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On ‎7‎/‎31‎/‎2018 at 6:17 AM, Stillwater said:

I have no idea where you are, mate.

But this looks like a hot shot!

I was hoping you knew Gerold as I am totally lost too.:o

It is actually just to the east of Brunei.;)

It would help if I spelt it properly, it is Labuan not Lambuan!:rolleyes:

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23 hours ago, Wakashi said:

Grand shot of what looks like a remote area! :)

Cheers Roger, quite a lot of goings on  along the coast here.

Labuan is finance, oil and gas centre as well as many other export products.


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22 hours ago, Captain Lars said:

Remote for sure! It delivers a good idea of freedom, though. Somehow I thought about Solomon and the Queen of Sheba (because we call Sheba "Saba", that's why)…

Remote when you get inland.

Many years ago we had the Saba furniture warehouse which is mostly remembered for its dreadful adverts, mostly in the small hours when very few people were watching television.

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20 hours ago, Bermuda425 said:

Yeah, and I bet the plane delivers a goodly number of food supplies too, like Hershey bars and Heinz' baked beans!

Place your order (within reason) Erik and we can deliver it for you.

Service with a smile.:):D:lol:

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18 hours ago, adambar said:

Hershey bars and Heinz' baked beans and a few beers. :wacko:  I wouldn't want to be couped up in that plane to long, that could get quite nasty :D

Don't worry Adam, we do have breathing apparatus and Hazchem suits on board.

The plane is thoroughly hosed down, inside and out, after every flight.

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