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Around 2W3

Jack Sawyer

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Tonight I bought 2W3 and KSQL.  Needed a LOWI fix so I had to buy something else.


So I flew my little yellow Bell 404 around for a look, very very nice!














And, I installed Orbx's N/A AI Traffic.  Love it!





You can see the AI Cessna that just took off.  Cool!



Animated flag too.  Nice.


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1 hour ago, Bermuda425 said:

Bait a hook on these shotz from the countryside Jack!

Thanks Erik!  I can't believe how many Orbx products I've bought in the last few weeks.  Pretty soon I'll have the entire catalog.  And after what Mr. JV said, something like 15 projects in the pipeline?  Man, I'll have to win the lottery.

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27 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

Beautiful shots Jack.

Too many times I just taxy out and take off without having a proper look at the airport scenery.


Martyn, you gotta take some time and smell the Orbx!  I'm not kidding, I like helicopters just so I can hover and look around, even driving the BMW so I can see stuff at eye level.  They put so much detail into everything they do it always amazes me.  I love diving into a valley and seeing something completely unexpected, like a greenhouse or a mansion.  If I had flown around it I never would have know it was there.  I love those little sim surprises.

3 minutes ago, PDX Flyer said:

Certainly looks like Orbx won't go out of business as long as you keep supporting them.  But it is a much better bet than buying a lottery ticket.  Gave those up years ago.  Now I too can afford to support my hobby.

Not with me PDX, they keep producing things like the upcoming LOWI and I'll keep them in business!  I like what these guys produce so much and especially what Mr. JV said about supporting P3D 64 that who else is there?  Eventually I reckon Orbx will cover the world.  And I personally think they'll have a huge leg up on all the other developers because they're all ready for 64 bit.  I search and still have not seen one developer say they're supporting it and 64 bit is in beta right now.  Can't wait!

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7 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Martyn, you gotta take some time and smell the Orbx!  I'm not kidding, I like helicopters just so I can hover and look around, even driving the BMW so I can see stuff at eye level.  They put so much detail into everything they do it always amazes me. 


So Jack, how do you drive the BMW?  I have never quite understood this ... something to do with an Avatar?  If you could point me to a link or somewhere to read how to do this.

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7 minutes ago, PDX Flyer said:


So Jack, how do you drive the BMW?  I have never quite understood this ... something to do with an Avatar?  If you could point me to a link or somewhere to read how to do this.

Easy peasy PDX!  First install it, I forget where I got it from, I'll have to look, goin' to bed now.  But you drive it just like flying, I use my Saitek pedals to steer and the throttle to drive forward.  It's really a lot of fun!  

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9 minutes ago, adambar said:

Fantastic shots of Swanson Jack, I use that airport quite a bit in my travels! :) I wouldn't get to many shots in a helo, I'd be spinning like a top. :lol:

Thanks Adam!  Helos ain't that hard.  Heck, if I can do it anyone can do it.  If you feel like it try it sometime and practice a little.  I love them for exploring all the Orbx nooks and crannies.


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Jack are you flying that upside down ceiling fan? I have an other saying for helicopters. If the wings are travelling faster than the fuselage it's probably a helicopter and therefore unsafe. Lol. But great shots no doubt. Keep'em coming.

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1 minute ago, flyingleaf said:

Jack are you flying that upside down ceiling fan? I have an other saying for helicopters. If the wings are travelling faster than the fuselage it's probably a helicopter and therefore unsafe. Lol. But great shots no doubt. Keep'em coming.

Man I love it!  You're cracking me up.  A helicopter is technically a million parts flying in close formation.

It's one of the few things I have not flown in real life.  I've flown hot air balloons, small planes, and "other" things I'd rather not say.  But it was fun and I'm medically grounded now. :(

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Wow Jack what a great experience you've had. Sorry you are grounded but I love "determined to try". Good for you and I truly love to see your postings. And Jack we "will never surrender". One good use for a helicopter (if you're really good) flying them upside down you can actually cut you lawn. Can't do that with a 737.

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3 minutes ago, flyingleaf said:

Wow Jack what a great experience you've had. Sorry you are grounded but I love "determined to try". Good for you and I truly love to see your postings. And Jack we "will never surrender". One good use for a helicopter (if you're really good) flying them upside down you can actually cut you lawn. Can't do that with a 737.

Thanks flyingleaf.  Very kind of you.  That "condition grounded but determined to try" is from Pink Floyd's Learning To Fly song.  Two of the band members are pilots.

I used to own a R/C helicopter, taught myself to fly it with special software and a controller for the PC, that was fun.  Now I just fly my little yellow Aeronca R/C plane.  You can toss it in the sky, fly it, and catch it or land it.  It's fun.

Now don't tempt me, I might just try to cut the lawn with a 737.  :lol:

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That is another great series of shots Jack :). I am with you re the detail in the scenery. Orbx always adds things to discover. Re, the 'rotorcraft' - I must get my Seahawk out again and start practicing! :D.

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7 hours ago, paulb said:

That is another great series of shots Jack :). I am with you re the detail in the scenery. Orbx always adds things to discover. Re, the 'rotorcraft' - I must get my Seahawk out again and start practicing! :D.

Thanks Paul.  Yeah, please do, I'd love to see some more whirlybird shots.

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Another great set of pics with some attention to detail, love it!  I like exploring Orbx airports too, never know what you'll find hidden about the place!  Jack you should try driving the BMW from Concrete to Darrington, quite a challenge, road is pretty rough in places.

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3 minutes ago, Wakashi said:

Another great set of pics with some attention to detail, love it!  I like exploring Orbx airports too, never know what you'll find hidden about the place!  Jack you should try driving the BMW from Concrete to Darrington, quite a challenge, road is pretty rough in places.

Thanks Roger!  Good idea.  I need to get behind the wheel and have a different perspective, the detail is that good.  They have hidden so much stuff not only in their stuff you buy but in the freeware airports too and it seems like all the airports no matter how small and remote have a gem hidden in them.  I wonder how many miles Concrete to Darrington is?

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