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A Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year

Jay Kae

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Dear All,

I just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and thank you for the support of Orbx this year. Good times were had this year with an immense amount of sceneries being released. We gained a VIP member, we lost a Flightsim icon (Thatch), we have had our ups and we have had our downs but this collective family we have here has been a haven for a lot of us.

When you are celebrating your Christmas with your loved ones spare a moment for the less fortunate on this mudball of ours. Take a moment to think of how lucky we are here in the Western world. We take our luxurious lives for granted all too often.

Don't let Christmas be just a day for you of greed and want, let it be something that you carry with you all the time, to have heart and love for your fellow Man, no matter how difficult it sometimes may seem. Let is be a joyous occasion for you and your families, filled with laughter, love and kindness.

Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year to you all.

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