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17 minutes ago, carlosqr said:

HiFlyer you're so mean... you're breaking Celso's heart :rolleyes:

Nice sky color

Would you happen to have Gold Cost so you can do a test too, pls?


I do. I'll take a look, but it might take a few hours to upload.

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Yup, seems heading into the area at high speeds can cause blurries, but they do clear up.


Black buildings, and problems with Gold Coast itself are not evident, so I suspect the fault is related to the age old FSX/P3D/ESP engines issues with ground texture loading, written large by unknown factors on certain peoples systems.



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12 hours ago, Doug Sawatzky said:

Hi Elaine


Could you please try the flight in question LEGE to LEBL and let us know your results? :)


Hello Doug


Yes Indeed,  I will be in front of my flying PC on Sunday night 


As you know users have been experiencing Issues with texture rendering and autogen loading in patch's,  Reported in v4.1 and now users are reporting this in v4.3 on the public and Beta Forums. Lockheed Martin are aware of this and Improvements are in the works. 


Not exclusive to Orbx obviously,  Other Scenery vendors and photoscenery as well.  


The steps i posted are the first steps you would do when faced with this type of Issue,  As plenty of users may experience blurries  due to muddled .cfg files.  When this has been eliminated the user can then look at hardware, software and of course Prepar3D for this problem.


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11 hours ago, carlosqr said:

Hello Elaine


Here is my Gold Cost after doing all of what you have instructed. Default P3D settings







Hello carlosqr


Does this Image clear up after some time or is it just like a picture on the ground ?   For example:  If you leave it for a minute or two does it become clear ? 


What other Add On's do you have Installed ?   What are your computer specs ?


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13 hours ago, carlosqr said:

Dear Elaine


I'm not English native speaker, so I'm sorry for not understanding very well this question:




What do you mean by overclocked? and what the procedure will be?


I'm following the rest of the indications right now. I'll advise about the results for my specific scenery


Thank you!



To Overclock hardware is to basically make it faster and more powerful,  It would Involve pushing the value past the default configuration.   Overclocking hardware is only recommended for people who know what they are doing Or maybe want to learn about this procedure.   If you are not careful you will break stuff :)     You can also be left with all types of problems after a bad overclock.


Personally I don't bother with it at all  

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On 7/16/2018 at 11:40 PM, Celso Filho said:

running on 4K



Hello Celso 


I never got into 4K,  So I can't be of much help to you i'm afraid.   4K can Introduce an extra layer of complications (Sometimes) 


There is a 10 page Topic on the Avsim Forum about this very Issue.  There is one or 2 users using 4K and are discussing this problem (Cant remember what page)  

Have a read though it,  Maybe you might find some of the suggestions helpfull


If not,  Can you please tell me What Add On's you have currently Installed ? 



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If you're getting these photoreal ground texture blurries, try the following to see if it helps:


In your Nvidia control panel settings, remove all settings for P3D.  Set everything to Off or Application Controlled.  The AA settings etc are done within the program.

In your P3D graphics, untick the ground detail textures option, and also you can try setting the texture res to 2048 x 2048.

You can untick the apartment blocks and roof details options in the Barcelona Control panel without affecting the look of the city.

Try an approach to the city at 200 knots or less, preferably in a not too demanding aircraft.


Let me know how you go.


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6 hours ago, Elaine Dixon said:



Hello carlosqr


Does this Image clear up after some time or is it just like a picture on the ground ?   For example:  If you leave it for a minute or two does it become clear ? 


What other Add On's do you have Installed ?   What are your computer specs ? 



Dear Elaine

I continued flying until reaching Brisbane so I couldn't tell if the ground was fixed as I continued flying, but I'm going to test it now. Just a strange thing I noticed when arrived in Brisbane. The runway flicks and when about to land all turns black (without texture) then when textures return the airplane livery dissapeared. I changed the plane for the avatar as I wanted to explore the airport (this was at night already) and the avatar was black too, whotout texture. I changed it for the king air and black too, so I changed to day and all got color again. Changed to the avatar and texture went off. I have not tried it again to see if this was an isolated issue but as it is close to Gold Coast wonder id there could be any sort of relationship..


While I try Gold Cost again here are my specs and settings:



 ASUS motherboard

Windows 7 professional















I'll let you know about GC, my game its taking the whole life to start :(



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12 minutes ago, Stewart Hobson said:

Carlos,  Is it really necessary to run your sim at unlimited frame rate?  Also, why set Dynamic Lighting "on" when it's daytime?


Hi Stewart

Actually I have some addons that future the dynamic lighting, so I thought that in order for it to work I should have that feature ticked. As per the unlimited frame rate, well, most of people have it that way so I put the slider that way :-[

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1 hour ago, carlosqr said:


Hi Stewart

Actually I have some addons that future the dynamic lighting, so I thought that in order for it to work I should have that feature ticked. As per the unlimited frame rate, well, most of people have it that way so I put the slider that way :-[

Hi, Carlos.  I have some addons that feature dynamic lighting, too, but I turn it off during daylight hours  ;).  And sa Nick has stated elsewhere, setting frame rate to unlimited only results in the sim devoting its resources to getting as fast a frame rate as possible instead of giving resources to other more important tasks, like giving draw commands to the graphics card, etc.  So you get blurries as a result.  The fact that you get a clear result in your above pic after allowing the graphics card time to draw is evidence for this.

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Thanks Stewart,

I would add that limiting the frame rate is probably the more common practice and that those who

do not are probably the more common exponents of how their ways are better than anyone else's.


In many computer games, apparently a huge frame rate is an advantage, not so in FSX and P3D flight

simulators where, as Stewart mentions, it can be a considerable disadvantage.


Rather than take the word of most people, why not give it a try, at say 24 fps.

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7 hours ago, John Dow said:

If you're getting these photoreal ground texture blurries, try the following to see if it helps:


In your Nvidia control panel settings, remove all settings for P3D.  Set everything to Off or Application Controlled.  The AA settings etc are done within the program.

In your P3D graphics, untick the ground detail textures option, and also you can try setting the texture res to 2048 x 2048.

You can untick the apartment blocks and roof details options in the Barcelona Control panel without affecting the look of the city.

Try an approach to the city at 200 knots or less, preferably in a not too demanding aircraft.


Let me know how you go.


Thank you John


So far just by changing my Fps (as per Nick's suggestion above) solved it for me



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35 minutes ago, carlosqr said:

So far just by changing my Fps (as per Nick's suggestion above) solved it for me


On a side note, your graphics settings are far too high for your hardware in combination with Orbx Barcelona.  Using 8XSSAA is asking too much of your GPU (1050).  In addition to limiting your FPS I would suggest you turn down some settings 4XMSAA, 2048 x 2048 textures (or even 1024 x 1024) and lower your Terrain autogen distance two notches below max.


Cheers, Rob.

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3 hours ago, Rob Ainscough said:


On a side note, your graphics settings are far too high for your hardware in combination with Orbx Barcelona.  Using 8XSSAA is asking too much of your GPU (1050).  In addition to limiting your FPS I would suggest you turn down some settings 4XMSAA, 2048 x 2048 textures (or even 1024 x 1024) and lower your Terrain autogen distance two notches below max.


Cheers, Rob.


Hi Rob

Thank you for the advise, I'll test it as I still struggle a little in DD New York.



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They probably will be removed, unless you can leave some of them?  Moving forward you may want to use an image host as per the below topic and there would be no limit.



I also deleted the previous posts about this issue so we can keep this thread on topic.  :)



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6 hours ago, Rob Ainscough said:


On a side note, your graphics settings are far too high for your hardware in combination with Orbx Barcelona.  Using 8XSSAA is asking too much of your GPU (1050).  In addition to limiting your FPS I would suggest you turn down some settings 4XMSAA, 2048 x 2048 textures (or even 1024 x 1024) and lower your Terrain autogen distance two notches below max.


Cheers, Rob.


Hi Rob


New York runs a lot better with 1024 x 1024 but instead of 4XMSAA I chose 4XSSAA because the other ones gives a flikering/sharpness I don't like. so far textures load faster (still some black when you change views but load fast) no bluries, I lset theTerrain autogen distance at very high instead of extreamly high because I love to see lots of buildings, but of course testing the performance.

Thank you very much for the advise, I wasn't aware I had such a weak computer :(



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9 hours ago, carlosqr said:

I wasn't aware I had such a weak computer


Your weakest link is your GPU (the 1050) ... if you prefer using SSAA then you might want to consider stepping up to a better GPU as SSAA is very demanding on the GPU.


Cheers, Rob.

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1 minute ago, Rob Ainscough said:


Your weakest link is your GPU (the 1050) ... if you prefer using SSAA then you might want to consider stepping up to a better GPU as SSAA is very demanding on the GPU.


Cheers, Rob.


Ok noted, thank you

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