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Jack Sawyer

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Everything Orbx has to offer for V4 - no live weather - PTA


Just a quick flight around Vancouver at dawn.




My dumb throttle messed up so I ended up taking off at an angle till I could get it working.















Dynamic lights. The lights will not work unless you set it to Dynamic which I don't like because it's an FPS hog.



The jetway works, so there's that.


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1 hour ago, magic1 said:

very nice Jack!

Thanks Magic!

1 hour ago, Sammy H said:

Nice, life is good in v4 for everyone :)

Thanks Sammy, yep, wait till we get all our Orbx stuff I'll be 75% happy.  I'll only be 100% happy when I get my beloved GTN750.  THEN it'll be a real sim.

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12 hours ago, lixfeldt said:

Sweet shots Jack...sure loved  that city:P

Thanks Cary.  Never been there but it sure looks nice in-sim.

12 hours ago, stewart1 said:

Very good screen shots Jack regards stewart

Thanks Stewart!

11 hours ago, adambar said:

Splendid set of captures Jack! :)

Thanks Adam!

9 hours ago, ruudmeij said:

Another very good set of screenshots Jack.




Thank you Ruud!

9 hours ago, Mark Abdey said:

Nice set Jack. I've not tried the dynamic lighting yet, as I don't tend to fly at night... it does look like a very good effect.

Thanks Mark, it's not too much of a FPS hit on the NGX but it is with the 747.  So I'll keep it off for now.

1 minute ago, Neptune6 said:

Some VFR with Jumbo  nice pics,scenery, sky, clouds textures Jack



Thanks Patrick.

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4 hours ago, PDX Flyer said:

Nice shots.  Looks like you have made the conversion to V4.  


From the other Vancouver (in Washington State).

Thanks PDX.  Yep, stroll have 3.4 but all I need now is the GTN but no idea when.  It won't be a complete sim till I get that

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13 hours ago, JWxTreme said:

Great pictures Jack! I see you are into the 747-400 QOTS II. :)  I like the 4th, 5th, 6th pictures. I wasn't aware of the Dynamic lighting situation.

Thanks JW!  Yes, and the NXG now too as of yesterday.  I like these study level planes a lot.  

12 hours ago, Kodiak73 said:

Looking good Jack, I might have to get another SSD and upgrade to V4 one of these days.

You should Dave, V4 is so much better in terms of VAS.

11 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Fine shots.



Thanks Iain!

7 hours ago, Bluebear said:

Cracking set of shots,Jack

I like the Dynamic lighting
and it also does not cost so much FPS,
the really hog for me is




Thanks Bluebear!  If I went with that texture setting I think my PC would literally explode.

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