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Faults at LOWI and Innsbruck

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G’day Jaydor, 


Excellent catches with both. The runway 08 PAPI is most definitely my mistake sorry and slipped through my to-do list - blame it on a lack of sleep in the final run to release :lol:. I’m just taking a couple of days off and will be looking at this and the couple of other small fixes when I’m back in the office. 

Regarding the comms masts, unfortunately I never did include them with my original ESP/AFS2/XP versions - you might be thinking of the old Gianni version? Given you are the second person to request it this week, I’ll be sure to add it to my to-do list! 



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1 hour ago, Jarrad Marshall said:

G’day Jaydor, 


Excellent catches with both. The runway 08 PAPI is most definitely my mistake sorry and slipped through my to-do list - blame it on a lack of sleep in the final run to release :lol:. I’m just taking a couple of days off and will be looking at this and the couple of other small fixes when I’m back in the office. 

Regarding the comms masts, unfortunately I never did include them with my original ESP/AFS2/XP versions - you might be thinking of the old Gianni version? Given you are the second person to request it this week, I’ll be sure to add it to my to-do list! 



Excellent to hear Jarrad!


Would it also be possible to have a look at the watermasking?  The default scenery has very light blue glacial water running through the river.  That cuts off abruptly in the Orbx scenery.  I was also having some river elevation issues pop in/out near downtown Innsbruck.  Otherwise, absolutely fantastic work, as always!




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Same artifacts for me too, just around the river, downtown Innsbruk. They pop down once you get closer, but return at a distance. I've just been checking the forum and see it's already highlighted.


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On 8/28/2020 at 8:17 AM, cdv0007 said:

This problem will occur from a distance, and it will recover when you get closer. It may be a matter of focusing


So I'm not focusing properly???? Should I order some reading glasses?
Brilliant :lol:

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I will second the same river artifacts + there are more if you take off rwy 08 at the mountain base on your 1 or 2.
Plus some more - seems like AFCAD (or whatever its called now) is a bit wrong. Default ATC (I know it is completely retarded :D ) sends A320Neo to general parking apron + cant provide ground services if parked at main terminal building instead.

Otherwise beautiful scenery!


Question - are those city running guiding lights removed IRL? Thank you!

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Fuel truck is not available


Whenever I call a fuel truck with the Airbus A320neo on LOWI - no matter which parking position - the answer is always that a fuel truck is not available.

Fuel trucks were available with the original Microsoft version of the airport. At other airports - also payware such as Paderborn (EDLP) - fuel trucks are also available.


Does anyone else have the problem and know a solution?






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On 8/31/2020 at 11:45 PM, eNVee said:


Otherwise beautiful scenery!


Question - are those city running guiding lights removed IRL? Thank you!


Yes, a very beautiful scenery. I Installed it yesterday and was blown away.


 The guidig lights are still there IRL.

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  • 3 months later...
On 8/20/2020 at 6:03 PM, Jarrad Marshall said:

Excellent catches with both. The runway 08 PAPI is most definitely my mistake sorry and slipped through my to-do list - blame it on a lack of sleep in the final run to release :lol:. I’m just taking a couple of days off and will be looking at this and the couple of other small fixes when I’m back in the office. 

It's been almost 5 months now since the issue with 08 PAPI has been reported and acknowledged, but it still hasn't been fixed. This is such a critical bug that it should've been fixed in days, not months. Do you have any estimate when this will be fixed?

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  • 2 weeks later...

We've been waiting now over 5 months for the 08 PAPI to get fixed, but absolutely nothing has happened. It's been also over 7 weeks since any of the staff members have commented on this issue (in another thread from beginning of December @Nick Cooper was trying to ask @Jarrad Marshall about this). I really doubt this will ever get fixed.


Luckily there's plenty of excellent freeware sceneries available nowadays with equal or even better quality than these payware ones. And most of them provide far more superior customer support than you guys, despite not getting paid for it. I'll be happy to stay away from any Orbx product in the future.

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