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Shades of Grey in Spokane


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I had to check this post immediately, after reading the title. You never know what these crazy guys from Spokane are posting after weeks of cold weather over there...


And then I found a series of great shots, with the first one in a very uncommon, but successful "tele" perspective. Stunning!

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Nice work Brad.

Felts is one of my favourite sceneries. The town, airport......totally awesome.

Oh yeah......ASN is amazing.



ASN looks great in these



Shot #1 is awesome.  Seems like the typical weather at Felts... At least everytime I fly outta there..



No 1 by a mile



I'm aiming to try ASN when the P3D version comes out . Looking forward to it . Nice shots Brad . (and paint)



I had to check this post immediately, after reading the title. You never know what these crazy guys from Spokane are posting after weeks of cold weather over there...


And then I found a series of great shots, with the first one in a very uncommon, but successful "tele" perspective. Stunning!



Very nice shots Brad. I had to put a jacket on after viewing them. ;)



Great shots Brad!



#1 is a killer shot!!!


Kind of hard not to use AS next now.



Thanks for taking the time to comment gents .



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Stunners Brad!

I have now been using and trying out ASN over the last few days and i must admit, that it is indeed a fantastic weather-engine.

On the other hand i also have to admit though that i am still a very happy OPUS user too - so i guess i will be switching between those engines occasionally and as ASN is very demanding performancewise on my end here (especially with PMDG's 777), i am very happy to have choices!

But again saying:

ASN is a powerful program and it is superb to have so much great weatherengines available nowadays!

And other than that, again saying:

Great shots from Spokane here my friend!

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Beautiful shots ! #1 is  8) 



I definitely agree with you all that number one is a stunner, real life shot almost.



Good looking shots Brad, enjoyed looking at them.



Lovely set Brad, that weather really does look very realistic...



Amazing winter shots Brad, thanks for posting! First one is perfect!



Nice Shots !!!!



Stunning shots indeed, nice job Brad!!





All amazing captures here Brad, they look super!





Stunners Brad!

I have now been using and trying out ASN over the last few days and i must admit, that it is indeed a fantastic weather-engine.

On the other hand i also have to admit though that i am still a very happy OPUS user too - so i guess i will be switching between those engines occasionally and as ASN is very demanding performancewise on my end here (especially with PMDG's 777), i am very happy to have choices!

But again saying:

ASN is a powerful program and it is superb to have so much great weatherengines available nowadays!

And other than that, again saying:

Great shots from Spokane here my friend!



nice shots and nice paint job!

Thanks for the kind comments , they are appreciated .



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