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LIEO - a bit disappointing

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as said in the title, I flew to Olbia yesterday for the first time and the visual impression on the approach were unfortunately inferior to my expected and well proven ORBX quality of integration of airports, the sourroundings and the base textures.

I flew May 2018 date within P3Dv4.4 and Active Sky weather of the day, wich was pretty good weather approaching from the east. The color match between airport terrain, the photoreal surroundings and FTX Europe are dissapointing compared to my other ORBX airports experience. The airport terrain, compared to the the countryside’s color looked more like fall than spring time. The color of the photoimage is very green with much to bright roads and buildings. It looks like it has not been adapted at all to better integrate between airport and the island textures.

This dicrepancy can also bee seen on the screenshots on the product page, but it is even more pronounced on my screen. And I’m not using any shader program or HDR.


I hope the designer will spend some time to develop a better match for all seasons of the year to make this airport par with what I used to see from ORBX.


I may add that I like the modelling and texturing of the airport itself and it deserves flying there having fun.

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Hi Alexander,


Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion.


I might just suggest that you post a few screenshots which display the issues you describe and point out which area you are not happy with.  This may help for two reasons.  First, there may be an issue which can be corrected which is causing the scenery not to display as intended.  Second, it will help the developer more with specific feedback rather than a broad description of any areas you are less than happy with.  As they say, "a picture is worth a thousand words".



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Please find attached three pictures from the approach perspective. I'm using different graphic settings depending on if I fly an airliner (IFR Flight) or a GA aircraft (VFR Flight) and I have added one picture with maximum graphics settings.

What you can see is that depending on the amount of generated autogen buildings, details and radius, the very bright white streets and roofs get covered and become less irritating. But LIEO is an airport you want to fly to also with a high-end airliner and then you need to reduce autogen and details and radius....and than the bright areal picture becomes irritating. Sure the maximum graphic settings are looking much better, but toning down the areal picture should help to improve the immersion with the lower settings and the airport area becomes less visual, all in all more homogenious.


Hope you will consider doing this.


VFR settings



IFR settings



MAX settings



Here two top down pictures with my VFR settings, so kind of 75& for autogen opjects and details.

You can clearly see that the underlying areal picture is very bright and from higher altitude you can see the different green areas at the airport, on the souraoundings areal picture area and the FTX EU regions



And from higher to see the total areal picture in the next posting...


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1 hour ago, Matteo Veneziani said:

I will try to improve the colour of the " green " area of the airport in the next update, maybe something more green-yellow is better.


First of all, thanks Matteo because it's an interesting location, I had a blast yesterday BUT I had to play with my color setting, there is something bizarre in plain day light, to much white? Not enough green I am not sure yet? Now i do think that it's a hard place to reproduce, the landscape is different over there.

As soon as you put the sun down a bit it become magical. I am building a video now on it, the airport itself is outstanding!!!!!!!!! 

Here is a real video and there is more green then your scenery, I think!


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Hi Matteo!


A very nice scenery indeed - thanks for making it.


Would you please add the short Approach Light System for runway 23 and the Runway End Identifier Lights (REIL) for both sides of the runway? Please find the ALS-configuration delivered by Lufthansa's LIDO - the little triangles are depicting the REIL. Jeppesen is showing the same status


And is it possible to light up the ALS for runway 05 much brighter? It's on but nearly unvisible. See below please...


Have a good time - take care!



Transaction ID / receipt number 5ca08104ec1f9




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2 hours ago, Bert Groner said:

Hi Matteo!


A very nice scenery indeed - thanks for making it.


Would you please add the short Approach Light System for runway 23 and the Runway End Identifier Lights (REIL) for both sides of the runway? Please find the ALS-configuration delivered by Lufthansa's LIDO - the little triangles are depicting the REIL. Jeppesen is showing the same status


And is it possible to light up the ALS for runway 05 much brighter? It's on but nearly unvisible. See below please...


Have a good time - take care!



Transaction ID / receipt number 5ca08104ec1f9




Hi Bert,


I will do for sure,  sorry for these errors.



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On 4/1/2019 at 6:25 AM, Matteo Veneziani said:

Hi Alexander,


I will try to improve the colour of the " green " area of the airport in the next update, maybe something more green-yellow is better.




Hello Matteo

Is it too much to ask for ship animation?

I think seeing those cruises departing or arriving would add an amazing experience. I've seen that in 3rd pty addons and looks great.

It would be nice you could make it


I have some elevation issues as I've compared pictures from other users. I use the Free Global Mesh


And last, I see the pier a little too simple. Can it be improved to look a bit more realistic than a flat image? I can't precise exactly what it requires but it shows kind of weird like if it needs a bit of volume or life.


And of course, I do like very much the scenery itself, the airport building is great and having one from Orbx for Italy is priceless


Thank you!



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Thank you Carlos,


the animated ship is something i wanted to add when i started with the project, but  after some evaluations I gave up because it would cause too many problems. Anyway an update is almost ready where i have corrected many things, improved and added new features. Also i have corrected the grass and the elevation issue reported with FS2018 pilot mesh.



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On 4/4/2019 at 9:06 AM, Bert Groner said:

Hello Carlos!

Do you know the freeware - worldwide - ship AI traffic made by Henrik Nielsen?




It could make a difference though you are right...


Best regards for now!



Hi Bert

Yes, I do and I have worldwide AI Ship traffic. I've seen ships departing or arriving from lots of places but not from here. Maybe the time?

But well, I thought that seeing Matteo's ones animated would be terrific.

Thank you Bert

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On 4/4/2019 at 11:40 AM, Matteo Veneziani said:

Thank you Carlos,


the animated ship is something i wanted to add when i started with the project, but  after some evaluations I gave up because it would cause too many problems. Anyway an update is almost ready where i have corrected many things, improved and added new features. Also i have corrected the grass and the elevation issue reported with FS2018 pilot mesh.



Thank you for the explanation Matteo, very much appreciated

I will be so looking forward for the elevation fix, thanks a lot

I like the scenery very much. San Diego is also fantastic

I want to profit and ask..are you considering more airports for Italy?

Ciao e grazie




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Well, I like it.  Could have done without the 'plane crashing into the mountain on the approach to 6 though!  I suppose it was my fault but I do wish controllers wouldn't give us incorrect altitudes to fly.



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I also see the bright white areas on Alexanders pictures, especially at the town of Olbia and in the surroundings. Looks quite unrealistic compared to real world.

Seems as if it is mixed up with snow textures.

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On 4/8/2019 at 11:55 AM, mopperle said:

I also see the bright white areas on Alexanders pictures, especially at the town of Olbia and in the surroundings. Looks quite unrealistic compared to real world.

Seems as if it is mixed up with snow textures.

Hi the color of the Pr has been improved in upcoming update.



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Just flew my first approach on the ILS to RWY05. All in all I think it's a great scenery for the price I paid compared to many over devs! 


Just the one thing to report, for the whole approach I had four whites on the PAPIs, I was bang on the glide in my aircraft. I know it's a 3.5deg glide maybe, they have 3 deg PAPIs? I may be completely wrong, I will have to fly another approach at some point to check. Sounds like a good enough excuse to do some more flying B) haha



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Hi Kian,


I have checked and the airport does match the charts in this respect for runway 23 and runway 05.  Runway 23 has a 3.0 degree ILS glide slope and PAPI angle, and runway 05 has a 3.5 degree ILS glide slope and PAPI angle.  ORBX's LIEO airport file matches this.



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Thanks a lot for the update on LIEO, Matteo - most appreciated - it's now a perfect embedded and complete scenery!


One last minor thing: I see the REIL flashing sequenced one after the other but they have to flash simulaneously.


Best regards!




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On 4/25/2019 at 9:52 AM, Bert Groner said:

Thanks a lot for the update on LIEO, Matteo - most appreciated - it's now a perfect embedded and complete scenery!


One last minor thing: I see the REIL flashing sequenced one after the other but they have to flash simulaneously.


Best regards!




Thanks Bert,


I'll look what i can do.



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