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One cold day in Yosemite

Jack Sawyer

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6 hours ago, mikee said:

Beautiful Shots Jack , well done :rolleyes:

Thanks Mike! :rolleyes:

6 hours ago, stewart1 said:

What fantastic set of screen shots Jack and yellow and blue  aircraft as well what more do you want kept you happy and Martyn and John regards stewart 

Thanks Stewart, like to try to keep people happy. :)

3 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Fantastic snowy scenes here Jack.

Looks absolutely freezing hope you have plenty of coal on board to your fire going.:lol:

Thanks Martyn!  Yep, chopped it myself, I had some help from the Lady in Red. :wub:

3 hours ago, Stillwater said:

Some frosty looking shots, el capitan Jack!

Thanks Gerold!  I like the winter, I'm startin' to take a shine to it.

2 hours ago, BradB said:

Sensational shots Mr. Jack !! .





Thank you sensationally Mr. John!

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7 minutes ago, fcmusician said:

oh that looks cold! Really great shots.

Thanks FC!  It was so cool to wind my way around that beautiful area with snow falling.  I'd give anything to be hiking there in winter in the snow, and set up a tent and a campfire.  To me that's living.

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