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Jack Sawyer

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I hear you Jack, for me the default shaders just don't cut it, I think there is a real opportunity for an all in one system with presets and a preview screen. Where I can see how the cloud, sky colours, morning, dusk, night are affected.

The trouble with water is it is too light, and being highly reflective is so dependant on the surroundings and sky colour.

I think I might try making my own water textures, starting with the inland water which is so often just too blue.

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10 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Great set these Jack.



Thanks Iain!

10 hours ago, ruudmeij said:

Very nice set of shots Jack.




Thank you Ruud!

8 hours ago, Bermuda425 said:

As far as I'm concerned these shots look terrific!

Thanks Erik.  I always go back to Iain's HDR, I really like it.

8 hours ago, Mark Abdey said:

Nice work Jack, and looking good regardless of default or tweaked shaders.

Thanks mark, yes, it's difficult to find that magical spot, so many variables, it would almost see that you have to decide where and what weather you want to fly ahead and choose a separate preset for that time of day.

8 hours ago, FILOU said:

Difficult to follow you Jack with you PTA settings:)but i am the same....Very nice set Jack like always. 

Thanks FILOU, yes, I'm very fickle, always searching for "perfection" but it ain't gonna happen.

7 hours ago, flyingleaf said:

Great shots Jack.

Thanks flyingleaf!

3 hours ago, Ken Hall said:

I hear you Jack, for me the default shaders just don't cut it, I think there is a real opportunity for an all in one system with presets and a preview screen. Where I can see how the cloud, sky colours, morning, dusk, night are affected.

The trouble with water is it is too light, and being highly reflective is so dependant on the surroundings and sky colour.

I think I might try making my own water textures, starting with the inland water which is so often just too blue.

Couldn't agree more Ken.  This is why I would like to see a PTA where you can changes things on the fly.

1 hour ago, Neptune6 said:

Nice pics Jack your many test are amazing , the base P3Dv4 setting are wonderfull without nothing  ;)



Thanks Patrick, yes, it seems like I'm spending more time testing than just enjoying the scenery.  I still have new Orbx stuff I have't even visited yet.

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