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When will this stop?!!


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When will FTX Central STOP messing around with the P3dv4 scenery.cfg and screw layers up?!!

This has going one for years now leaving us hours to put the pieces back to order!




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FTX Central only does as it is told.

All the FTX scenery libraries are added in one block, wherever you choose that to be.

All the OLC entries are added wherever you choose them to be but ideally they should

be immediately under the FTX block.

All but one of the Vector entries are placed under Africa and one above default scenery.

That is all that it does to the scenery library.

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Then it's told wrong!

Random unpredictable instances and issues occurs to other addon airports. Aircraft taxing on runways, heavy gates are randomly turned into small gates, etc, etc....after executing the  FTX Vector cfg tool. 

Would you please do something to this tool, once and for all!   

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5 minutes ago, Triplane said:

Forget to take your meds today? There is nothing wrong with FTXCentral. Lighten up a bit and listen to Nick..........


You bet there is! Guess you been lucky and haven't found out yet.

Developers are complaining as well, but nothing has been done to correct the errors so far!  

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33 minutes ago, Morten said:


You bet there is! Guess you been lucky and haven't found out yet.

Developers are complaining as well, but nothing has been done to correct the errors so far!  

There's nothing to correct.  If there were, there would be thousands of complaints.  Yours is the only one, sorry to say.  Take a deep breath and try to follow Nick's advice.

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Greetings Morten

I know you requested to be assisted only by Orbx staff, this is usual to do when one is too frustrated but please be aware that there is a lot of capable people in the fourum to assist you (due to their experience and time time following all the posts)

Nick has told how the applications work but in a general way, I think this requires a major explanation as I have the impression you don't really understand how the set up should be. Also the top head in Orbx to reply on things like this is Nick himslef, so you've receive the highest assistance from Orbx.


I believe that based on your comments, that you have to fix airports after you run the vector tool, is due to a wrong setting in your FTX Central. I issued long ago a series of pictures that show how the FTX entries and Land class entries should be.  Would you mind taking a look at these and verify if your settings are accordingly? and then see if all your airports problems have been solved?. Also I understood there is no need to be running the vector tool often. If you find an airport with elevation problems just search its ICAO code in the vector application and then enable or disable depending on the field it shows. I do this a lot as I have tons of third party addons.  If you only have ORBX staff then is it for sure a wrong setting.


First step update your libraries


Here the pictures:


You go to settings:



Inthe middle of the screen you'll find the option to set correctly your FTX entries and the LC entries. You will see on the right some arrows to display



The FTX entries musht go below your very first third party addon. In my case the a mesh for south and central america



And the OLClass should go below yout FTX entries



So when you continue adding third party sceneries they will install above FTX entries, and all Orbx products will install automaticattly where they have to, with no need you do anything



I hope this works and solves the problem for you.


An advise. When we are angry about something showing wrong our first sensations is impotence, the feeling of having paid for something that doesn't work and we cannot seemed to fix easily, second reaction is to demand an authority to solve it, as we think they must and we deserve. Based on these we tend to be kind of rude or too demanding. No one here, ot even the developers are guilty of your problem as it is proved that works for the rest of us properly. Most of the times is ourselves that do something wrong due to ignorace, mainly lack of experience or knowledge. Orbx is created to work perfectly for itself but when we add third party stuff then some things need to be done, but if you find these issues just ask, don't attack. 

Orbx is like a little child everybody is happy with, if you are aggressive to it the hold community will smash you, like a lioness protecting a cub. Besides there is no need to be aggressive, you get better results by just asking, sometimes they delay in the replies but you can ask again, they might be just busy as we all are.


I really wish your problem gets fixed by doing this, that is it is just a setting issue. If not, explain to Nick your whole situation he might have alternative thoughts.


Ver best,



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Hi Carlos


Thank you indeed for your kind and constructive contribution to the subject.

I really hope that my issue is only just a matter of correct insertions as you point out...? 


I have been very busy lately - this weekend however I have some spare time and hopefully I will get things right the next couple of days.

But as you can see from my screenshot my insertions should already be correct and still FTX Central create configuration errors.

(CDSEXX referring to files from the third party addon Night Environment / Black Marble)



FTX Central Insertions.JPG

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Hi Morten


It's a pleasure. Noted on being busy, no worries.


As far as I can see you do have the entries correctly set up.


I'm not familiar with this CDSEXX product...wonder if it could be causing any trouble..  Hope someone around could shade a light on this.. maybe someone has it.


As your settings seemed to be alright, the only thing that comes to my mind is to ask you if it is possible for you to share some pictures of your issues...


That would be very helpful for the developers, Nick or other members, as they might identify the reasons of your problem by watching them. For example, I know that some black and orange ground textures are produced by land class bgls in third-party add-ons, I suffered a lot with those with Fly Tampa sceneries, until identified this was the reason.


By just what you wrote, it is a little difficult to have a precise idea "picture" of the problem. If you are able to provide these pictures or a more precise description of the problem I'm sure you'll get the desired and deserved assistance.


My experience in solving issues is still too basic, sorry, I try to learn by all the posts I read and called my attention, but I'm sure Nick will give you the proper guidance if you go a little deeper on detail and provide images of the issues


Keep us posted when able


Very best,



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Hi Carlos 


and anyone with knowledge and skills into this matter. My issues is not of graphic character so there is no point in bringing up photos in this context.

It's about strange behavior in airports in general - not just one airport from one particular developer - here's a few examples:

- Gates are randomly changed from Heavy to Medium or Small in the P3Dv4 dialog box, and the other way around.

- When choosing a gate to start up at, the aircraft wont start up at the chosen gate, but instead randomly away from any gate in the middle of nowhere, fare from any gates.

- AI traffic taxing on runways and takeoff from taxiways!

..and so on.


What I noticed lately is that I don't even have to execute anything inside the FTX Central - My scenery.cfg and Terrain.cfg is in fact being altered and becoming useless  already the moment I launch the FTX Central, without touching anything at all!!


Fortunately, during a very long and unhappy time with FTX Central, starting from FSX and on to P3D,  I'm getting use to keep backups of both my scenery and terrain cfg's from before launching the FTX Central!  


I really wonder what the heck is going on, but as for you Carlos, I'm not a programmer so I don't have any clue whatsoever...





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Hi Morten


Your case seems really strange and unique as I have not seen similar reports.


My impression is that maybe the AI traffic program you're using might be causing a conflict. It's my theory because nothing in the FTX Central messes with the gates and produces your airplanes to take off from where you report or star at distance as you said.


But I do think you are messing your sim by putting back you scenery and terrain files that you back up. Every time you run FTX Central the application put back in order all Orbx products and fixes what it finds wrong, so if you after running FTX C, you put back those files then your sim will go crazy I believe. There is a post from Elaine that I would recommend you to follow.


If I was you I would do it and then test the sim.


Let me search for it and I'll be back soon.





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Hi Morten


Here below is poppet's (Elain) post that I pasted for another user who had issues




Shaders folder

Prepar 3D Cfg file

and terrain file


Then restart the sim for it to create these files/folders again. Once launched and ready close it, then start FTX Central, let it do its work, finishes the activation of the products. Then closed it and start the sim again and test.


I'm pasting here a post from Elaine related to textures issues, but I trust it might help you as well with your issue as what it seems you need is to get your sim and ORBX straight:


Also, here is a quick test you can try,   This will not affect any of your 3rd party software.  Note:  Please read the complete post before carrying out these steps. 


Delete the following 4 generated files and folders.  These will generate again when Prepar3D is launched.  


You will just need to adjust your graphic \ scenery settings again to your preference via Prepar3D > Options when you delete the Prepar3D.cfg file  


1) Prepar3D.cfg file.    2) Shaders folder.    3) SceneryIndexes_x64  folder.  4) Terrain.cfg file
Copy the 3 set's of Tex below and Paste them into your windows search bar, One by One and click on the result,  this will bring you directly to the correct locations



1) Right click and Delete the Prepar3D.cfg file

%APPDATA%\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4



2) Right click and Delete the Shaders folder 

%LOCALAPPDATA%\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4



3) Right click and Delete the SceneryIndexes_x64 folder.  Not the Scenery.cfg file  


C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\SceneryIndexes_x64


4) Right click and Delete the Terrain.cfg file

%PROGRAMDATA%\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4



Note: Launch Prepar3D to the splash screen,  Then Close it down again.  The files and folder will generate again as default.


Now Launch the FTX Central control panel and wait 15 \ 20  seconds and close it.   This will reconfigure the Orbx entries in the terrain.cfg file. 


Then launch Prepar3D and test 


I really hope it solves your problem


It would be good also to check if your AI traffic package is totally compatible. I would turn it off just to test if there is an improvement.


If this doesn't fix your problem


Good luck and let us know.







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Thank you all!  Love a good rant.


I graduated from an Apple flight sim to MS Flight Sim with a new 486x2 computer in 1994.  I am a retired programmer/MS Professional/IT Manager of 8 years.  'Short in tooth' as we call it in the rural areas of America. 


I have learned that with bloatware programming and an adware environment anything might and could happen supporting MS7/ MSX on multiple, independent software.  Add a bunch of FREEWARE and older DX9 graphics/addons you sooner or later will have issues.  What usually adds to our problems is our hardware. 


If you want to to run something like P3D4.3+, being on WinX with the latest generation supported hardware/software will be needed.


Wish you the best in your flightsimming.



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On 8/31/2018 at 2:37 PM, Morten said:

Hi Carlos 


and anyone with knowledge and skills into this matter. My issues is not of graphic character so there is no point in bringing up photos in this context.

It's about strange behavior in airports in general - not just one airport from one particular developer - here's a few examples:

- Gates are randomly changed from Heavy to Medium or Small in the P3Dv4 dialog box, and the other way around.

- When choosing a gate to start up at, the aircraft wont start up at the chosen gate, but instead randomly away from any gate in the middle of nowhere, fare from any gates.

- AI traffic taxing on runways and takeoff from taxiways!

..and so on.


What I noticed lately is that I don't even have to execute anything inside the FTX Central - My scenery.cfg and Terrain.cfg is in fact being altered and becoming useless  already the moment I launch the FTX Central, without touching anything at all!!


Fortunately, during a very long and unhappy time with FTX Central, starting from FSX and on to P3D,  I'm getting use to keep backups of both my scenery and terrain cfg's from before launching the FTX Central!  


I really wonder what the heck is going on, but as for you Carlos, I'm not a programmer so I don't have any clue whatsoever...






A lot have speculated, but I just wonder if you are running anything other than MS software for system, virus and ransomware utilities.  If you are I recommend you get rid of them and start reloading your game software.  I have seen this in many "free to try spyware/ransomware/virus and system 'speedup' programming.  These products are $$$ conware and will drive a good man to drink.  And YES, many will swear by them.





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I also have a gripe with FTXCentral, because it seems to ignore sceneries that are added via .xml-method. On start-up it seems to re-enumerate the scenery.cfg, but in doing so it spreads .xml-added-sceneries throughout the layers, whereas before they were in discrete blocks. It looks something like this:


Before starting FTXCentral:

Layer 9 Scenery I via .cfg

Layer 8 Scenery H via .cfg

Layer 7 Scenery G via .cfg

Layer 6 Scenery F via .xml

Layer 5 Scenery E via .xml

Layer 4 Scenery D via .cfg

Layer 3 Scenery C via .cfg

Layer 2 Scenery B via .xml

Layer 1 Scenery A via .cfg


After running FTXCentral:

Layer 6 Scenery F via .xml

Layer 6 Scenery I via .cfg

Layer 5 Scenery E via .xml

Layer 5 Scenery H via .cfg

Layer 4 Scenery G via .cfg

Layer 3 Scenery D via .cfg

Layer 2 Scenery B via .xml

Layer 2 Scenery C via .cfg

Layer 1 Scenery A via .cfg


So what seems to happen here? FTXCentral checks the scenery.cfg and, ignoring the .xmls, thinks there are gaps in the enumeration (1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9). It corrects that (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), and P3D then loads the sceneries in the new order, sorting the .xml above .cfg if the layer number is the same. At least this is my opinion at the moment.

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52 minutes ago, demio said:

I also have a gripe with FTXCentral, because it seems to ignore sceneries that are added via .xml-method. On start-up it seems to re-enumerate the scenery.cfg, but in doing so it spreads .xml-added-sceneries throughout the layers, whereas before they were in discrete blocks. It looks something like this:


Before starting FTXCentral:

Layer 9 Scenery I via .cfg

Layer 8 Scenery H via .cfg

Layer 7 Scenery G via .cfg

Layer 6 Scenery F via .xml

Layer 5 Scenery E via .xml

Layer 4 Scenery D via .cfg

Layer 3 Scenery C via .cfg

Layer 2 Scenery B via .xml

Layer 1 Scenery A via .cfg


After running FTXCentral:

Layer 6 Scenery F via .xml

Layer 6 Scenery I via .cfg

Layer 5 Scenery E via .xml

Layer 5 Scenery H via .cfg

Layer 4 Scenery G via .cfg

Layer 3 Scenery D via .cfg

Layer 2 Scenery B via .xml

Layer 2 Scenery C via .cfg

Layer 1 Scenery A via .cfg


So what seems to happen here? FTXCentral checks the scenery.cfg and, ignoring the .xmls, thinks there are gaps in the enumeration (1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9). It corrects that (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), and P3D then loads the sceneries in the new order, sorting the .xml above .cfg if the layer number is the same. At least this is my opinion at the moment.

Is there a scenery problem with FTX Central re-ordering your scenery entries?  The fact that FTX Central cannot see your .xml entries is normal and shouldn't be a problem unless there is an elevation problem you need to correct with the Vector AEC tool.

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because FTX Central works only on the scenery.cfg file, it

cannot see the xml scenery library entries and cannot therefore do anything to them.


I do not use xml entries but is it possible that you have created and ordered your own

and that P3D is placing them as you have told it to?


Try posting your scenery.cfg file here, so we can take a look.

Ideally, post two versions, one how you would like it to be and the seond how it is after your have run FTX Central.

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7 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:

because FTX Central works only on the scenery.cfg file, it

cannot see the xml scenery library entries and cannot therefore do anything to them.


I do not use xml entries but is it possible that you have created and ordered your own

and that P3D is placing them as you have told it to?


Try posting your scenery.cfg file here, so we can take a look.

Ideally, post two versions, one how you would like it to be and the seond how it is after your have run FTX Central.


Hi Nick


Thanks for trying to sort this out.

Just not sure who you are referring to, asking for the scenery.cfg's  - "demio", me or both of us..?



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Sounds as a good idea. I mean after all it was me who started the topic because of issues...

demio probably has the same issues as I have anyway. In my case, I haven't created my own xml entries or anything else.


Getting late here. I'll post the cfg's up tomorrow evening.

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23 hours ago, Stewart Hobson said:

Is there a scenery problem with FTX Central re-ordering your scenery entries?  The fact that FTX Central cannot see your .xml entries is normal and shouldn't be a problem unless there is an elevation problem you need to correct with the Vector AEC tool.

Hi Stewart, yes, there is, like I described. For the AEC tool I use the export function of P4AO, which temporarily moves all .xml-sceneries into the scenery.cfg, so that the AEC tool can browse it - works very well. It then restores all the config files.


22 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:

because FTX Central works only on the scenery.cfg file, it

cannot see the xml scenery library entries and cannot therefore do anything to them.


I do not use xml entries but is it possible that you have created and ordered your own

and that P3D is placing them as you have told it to?


Try posting your scenery.cfg file here, so we can take a look.

Ideally, post two versions, one how you would like it to be and the seond how it is after your have run FTX Central.

Hi Nick, you are partly correct. FTXC doesn't touch the .xml files, but it reorganizes the scenery.cfg, which then mixes up the priorities. Yes, I have created hundreds of .xml scenery entries, almost all with the nifty P4AO. It orders the layers with unique layer numbers, and P3D has no problem with it - i.e. P3D doesn't change anything around. I will post a before and after of the .cfg as soon as I have the chance (not flying much these days).





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Dimitri,  Clearly FTX Central isn't designed to accommodate custom-designed ordering of the scenery.cfg.  It places the Orbx stuff exactly where and in the correct order it is supposed to be.  The Insertion Tool then places the FTX entries wherever the user wishes them to be placed.  I would only say that custom ordering of your scenery.cfg can lead to problems and it's best left to FTX Central to arrange things the way they are supposed to be.

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Hi Nick


Now I attached the scenery.cfg before opening the FTX Central and after.

As mentioned before , I haven't created my own xml entries or any other layer manipulation whatsoever.


Also screenshots of the P3Dv4 entrance, before and after - note the first indication of something that has gone wrong after loading the FTX Central: GATE B10 has turned from Gate Heavy (correct) to Gate Medium (wrong):    



EKCH Correct Before.JPG

EKCH Wrong After.JPG

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Hi Morten,


according to your "before" scenery.cfg the selected insertion point, "CDSEXX", is the third from the top of your scenery library menu. And that's exactly where FTXCentral inserts the FTX and openLC block, meaning from fourth position on down.


If you want to retain the priority of your "before" scenery.cfg then you should select "LIPX-Verona-Villafranca-RFSB P3Dv4" instead.


Cheers, Holger

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8 hours ago, Morten said:

No Nick, the  FTX entry has been exactly the same all along with correct insertion points and with no guidance in green or yellow text whatsoever!



The image is a guide from a topic named How to operate the FTX Central Insertion Point tool

and it states in green at the top that the yellow text will not be seen in FTX Central.

It also shows clearly where the insertion point should be placed and Holger has kindly explained exactly

what you should do and why what you have done is creating the problem.

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18 hours ago, Stewart Hobson said:

Dimitri,  Clearly FTX Central isn't designed to accommodate custom-designed ordering of the scenery.cfg.  It places the Orbx stuff exactly where and in the correct order it is supposed to be.  The Insertion Tool then places the FTX entries wherever the user wishes them to be placed.  I would only say that custom ordering of your scenery.cfg can lead to problems and it's best left to FTX Central to arrange things the way they are supposed to be.

I disagree. First, the placement inside the layers isn't the problem. Second, in my opinion, my ordering isn't anything unusual oder custom-designed. Yes, I use a mix of .cfg and .xml, but afaIk that's how LM designed it (as I said before, P3D doesn't have a problem with it). As I see it, because FTXC doesn't know anything about the .xml files (which is why P4AO offers that work-around), it only sees that the layer enumeration in the .cfg has gaps and then "corrects" that, which leads to the aforementioned problems.

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