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Jack Sawyer

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P3dv4 - AS & ASCA - Orbx's Global, Vector, Trees, Europe L/C, LIDA Freeware....


I flew from LIDA to LIPZ, Tessera, it was a nice flight but in one shot I'm wondering if it looks right.








What is this cool building?



And a nice church behind it







Love that valley, I just want to hike around it and explore







I put the lat/long on the shot, does this look like it's supposed to?  Is that supposed to be concrete or a river?



And since I don't know Italy very well, is this Venice?





It looks like it from a documentary on YT I watched last week






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7 minutes ago, Iain Emms said:

Fine set of shots.



Thanks Iain!

3 minutes ago, fly37 said:

Yes Jack it is Venice and it is not a concrete... nice shot

please that was v.4? and wich Carenado plane? In this day was off and maybe few update from v3.4 arrived... thank!




Thanks Gianni, so I'm supposed to have water there?  I wonder what's wrong with my Land Class, it's Orbx Global and Europe.  This bugs me.


I thought it was Venice, thanks.


This plane is A2A's 182.

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1 hour ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Thanks Iain!

Thanks Gianni, so I'm supposed to have water there?  I wonder what's wrong with my Land Class, it's Orbx Global and Europe.  This bugs me.


I thought it was Venice, thanks.


This plane is A2A's 182.


Yes in Venice  you have lot water, canal water at place of the street... nice plane

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2 minutes ago, fly37 said:


Yes in Venice  you have lot water, canal water at place of the street... nice plane

Thanks Gianni, would love to visit but from what I saw it's almost underwater now, people have to walk on raised wooden "sidewalks", and the locals don't like tourists, seems to be too many of them.  Very beautiful city though and I hope they get a handle on the tides someday.  It looks like somewhere I'd love to live.

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Fourth photo "What is this cool building?"  It is the military shrine of Asiago's  first 
world war and was finished in 1936. It contains the remains of the Italian and Austrian 
military and it is consisting of a single floor, with a square plan with an 80 meter side, 
where it is made the crypt with the locals of the fallen placed along the walls of the 
perimeter tunnels and axial, while in the center there is the octagonal chapel.

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Excellent series of views of your flight Jack.

A wonderful contrast between the mountains and the costal plains.

You will have to do some detective work to find who has pinched your railway tracks.

The scrap price for metal must be good as it was usually the copper wiring that was the target for railway thieves.

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47 minutes ago, robpol471 said:

Fourth photo "What is this cool building?"  It is the military shrine of Asiago's  first 
world war and was finished in 1936. It contains the remains of the Italian and Austrian 
military and it is consisting of a single floor, with a square plan with an 80 meter side, 
where it is made the crypt with the locals of the fallen placed along the walls of the 
perimeter tunnels and axial, while in the center there is the octagonal chapel.

Thank you kindly!  That's quite a monument and a nice tribute.

39 minutes ago, Wakashi said:

Clears that up!  I should have thought of that myself.

I agree, I could havewused Apple's maps app on my iPad but it never crossed my mind.

24 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

Excellent series of views of your flight Jack.

A wonderful contrast between the mountains and the costal plains.

You will have to do some detective work to find who has pinched your railway tracks.

The scrap price for metal must be good as it was usually the copper wiring that was the target for railway thieves.

Thanks Martyn.  Yes, it's a stunning area, I like it.  Shame isn't it that even in a sim there's criminals? :wacko:

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5 minutes ago, fly37 said:

I am sorry Jack, knowing the particularity of Venice was sure was water....and not concrete,,, and probably es.. a railway tracks.

Nothing to be sorry about my friend.  Like Martyn said, someone nicked the tracks :o  Not a big deal.  If they were going to make the entire sim Earth perfect it would take 100 years I imagine.


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7 hours ago, adambar said:

Fantastic shots of Venice Jack! :)

Thanks Adam, funny thing is I know so little about Italy I didn't even know it was Venice.  Only reason I thought it might be was because of a cool YT documentary I watched a week ago.

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9 hours ago, stewart1 said:

Very nice set of screen shots Jack Venice is a lovely city regards stewart 

Thanks Stewart, glad you liked them!

6 hours ago, Anthin Delahunt said:

Great shots Jack.I really like number 8.


Must follow your trip to Venice.



Thanks Anthin!  It was a beautiful flight, very pretty area in the sim.

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