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Lovely Canberra

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Hey moley this is a beautiful place!  I made a flight from Canberra, YSCB to YGLB, Golburn, but Golburn is in trouble.  I have to check later if AEC fixed it.


Anyway, having a glorious time with my new camera toy, some have Iain inspiration.






























Uh oh!





Well, might as well...



Hope it doesn't flood!




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7 hours ago, paulb said:

Excellent series Jack! Some great views :)

Thanks Paul!

7 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Very nice.



Thank you Iain!

7 hours ago, BradB said:

I have a sinking feeling that this flight did not go as planned Jack , and what's with the N tail # ........:o:(:D





Sinking feeling, I see what you did there!  :lol:  Yeah, this was nothing but a Chase Plane test flight, I did a lot of camera work while flying, really love this app.

BUT I can't WAIT for tomorrow.  I'll be up all night trying to buy it and download it.  With my new fiber it should pull it down really fast.


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6 hours ago, adambar said:

I didn't know there was a canyon at Canberra Jack, you learn something everyday. :D  Super duper shots! :)

Actually I called ahead and had them dig it out so I could have a nice long swimming pool!  :lol:

But Vector AEC fixed it up in no time flat, what a great application that is, I don't know how it works but it's like magic.

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5 hours ago, Bermuda425 said:

You can challenge Iain with these shots Jack! Great landing in the ending 

Thanks Erik but I don't think anyone can challenge, I'm still learning from the master. :)

5 hours ago, mp1852 said:

Great ones Jack!

Thank you kind sir!

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2 hours ago, skydivemayday said:

I've flown into Canberra quite a few times and I've done a few skydives in Goulburn and Goulburn does not quite look like that ;)

I had a lot of help with friends with backhoes.  We wanted a giant swimming pool. :D  Actually, Vector AEC fixed it.

And skydiving?  I'm jealous!  My next door neighbor just yesterday went for his first time.

He showed me the DVD, it was a tandem jump from 14,000 ft, from a Cessna 208.

It cost him around $400 including the DVD.


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Nice pictures of the Capital, and a good canyon landing as well.

10 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Actually, Vector AEC fixed it.

a tandem jump cost him around $400 including the DVD.

- good to read AEC fixed it.

- quite an expensive DVD. Though only sold if the customer survives.

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1 hour ago, Stillwater said:

Nice pictures of the Capital, and a good canyon landing as well.

- good to read AEC fixed it.

- quite an expensive DVD. Though only sold if the customer survives.

Yup, AEC is awesome Gerold.

And the DVD was funny, before my friend took off in the 208 the guy interviewing his asked him if he was scared, Sean said he wasn't.  Then they guys says, "Don't worry, if anything happens to you I'll be fine!"  I was rolling on the floor laughing!  :lol:

The DVD is part of the whole package.  Gosh, I'd love to do what he did.  It was beautiful looking down at the ground like that, they used some cool cameras and it was crystal clear.

It looked a lot like Orbx-land.

It was Cedartown Georgia.

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