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Further along the Sunshine Coast.


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After having a look around YBSU I decided to fly down the coast to see what else there was.



Leaving YBSU behind in the light rain.


Over the Maroochy River Conservation Park.


The mouth of the Maroochy River. Maroochydore is named from the local language meaning red bill after the bill of the Black Swans seen in the area.



Now at Mooloolaba and one of the many canal residential areas.


Turning for YCDR at Moffat Beach.


Over Nicklin Way with some traffic lights, something I don't notice that often. In the sim I mean and not when I am out driving!


In the distance are the magnificent Glasshouse Mountains.


Passing the Sunshine Coast Turf Club's facilities at Meridian Plains.


A nice soft touchdown after the heavy T&G at YBSU earlier.



The rain is falling heavier now.


Hope you enjoyed the flights along the Sunshine Coast.

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1 hour ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Excellent tour Martyn!  Thanks!  I love those canal homes, wouldn't that be cool to live like that?  And those place names, I love it.  Australia is such a cool place!

I visited this area in 1999 and was amazed by the place names with all the oo's! :huh:

I never thought, Jack,  I would end up living in Mooroopna.:lol:

I am happy you liked the flight.

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10 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

I visited this area in 1999 and was amazed by the place names with all the oo's! :huh:

I never thought, Jack,  I would end up living in Mooroopna.:lol:

I am happy you liked the flight.

If I ever get the chance I know where I want to visit!

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1 minute ago, rick66 said:

Fantastic Martyn, and you didn`t even call in for a Virtual Beer at my local....!    :)

How remiss of me Rick, I shall bear that in mind next time I visit.:)

Thanks for commenting BTW.

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What a booooring area, always sea, beach and those weekend houses of the wealthy. Good that we just have s to visit it in virtual (means: thank you for posting, Martyn).


17 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

I visited this area in 1999 and was amazed by the place names with all the oo's! :huh:

I never thought, Jack,  I would end up living in Mooroopna.:lol:

Tooooo great tooo read all thoooose names. And gooood tooo knooow that you and @kiwi stu are goood representatives of the oooo-towns, tooo!

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8 hours ago, Stillwater said:

What a booooring area, always sea, beach and those weekend houses of the wealthy. Good that we just have s to visit it in virtual (means: thank you for posting, Martyn).


Tooooo great tooo read all thoooose names. And gooood tooo knooow that you and @kiwi stu are goood representatives of the oooo-towns, tooo!

Yooooour coooooments appear to be way oooooooooover the toooooop Geroooooold!:huh::o:lol:

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