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Randoms from Peru

Jack Sawyer

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P3Dv4 - Orbx Global, Vector, Trees, SA L/C, Chase Plane, no weather, PMDG DC-6.


First, no crazy stuff.


I would like to take this time to give a very public, and heartfelt show of gratitude to a gentleman named Mark who lives near Stanstead in the U.K.  He spends a lot of time at PMDG's site and with Kyle's help bought this plane for me.  It was a total surprise and I was just astounded by it.


I have never felt so blessed and honored, and quite frankly humbled.  My wife cried when I read his post, he actually bought this for me as a surprise.  I am deeply grateful to Mark and the people at PMDG. 


This is one very fine piece of work by the fellows at PMDG.  It's complicated and definitely study level so I'll have a lot to keep me busy in learning her.  DAL flew this five years before I was born and I wish I had a chance to fly on one.  I don't know if anyone still flys them.  Will have to research.


Anyway, I set the plane at an airport in Peru, let the FO do all the work and just took her up for a test flight.  I'm amazed by it.  And by the beauty of this new Land Class.  Orbx did an amazing job here.

















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yep, I love this plane too Jack :)  I have 11 hrs on it allready and doing a lot of the setup without having to use the AFE now.  Beautiful plane.    Trying to get Kyle to make me and Air Tanker Livery for fire suppression B)

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13 minutes ago, FireRx said:

yep, I love this plane too Jack :)  I have 11 hrs on it allready and doing a lot of the setup without having to use the AFE now.  Beautiful plane.    Trying to get Kyle to make me and Air Tanker Livery for fire suppression B)

I now have all their products and I have to say this is stunning.  This plane harkens back to the old days.  Where you had no avionics, had to fly VOR to VOR and ADF, know the plane intimately in order to keep the engines from getting damaged.  I imagine those guys had a lot of training on these birds.  It sure would be a handful to fly without the AFE but with time and practice I know I can do it.

I hope you get your fire suppression plane, it would be neat.


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17 minutes ago, adambar said:

What a kind gesture, i'm glad for you Jack. :)  Enjoyed the shots from SA with your new PMDG DC-6, have fun! :)

Thank you Adam!  Yes, I hope to have a lot of fun learning this plane.

9 minutes ago, Geezer said:

Those were nice shots.  It was interesting to see what p3dv4 looks like.  I was not impressed.

Thank you Geezer, I'm sorry you feel that way.  Some people have posted much better shots than these as I was just testing and my graphics sliders weren't set to max.

I figure that since it hasn't been out long there's a lot of third party add-ons that will make it look like 3.4.  Rome wasn't built in a day.

Best regards,


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17 minutes ago, RJ said:

First-class screenshots. :)

Thanks RJ!

11 minutes ago, BradB said:

Maybe you can do some beta testing for PDMG , you are extremely qualified Jack . They might have one condition tho : No Inverting the AC . :rolleyes::D:)





That would be fun John but I wouldn't have the time and besides, I like going inverted.  I mean, if the original 707 pilot could do it in real life why not me?  But I don't have any intentions of making this plane go inverted, but you never know because you how I am!  :D

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Great news Jack, if anyone deserves this it is you.

Great set of shots too, now all you have to do is get somebody to do a commemorative livery for you which should have a bunch of sour grapes on it somewhere.555:lol::lol::lol:

I will look forwards to some of your adventures in your plane and maybe a cartoon or two!

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I'm loving the screenshots, although I'm now thinking I might have to think about also grabbing openLC SA myself - coupled with v4 it really does provide a stunning backdrop to your screenshots.


I'm really glad you're getting enjoyment out of the plane :)

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9 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Great news Jack, if anyone deserves this it is you.

Great set of shots too, now all you have to do is get somebody to do a commemorative livery for you which should have a bunch of sour grapes on it somewhere.555:lol::lol::lol:

I will look forwards to some of your adventures in your plane and maybe a cartoon or two!

Thank you Martyn my friend.  Sour grapes.  Gee, I wonder why you say that?  I like my grapes dark red for my Italian merlot.

Yes, a comic, need to work on one.  I miss working with Fred and Sam and the gang,

8 hours ago, MarkDF said:

I'm loving the screenshots, although I'm now thinking I might have to think about also grabbing openLC SA myself - coupled with v4 it really does provide a stunning backdrop to your screenshots.


I'm really glad you're getting enjoyment out of the plane :)

Thank you Mark and thank you!  Yes, it's amazing, I can't believe how well Orbx did with it.  11 million kilometers is a lot of land mass to explore for the price.

7 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Fine set these Jack.



Thank you kindly Iain!

7 hours ago, oldboy43 said:

Thank you Jack, very nice screenshots.



Thank you Karoly, glad you liked them.  More to follow today as I make a regular flight, still trying to think of a city pair.

6 hours ago, dolf8857 said:

Grand set of shots Jack!

Thank you Dolf!

6 hours ago, John Lovell said:

Great shots there Jack 

Thanks John, amazing area.

5 hours ago, farman said:

WOW! Terrific, Jack. I'm very tempted by this plane.

Thanks Fulvio, I would highly recommend it.  It's another study level plane, very nicely done.

4 hours ago, bernd1151 said:

I'm very happy for you, buddy, enjoy flying her. You have mastered the Queen of the skies, eventually you'll also master the DC 6 :-)

Thanks Bernd, I'm very happy too.  It was such a pleasant surprise and I'm most grateful.  I hope to master the DC-6 but it has so many dials, knobs, and switches", I used to hear this from passengers all the time.

2 hours ago, PupaZebu said:

I hope you habe a lot of fun with this graceful lady. She is definetely one of a kind! 

And yes, the DC is still in service in Alaska and Africa as far as I know. 

Thank PZ!  What a beauty!  And thanks for that info, it's a testimony to Douglas that they are still flying.  I love it.

42 minutes ago, Bermuda425 said:

Sparkling burgundy series of shotz Jack!

Thanx Erik!  Always love your snazzy and succinct comments!

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