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Interesting ORBX Community


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I don't know if I should write these things, but it's really hard to believe that nearly nobody from the ORBX Community is saying THANK YOU ORBX for all these updated Airports with SODE and some other updates, especially because these 7 Updates are FREE!


A lot of people are complaining about really small things, they want it perfekt and for free. This will never happen in Flightsim. There are some issues, mostly you have to uninstall the old Version, and install after that the new one. Some people have to learn how SODE works, they never used ist. I understand this. I love SODE really, I need to donate Jeffrey for his fantastic Freeware Tool, I'm happy that ORBX is using this and not using an ORBX created Version.


I will be really happy if an Developer will create my Homeairports in this way (like ESSA or LDDU). I had two pay for my two Homeairports a charge for an P3Dv4 Installer, with Dynamic Lighting and maybe some changes (I didnt't find them really). And its even better, after I pay a charge for one of these airport I can finally use it. Before I had to load another one and then change to my Homeairport, then it was possible to use. Without these way, runway and taxiway textures are missing. A lot of people are complaining about this, but this was not interesting for the Developer. And here I'm reading about really small things what's really bad, I can't believe. Yes I know, the Homeairport need to be perfekt, but don't complain only, say also THANK YOU. The developers and ORBX need fun for the rest of the Airports to update with SODE. And these will hopefully also be free, so we community need to appreciate this hard work.


I'll buy even more (ok, not really possible, I have them all - only two missing) airports with SODE!


Thanks ORBX

Thanks Jeffrey (SODE)




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14 minutes ago, lawrence aldrich said:

On the other hand, happy customers breed successful companies and good profits.



I think I'm a good customer in your opinion (they received a lot of money from my account), but I can say also Thank you. But maybe things changed in the world.


ORBX People are Human and no machines. And I think: A normal ORBX-Developer can't look at the ORBX Bankaccount.

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In my line of business, no news is good news :D That mean customers are happy and all is well.

But on the other hand.... :'( news is bad news.


I see a lot of thanks and bravo here, when I decide to do a video on an ORBX product it is a BIG THANK YOU way of saying that I appreciate the product.


You gave me an idea.. I will go play with SODE now and make a little video :rolleyes:



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39 minutes ago, Benny said:

In my line of business, no news is good news :D That mean customers are happy and all is well.

But on the other hand.... :'( news is bad news.


I see a lot of thanks and bravo here, when I decide to do a video on an ORBX product it is a BIG THANK YOU way of saying that I appreciate the product.


You gave me an idea.. I will go play with SODE now and make a little video :rolleyes:



You're right. No News are good news. But it's bad if you read only: thats bad, that's not working, why not this way , .....


I've complained about some airports as well. But first, I say thank you for your great work (really, that's my real opinion). Maybe you can have a look at this or that and you can and if possible fix at the next update. Developers and Beta Tester won't see everything.


I'm waiting for your video. Great idea. Where can I find you video's? Community Videos? Youtube?





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1 hour ago, Urmel81 said:


I've complained about some airports as well.


I did that once here (At that time I was not happy with the quality of a scenery) many years ago... and i was banned :ph34r: with reasons. But I came back and apologize.

What I said made sense it's the way I said it.


I have been a good boy since, ha ha ha.


It's the problem everywhere, non constructive stuff, bashing, trolling. There is a thread now about someone that doesn't like SODE, Nick told him (or others) don't use it, ha ha. Plain and simple.

ORBX forum as became a community for a lot of member, I'm sure that a lot of people here come more then once a day just to see what did happen in the past few hours (I just did so :rolleyes:)

Or just to see new screenshot.


What you wrote up there is superb not to say sublime!


A long time ago... well not so long I did a video on Palm Spring, I did it for Jarrad, I pushed myself to honor is GREAT work, I did the same for a few others guys at ORBX, I did another one for Maurizio for it's great Canberra city scene.


It's my way of saying thanks.

Cheers, Ben

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5 hours ago, Urmel81 said:

nearly nobody from the ORBX Community is saying THANK YOU ORBX for all these updated Airports with SODE and some other updates, especially because these 7 Updates are FREE!


Jeffrey, thanks for the reminder that ORBX is people and people need to be appreciated when they do good work. I join you in celebrating JV and the ORBX staff. THANK YOU, ORBX PEOPLE, for all the great products and for your customer care. You are indeed much appreciated!

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Yes indeed, I say thank you very much Orbx, and in particular Tony W, who for a very long time has been a tireless and may I guess underpaid developer of freeware XPlane elements, giving us so much ground breaking work. And in particular Oscar Pilote for the incredible Ortho4xp application. This has led to the TE series which is the pinnacle of photo scenery, only getting better and better. Having Orbx resources to take it all to another level is beyond awesome for this simmer. :) 


For so many years XPlane has been a labor of love and the culmination of so many freeware developers that we owe a lot to.


And don't forget, though we may lament the fact that our own houses or locale may not look 100% accurate in the sim we have the option of embellishing scenery with WED or Overlay Editor. Really not hard at all if we invest an hour or two learning how :)  It opens up incredible possibilities.


Yes indeed, thank you very much!


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This actually happened at the last Flight Sim conference over dinner. A waiter went up to a table full of Flight Simmers with the bill and said "Did we get anything right?" :lol:


I agree with the OP and appreciate the latest SODE updates as well, and free, not sure how people can complain about that :ph34r:

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Thanks to Stefan and everyone for bringing this up and all the great responses.   Being a beta tester is my way of saying thanks to Orbx for all the great products and untold hours of enjoyment I had up until N California was being tested.  That's when I became a tester, through my friend Neil Hill.  I had bought all Orbx products up until then and yes, I get the new stuff free, but I spend a lot of time pouring over things as they are developed, tested, changed and retested.  Yep, we miss stuff and it always amazes me something can get by us...ha ha   A labor of love, so to speak.  I'm lucky to have the time to do this and be part of a great community.


Heading the Flt Sim Conference this summer in Orlando.....can't wait!

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On 1/31/2019 at 5:49 AM, Urmel81 said:


I think I'm a good customer in your opinion (they received a lot of money from my account), but I can say also Thank you. But maybe things changed in the world.


ORBX People are Human and no machines. And I think: A normal ORBX-Developer can't look at the ORBX Bankaccount.

True.....besides ,any good developer will be the first to tell you that "normal developer" is an oxymoron.   :D

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