them in fsx config file somewhere? Is it the same with P3D?

I am using Display port at max res for my 34" LG curve and I am still "as happy as a dog with two tails" with what I am looking at :)

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Zoran:  Truth is extraordinarily complex to define.  Some things are self-evident, basic maths is True, computer code can be.... but once it is complicated interactions begin to occur that could never be predicted.  Atomic theory is considered an accurate approximation of reality, but climate change theory is attacked at every turn by the small percentage of skeptics and industry that want to believe otherwise.  Wars have been fought over Truth.  And of course unproveable spiritual 'truths' have been the nub of some of the most hate filled wars, in the name of peace!!!

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Ian , I find the phrase itself fascinating when applied to the basics but you certainly took it up a few notches and gotta say agree with you 100%. Perhaps it should start off with "some truths..


But anyway you look at it,  it has to be "true" to start with for it to be self evident

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