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The Dream continues..


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First, let me say, that I'm not entering into any debate about frames and all the other hooey. There are enough "guru's" out there expounding about P3D.

I, am simply going to say, that for me, I've hit the holy grail.

I swear, these two shots, I've just taken from P3D, 10 minutes after loading and not even having tweaked or played with anything. The settings were fairly high (which pleasantly surprised me)and the pics have not had any enhancement other than size reduction.



I am aware that others may have troubles, but the added bonus for me and so many other cockpit builders is the extra performance due to the elimination of the 3D cockpit.

I am really looking forward to the ORBX migration tools, so I can port over my FTX gear.

I, for one, think this has been a marriage of technologies, made in heaven......(pun intended!)


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First, let me say, that I'm not entering into any debate about frames and all the other hooey. There are enough "guru's" out there expounding about P3D.

I, am simply going to say, that for me, I've hit the holy grail.

I swear, these two shots, I've just taken from P3D, 10 minutes after loading and not even having tweaked or played with anything. The settings were fairly high (which pleasantly surprised me)and the pics have not had any enhancement other than size reduction.



I am aware that others may have troubles, but the added bonus for me and so many other cockpit builders is the extra performance due to the elimination of the 3D cockpit.

I am really looking forward to the ORBX migration tools, so I can port over my FTX gear.

I, for one, think this has been a marriage of technologies, made in heaven......(pun intended!)




You have me a bit confused. Are you saying that P3D2 does not allow for one to fly using the 3D cockpit if one chooses? That is the only way that I like to fly and might be a show stopper for me.

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You have me a bit confused. Are you saying that P3D2 does not allow for one to fly using the 3D cockpit if one chooses? That is the only way that I like to fly and might be a show stopper for me.

I don't think he is in fact I would be certain he isn't. It is his intention to use it simply as a scenery generator as he will have a hardware based cockpit to play with. P3D is FSX by another name with a bit of EPO (to use a cycling analogy) and as such does everything FSX can do only better.

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Thanx Andy, that's exactly what I mean.

The Jetstream model, which is ProSim's product, is a version of the base FSX 737 with the panel removed and tweaked for performance.

It stands to reason that removing the entire 3d or 2d cockpit would yield a great boom to the available resources, so that's what I'm getting at.


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First, let me say, that I'm not entering into any debate about frames and all the other hooey. There are enough "guru's" out there expounding about P3D.

I, am simply going to say, that for me, I've hit the holy grail.

I swear, these two shots, I've just taken from P3D, 10 minutes after loading and not even having tweaked or played with anything. The settings were fairly high (which pleasantly surprised me)and the pics have not had any enhancement other than size reduction.



I am aware that others may have troubles, but the added bonus for me and so many other cockpit builders is the extra performance due to the elimination of the 3D cockpit.

I am really looking forward to the ORBX migration tools, so I can port over my FTX gear.

I, for one, think this has been a marriage of technologies, made in heaven......(pun intended!)


What is it here, you're not seeing, mate?

I bought FTX Global last night, for P3D. I tested it and I'm not sure I can live without my high def airports like Brissie and Melbourne and Canberra.

I have become addicted to the intense ORBX eye-candy of those airports.

I was amazed tho, at the smoothness of Global, it is another superb creation from the masters at ORBX.



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That's the 64,000 dollar question, Andrew.


I need to wait a little, till the dust settles, as LM have an update coming that will take advantage of SLI. Twin 780's may just be what I need, so I will patiently wait and see.


I also have a digital triple head to go, but that will not get me the required resolutions I need.


So, the first piece of the puzzle has fallen into place.


Unfortunately, I'm just not in a position to do any testing at the moment, apart from testing P3D on this machine. I'm really trying to get a wriggle on with my MIP and CDU bay, so I can get it back in the shell.






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Hi Frank

I suppose I will find the answers to my questions soon enough! I will be setting up my visuals in Jan/Feb :)

The good thing about testing the 780's in SLI, if we are not happy with the Perf, it's not a waste of a card because we can go the WideVieW route - my mate has had WideVieW running in P3D v2; he says it's very smooth indeed.

Anyway like you say we need to wait a little longer for LM to furnish us with the SLI patch.

Keep up the great effort mate (love this thread :))


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It's getting really hard to find some time to spend on the sim, with all the end of year functions and busy weekends and such, however I snuck a few hours in this arvo to finally finish off my MIP panel for the sim.

I had to manufacture a new panel, as the original did not leave me enough room to mount the flight illusion brake pressure gauge in the existing panel.

I bought a small sheet of galvanised iron and cut all my profile out and filed it to size. I then cut out all the necessary holes for the annunciators and switches.

Lastly, I positioned the flight illusion gauge and drilled the holes for it and mounted it.

It's now got a coat of undercoat on it and tomorrow, I'll throw a few coats of colour on it and let it dry before re-fitting it to the MIP.

Here's a few pics I took today:






More to follow..........


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Thanx guys.

I have also made an early start today and finished off the fuel control panel.

I had to do a few mods on it as well, as I incorporated the Sismo dual concentric rotary encoders, which is not part of the original panel.

I was able to cheat a little, as I did have them already installed in my previous FDS panel, so it was really just swapping them over.

Next is the Captain side upper panel, which houses a few switches and then it's on to the mounting of the yaw damper gauge in the centre panel.

That will need a bit of careful fitting, as the gauge is atop the blanked top bank of centre gauges, see picky:



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Well, it really was like Xmas today.

I received my FDS MIP wiring harness this morning and then this arvo, my 15 inch monitor arrived.

So, it's been a busy day. The wiring harness is the best FDS part I've ever bought. It has already saved me hours of soldering and procuring cable.

Here's a few pics of it, straight from the box:





I was wondering how FDS were going to manage to fit the cables to the switches, but to my surprise, the switches came, pre-wired to the cable, so it was a matter of swapping over the existing switches with the ones on the wiring harness.

I have about 50% of it done already and can see the light at the end of the tunnel already.

The 15 inch lcd has also been stripped and ready to be installed tomorrow, so I'll try and get a few pics of it going in, too.


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Ollie, a lot....

So, I have been hard at it, today.

I've got my lower panel pots all installed and ready to be wired. My CP Flight EL series MCP and EFIS's are all installed, as well.

It's just a matter of going throo and ticking all the boxes, connecting this and that.

The centre monitor is now also installed and mounted. I'll be testing out all of the hardware, before I put it into the shell.

Anyhow, here's a few more pics of today's work:






I'm now tossing up whether I ought to buy the interior liners from FDS. It would finish off my sim completely, but it's an expensive decision.

I would also like to keep my side panels, but maybe I could just leave the FDS ones out and I could sell them off.

Hmmm, decisions, decisions.............


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I have simply linked my hi-def Orbx airports located in P3D 1.4 to my P3d2 Scenery Library.

People Flow is missing plus one or two buildings but I consider this temporary until the installers arrive. Brisbane and Melbourne amongst others.

I will clean it up later when I finally remove 1.4.

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I guess it's like most things, first you need to lay the groundwork and then gradually all the other add-ons come later.

We've all seen FSX grow to unbelievable heights (no pun intended).

From the few flights that I've had in P3D V2, I see enormous potential and when we have a full ORBX world running on that platform, we will finally see the performance we all longed for in FSX.

It's great to finally have flight sim products that are still being enhanced and tweaked to the current hardware.

The future is very rosy, mate!


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I have just seen that this thread is about 70 odd views from taking over as the second largest thread in this section of the Forum. I think my last thread had 22,000 views.

I'm still utterly amazed at the traffic that this thread has generated......Thanx, guys!


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Yeah Jack,

The message that keeps getting reinforced here, is the level of friendliness and co-operation in this forum. I can honestly say that I have a lot of great mates here from across the globe.

And I also enjoy the camaraderie and sharing the project with all of them.

Happy Xmas, Jack,


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I have had a pretty productive day out in the cave, today.

I got all 3 of my monitors fully installed. Then I set about attaching the CDU bay to the MIP.

After that, I cranked up the MIP PC and set up Prosim on all 3 monitors.

I must admit, it looks like a million dollars.

I've still got work to do, but the list is getting smaller and hope to have the MIP ready for installation before the end of the month, if I can keep on it.

Here's some pics:








More to come....................


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Not quite true, Andy.

I have a full itinerary for 2014, starting in February, so I have to plan my time at home very carefully next year.

Having said that, I'm very confident that we will be having the inaugural flight in about March-April, if the current trends continue.

What's left is mostly hooking up electronics, so things will progress swiftly from here.......hopefully!

Ohhh, and you are correct, my Lizzie has offered to be my Stewardess.....


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This all looks super amazingly amazingly super and WOW and great ... what else can i say ...

Frank - seriously - great and fantastic work so far!

Congratulations on what You have achieved so far - and all the very best for the next steps ahead, which need to be undertaken to get this beauty finished!

But again saying:

Amazingly great work so far!

Cheers, Christoph

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