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Heli fun at Hammefest

Jack Sawyer

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5 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Not quite as good as your previous set with the chopper from here.

 Hope you did not over do the marshmallows.

Nope, marshmallows and hot dogs ops check good!  :lol:

5 hours ago, mikewies said:

Nice set of shots Jack... I have tried Helicopter flying and found it wasn't for me. If you are able to land in those small helipads, you definitely have it figured out!

Thanks Mike, practice, practice, practice, Roger made it look real ready when he landed on those tiny pads on the lift at Palm Springs.  Now that's some good flying.  

5 hours ago, Voyager said:

Wonderful shots Jack!
I enjoy these your flights by chopper.


iPad - Tapatalk

Thanks Voyager, and I love making them, what a fun hobby.  We can fly whatever we want without all the check rides!

5 hours ago, Adam Banks said:

Is this (finally!!) 20_07 with PTA 2.01? If so ... congratulations!!! Keep 'em coming!!



Yup, and I took your advice by dropping 2.01 into 2.0's folder (backed up first) and it worked like a champ Adam.  Thanks mate for all your help!  I really appreciate it!

3 hours ago, RJ said:

First-class heli shots, Jack! :)


Thank you RJ!

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