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So beautiful, so green.

Jack Sawyer

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P3Dv4 - Orbx - AS on - PTA on - Testing for Karoly CTD, didn't have one - LSGK, Saanen to LSZW, Thun.


More stunning freeware I have never been to.  I cannot believe how beautiful this area is, it would be incredible to be able to live here.










Lovely little church



Because of low clouds I decided to thread my way through the valleys, it was worth it.













If I was a passenger looking out this window I would be mesmerized at the natural beauty of this place



This was fun and the detail of the granite is amazing



Started to rain and with these fields I thought of FILOU





I was surprised at how small this airfield was







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11 hours ago, Ken Hall said:

nice shots Jack, the beaver is an awesome plane for exploring

Thanks Ken!  Yeah, it's a neat plane, I can even land it now! :D

10 hours ago, flyingleaf said:

Beautiful shots Jack. I totally agree what a lovely area this is.

Thanks flyingleaf.  I could only imagine living there, some people do and they're most fortunate.

10 hours ago, Sammy H said:

Another fabulous set Jack!

Thanks Sammy!

8 hours ago, adambar said:

Splendid set there Jack! :)

Thank you Adam.

7 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Fine set indeed.



Thanks Iain!

5 hours ago, ruudmeij said:

A nice set of shots here Jack.




Thanks Ruud!

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1 hour ago, PupaZebu said:

Very nice shots and a beautiful place indeed!

Thanks PupaZebu!

29 minutes ago, fly37 said:

Very nice shot, like the effect shadow and sunny terrain in the 8, 9 and 13 pictures...

Thanks Gianni, I do too.

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2 minutes ago, stewart1 said:

Very nice screens shots Jack nice to see a church I am not religious but you do not see many in fsx or p3d for some reason every town and village in the uk has one 

regards stewart

Thanks Stewart, it caught my eye and I had to grab it.  Maybe we'll see more later.  Richard has been putting in a lot of POI's, maybe someday he can do it with at least the major ones around Europe.

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1 hour ago, magic1 said:

very nice Jack

Thanks Magic, attempting a flight from KMIA to TNCM in the NGX and hoping for no PC freezing.

1 hour ago, Neptune6 said:

Very nice green with cold front MTO  JACK



Thanks Patrick, what's MTO?

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