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To Catch A Thief

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In Germany the movie is named "Über den Dächern von Nizza" / Over the roofs of Nice. And there we go from Barcelona.


Great city views even from the ground, I think.


Obviously from the air as well.


FFWD. Here we already arrive at the French Med coast, ...


... near Marseille.




... towards la Cote D´Azur.


Into a curved final over the Boulevard des Anglais.


Here we are, Monsieur Robie!


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21 hours ago, lifejogger said:

Super shots Gerold and thanks for telling us where the shots are at.

Thank you John. usually I name the shots with a few days delay, and often I had forgotten where they were taken...


21 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Fine shots Gerold.



Thank you Iain.


13 hours ago, BradB said:

No petty shots here , these are high end works of art Gerold . :rollmyeyes::P:D

Merci beaucoup, John!


10 hours ago, timmo32 said:

lovely set there Gerold!

Thank you, master of the weather!


8 hours ago, adambar said:

Excellent set of shots Gerold! :)  Terrific city ground views as well. :huh::D

Thanks Adam. The sceneries still become better and better, even without MSFS.


6 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Another wonderful series Gerold.

That runway looks very well used in the last image.

Sorry I did not call the greenkeeper before my landing attempt.


12 hours ago, olderndirt said:

Speaking of pretty shots - my first thought when I saw your title.

Ah, what a view. And the entire movie - a classic one.


6 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Thats amazing, Grace!:wacko:

Gracias, muchacho.


3 hours ago, wain71 said:

great shots Gerold...

Thank you Wayne.


1 hour ago, boetie said:

Beautiful Gerold. You’ve captured your shots superbly of the region. Bon voyage.


Graeme :)

Thanks Graeme. Another OLC continent that represents the local character very well. Just a great series of products, no need to mention I am keenly awaiting the missing continent...

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