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Evening patrol to Seattle

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Thank heavens there's no fire. But keep looking! :)


Beautiful shots, love that sky colour


Beautiful shots Gerold , well done i like the sky color a lot !


What a great set.




Great set Gerold



Fine shots Gerold and with our wet weekend , no fires yet .




Thank you, mates. Occasional rain does have some advantage. And the time setting to "sunset" also.

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Gerold - these shots are a pleasure to peruse, thank you for sharing mate :)


Nicely done, I love your colours in that set


Nice trip Gerold... thanks for the ride. :)


Superb shots and colors ! 


Thanks for your comments, those are a pleasure!


Compared to what I know about Hannover, other than supplying the most recent round of British royals, you certainly know your way around my home state.   Nice work.


Unfortunately Germany is not covered by a full-fat region to give the same pleasure to the orbx-flyer as Washington does. But at least there is some anniversary celebrated this year, regarding the House of Hannover and the British Royals - come over and enjoy the parades in the royal gardens: http://www.hannover.de/en/content/view/full/448652 !

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