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An Armchair Tourist ..... KSBA to KVAX


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Just a few postcard shots, starting out my journey. I hope over the next while to visit as many different spots as 

I can.


The lighting engine update in HF2 is different (subtly) than in previous versions, but I quite like how

clouds rendering seems to have improved.


Still lots to learn , but I hope you enjoy these




And before I start,  a very big thank you to  Misha Cajic   @Misha Cajic . Ken Hall, @Ken Halland Tim Harris @Tim Harris

Without them, I would not have had the endless hours of enjoyment their efforts have given me. 


 All one can say .... Goodbye Santa Barbara .... I'll be back soon :)



And hello ,  Santa Catalina :) 



Everyone who has a new camera knows this routine.  You always play with settings when you're holiday , not when you're at home and have time

to figure it all out.  Why should I be any different with a updated sim?.


This is an area called Hampton Cove.  Haven't quite got the telephoto zoom set quite right, but it's close. 

It looks like a very nice place to spend time too.:)



The Casino  .... good to just take a few photos of it. I couldn't afford to visit it I'm sure 



It's such a nice day as well. The cloud cover is keeping the temperatures under control, but you can still get sunburnt.



And I see the Yellow Submarine off to the left. That is something I vowed I would do on this stop. The underseas trip around the area is

quite exciting they say.



Its a very small harbour, but perfectly formed as they say.:)



Well, its later than I thought. I'm hoping if I stick around I might grab a couple nice sunset shots.....







Thanks for viewing.  See you soon at the next destination:)



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4 hours ago, lifejogger said:

Your shots are first class!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Me, I just load up a flight in MSFS and takes some screenshots and that is about it.

Thank you John :)

It is very much appreciated.

See you



1 hour ago, BradB said:

Wow - Winner , winner Chicken Dinner Sir Pete . :):lol:


BTW - What is your LOD setting in the Sim ? .

Thanks John!


I have both terrain and objects set to 3 by editing the UserCfg.opt file. I am also using the LOD Bias setting in the driver as per my little tech note

and I have that set at -0.50


My monitor resolution is 2560x1440p and with a locked fps of 30, it is buttery smooth with this setting.




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On 8/9/2021 at 11:43 PM, Sniper31 said:

Some super postcard shots here Pete....it's like I was just there myself :) 

Thanks Landon.  It looks like such a pleasant place to be.  Definitely I've added it 

to my list of places I hope to visit one day:)




On 8/9/2021 at 11:54 PM, Iain Emms said:

Grand shots Pete.



Thanks Iain




On 8/10/2021 at 12:34 AM, John Mac said:

What a beautiful series of shots Pete!


Thanks John:)

I'm really pleased that you enjoyed them




On 8/10/2021 at 12:36 AM, wain71 said:

superb set of shots Pete, crystal clear.....

Thanks Wayne. 

One thing I found in HF2 is that turning the Aerosol down to a value of 1 ,  seems to improve clarity more than it used to .

I make many of my own weather presets, and I've made it a practice just to save them with that value . Of course it's just individual 

choice and flying at altitude many will like a bit of haze, but to me, its seems that it is a stronger effect now than it used to be.




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