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P3Dv5 - around London


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Out of Heathrow and heading east across town. As ever, all 4k with maxed settings. Down to 20 fps across central London but still very smooth. CPU utilisation typically 20%, occasionally up to 45-50 in small bursts, and this is not a high frequency processor (3.4 base, maybe 4.2 turbo) but it can be oc'd. We'll see, but it doesn't feel like I need it yet.


Anyway, enjoy!







You can see clear out to the mouth of the Estuary here if you can blow this one up big enough - incredible!






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12 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Wonderful images Andy, you must be pleased as punch with the results you are getting.

Cheers Martyn, and I certainly am! I was planning to get a new machine at the end of the year once it was a bit better known (hopefully) what MSF 2020 would need, but I got impatient. I wasn't sure which way to go - high Ghz Intel or high cores AMD but I'm taking a gamble that the new sim will be written in a more modern way to take advantage of the extra cores and not be so dependent on raw speed on a single core (as current). If it turns out to be just more of the same-old same-old I guess I'll buy an X-Box! In the meantime though, P3Dv5 came out of the blue with DX12 and that certainly takes advantage of the extra cores so all of a sudden I got my P3D back. I'd pretty much given up on it as it was so slow and stuttery with any kind of complex scenery, and I certainly couldn't go anywhere near TE GB in v4 on my old box, not without cranking the settings back down to FSX like levels. I still really like XP, probably still my fav, but having all (well, most) of my P3D hangar back and with all the ORX stuff to explore all over again I shall be in pig-in-s*** mode for a while now.


10 hours ago, BradB said:

Grand set of shots Andy . :):)


9 hours ago, adambar said:

Some quality shots there Andy! :)

Cheers John, Adam. No great technique or anything, just out of the box and as it comes


8 hours ago, Ian St said:

Great shots. Out of interest, do you use any AI, if so how did the performance stack up?

Hi Ian, and thanks. Not using AI yet. I've never used it in the past, but got the Global Traffic package (JustFlight) for XP and that's transformed life there, so I've also bought the pre-release version for P3D but I haven't tried it yet. I'm still getting stuff set up on my new rig but I'm getting close to trying it out. Certainly, the XP version had no performance hit there.


6 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Great shots these Andy.

Thanks Iain, appreciated!


4 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

They look nice Andy but no offense, they look very dark, I think you mentioned you like it dark?

Thanks Jack. Yep, true. My sim monitor is quite bright naturally and I'm happy with that, and I do run with my brightness set down around 0.7 most of the time. It seems to give me the same sort of levels I get in XP and AFS2.

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40 minutes ago, paulk said:



Great shots, may I ask is that a payware version of LHR?

Hi Paul, and thanks. It is the Aerosoft/Simwings Heathrow Professional, but I thought I'd get away with it as it's Orbx TE all around it (and they don't make a EGLL anyway). And it is a really nice fit with TE GBS.

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