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Jay Kae

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can not get old posts to clear as read.  Every time I open  a section it shows everyting as having new posts.  Click on Mark this forum as read and it clears but when I open the forum again all the bullets on the left show everyting having new posts in it?

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Still doing maintenance guys, so caching is off every 30 minutes to an hour when I render a new cache to implement new (behind the scene ) features so until I mark the maintenance as finalised there will be issues.

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I was quite happy with the "old structure". Cramming more and more stuff onto one page is messy. The advantages of the new layout elude me.


there has never been a cook that can cook for all mouths comes to mind, things do come as they come and alas we cannot cater for everyone's personal preferences   :ph34r:

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Appreciate all the great work that Jay Kae is doing at great expense to members (i.e. nothing, nudda, zilch etc etc etc)

Takes time and patience and is always an improvement.

By the way, ok Ozx is a different website, so I apologise if I have broken any Orbx rules, but Jay Kae is also doing great work there at his own real dollars expense!!!! so get on the Ozx website and make a  donation to pay for the servers.

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Hello Jay


When I use View New Content I'm getting these error messages at the top of the page 

I should point out I have filtered forums and it happens when I click on "Items I Participated In" or "Items I Started"


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(BTW I cleared all per your instructions )



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Hi Jay Kae,


followed your instructions from the first post 3 times now - cleared cache, deleted cookie and temp files, rebooted computer and modem. But still each time I come back the posts are all still showing up as being not read. Interestingly also, although I logged out of the site each time, when I returned each time I was already logged in - this would point to a cookie problem at my end I assume, but I haven't got a clue how to fix it since I deleted them each time?


Any help appreciated, but not urgent - get some well needed rest first.




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Same problem here with the read/unread problem. Everything goes back to unread.


Tried with 3 different browsers, same thing happens. It's a bit difficult to keep up with the news if everything goes back to unread unfortunately  :mellow:


Thanks again.



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Ok, there must be a common denominator between the three of you, can I get some specs of browsers please

It is a caching problem with either your machine or your browser in all three cases so I would need that info to try to determine as to why it is happening to you.

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Hi Jay Kae;


  I'm still having the unread problem too. I have cleared cookies, temp files, etc, not to sure about cache. I can't seem to find an empty cache checkbox anywhere in the delete browsing history options.

I am running IE9 32bit version, Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit on an AMD system with 8 GB ram

I did have the Enter key problem with IE10 a month or so ago when it first came out and quickly unistalled it and went back to IE9.

Don't know what more to say.


Thanks for trying to get this problem resolved, I know it must be frustrating for all involved.


Kodiak73 aka Dave S.

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Nah, not frustrating, troubleshooting is what I do lol 


Ok, so can you guys try on a different machine at all to see what happens (not another iPad or iPhone but an actual computer Mac or PC) please?

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The funny thing is, I haven't made any changes to anything the past few days while the "maintenance" was taking place, and the read/unread feature used to work fine for me, until the maintenance started, so I don't think its a problem on my end all of the sudden.


Also Jay, no can do another computer, sorry, the only one I have.

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Ok, this is rather hard to explain to a layman but I will try, your computer is expecting to read the word 'cleaner' but the website has changed that word to be 'interior hygiene specialist' if your computer is not rereading that information being sent from the website due to a stale cookie, redundant cache or unreadable/unwritable temp files even though the website is saying 'interior hygiene specialist' your computer refuses to read it as that and will keep showing you 'cleaner' instead.


So as the issue only seems with a few people there is a common denominator for those people. Ok, no other computer, try another browser please for me, did you clear cache, temp files, cache, reboot computer and modem as well ?

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Hi Jay,


just a quick info. Cleared everything on both of my comps - no result. Still don't get the "read" functionality. The only thing that I did not do - and will not do - is change my browser.





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Hi Jay,

first of all thanks for taking the time - The computers were flushed and turned off, as was my modem. I'm running the latest Firefox and would really rather not like to have to change to another browser ;)






PS - the "cleaning" was done using Firefoxes built-in cleaning functionality, as well as Windows network systems settings...

PPS - if I'm not mistaken, the Windows settings are only relevant for IE, aren't they?

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Right - just to be on the safe side I rebooted and flushed everything again. Marking the forum as read and proceeding as you suggested leads to the subforum being shown as read. But as soon as I actually go into the sub and back it returns to being marked as unread. Directly clicking VNC does not appear to show all of the latest posts either. Your post, for example, does not show up... (Just checked again - my post doesn't show up, either)






PS- been fiddeling with logging in and out and jumping to and fro within the forum. It is indeed so, that if I mark the entire subforum as read and log out and back in it remains marked as read. But as soon as I go into the subforum and out that seems to be "forgotten". If I log out and in I get it back to the "read" status.

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Two computers here too, both with the problem.


One pc has Win7 64 bit with IE10, the other has Win8 64 bit with IE10. Posts not being marked read on either, in spite of numerous cache clearings, cookie deletings, modem and computer reboots.



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Hello Jay,

I'm away from home today and I'm trying to read the forum via my wife iPad, which NEVER visited any FS related website so far. I logged in this forum with Chrome for iPad and the same thing happens.

Cannot this be a problem with our user profiles in the forum itself? Just a guess.


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there is a possibly related issue. I have subscribed (e.g.) to this thread. Everytime I click on the link in the corresponding mail it jumps to the very first contribution within this thread, while it used to jump to the last one (or last unread one?) previously.


Maybe this helps locating the mark read bug (which I share). Regards, Michael

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I had cleared cache, cookies, history etc. (FireFox) multiple times with no good results but I finally used the Mark Forums as read, cleaned everything once again, then logged out recleaned everything one more time and so far it has been OK.

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Jay - how are your session variables being stored on the server - in the database? It could be a server caching problem <?>.

If someone could explain to me (step by step) what it is that isn't working and how to reproduce it, I'll have a go on my PCs. I have to have all the major browsers running for my own work. Only Windows though - no Apples in sight!

I tend to use the forum in email-notification mode - where I only see new post notifications plus subscribed topics via emails, so I generally don't "browse" the forum much - just go straight there from the email links. So ... apart from the little "quotes" bug (quickly fixed, thanks) it's all been working fine for me.

I can only add my thanks, once again, for the hours that have been put in for our benefit. I say we club together and buy him a *real* aeroplane :lol:


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