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The SAK to Oz DO-228 ferry continues

Jack Sawyer

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Last night I made two flights.  From YTMO to YBOU to YLLE.

YTMO - The Monument, Queensland

YBOU - Boulia, Boulia, Queensland

YLLE - Ballera, Quensland


The home base for this fellow's DO-228 is YMML - Melbourne so I'm getting there.


This at YTMO ready for departure.



Enroute to YBOU



Now, miles and miles, and even more miles of desert?  Is it called Outback?



Arriving YBOU





Departing YBOU for YLLE



Lots more desert





Scenic in its desolation.



Arriving YLLE



On final to an airport that's literally in the middle of nowhere.  But it's cool!






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19 minutes ago, Voyager said:

Great shots.

Good experience.



Voyager, did you see my post in the other thread about me still not having a clue on how to use the scenery library sorting?  It would be easier with a video.  I liked the old method of dragging to where you wanted them.  I just can't figure this method out.

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44 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Voyager, did you see my post in the other thread about me still not having a clue on how to use the scenery library sorting?  It would be easier with a video.  I liked the old method of dragging to where you wanted them.  I just can't figure this method out.


Hey Jack


If I understand your problem, this is what I did if that may help (sorry no video )


Go to Central 3 

Hit the cog

Go to the black entry box below "FTX entries should be inserted below",

Click it, you should a list of all your addons

Select the last/lowest of the third party (non OrbX) addons there and keep it in the black box.




Go to the black entry box below the "OpenLC entries should be inserted below",


Select FTX now.




Save the whole shebang , bow to the crowd and exit the stage.



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50 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Voyager, did you see my post in the other thread about me still not having a clue on how to use the scenery library sorting?  It would be easier with a video.  I liked the old method of dragging to where you wanted them.  I just can't figure this method out.


I think it would be good you post a ticket for support in FTXC3 area.
My FTC3 only allows me to adjust the part that deals with where FTX-OLC blocks will be placed.




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3 hours ago, dominique said:


Hey Jack


If I understand your problem, this is what I did if that may help (sorry no video )


Go to Central 3 

Hit the cog

Go to the black entry box below "FTX entries should be inserted below",

Click it, you should a list of all your addons

Select the last/lowest of the third party (non OrbX) addons there and keep it in the black box.




Go to the black entry box below the "OpenLC entries should be inserted below",


Select FTX now.




Save the whole shebang , bow to the crowd and exit the stage.



Thank you Dominique but what about the Tongass regions?  How do I do that?  

I must be dumb.

I'll try as you say as soon as I get a chance but I wish to heck someone, anyone would be kind enough to make a simple YT on how to do it and keep it as a sticky.  I liked the old system way better because to me at least it seemed more intuitive.



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13 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Thank you Dominique but what about the Tongass regions?  How do I do that?  

I must be dumb.

I'll try as you say as soon as I get a chance but I wish to heck someone, anyone would be kind enough to make a simple YT on how to do it and keep it as a sticky.  I liked the old system way better because to me at least it seemed more intuitive.




It is simpler for me as I don't have Tongass  and I agree that the drag me system of V2 was more intuitive.


Logic is that the Tongass lines should be above OLC NA in anycase and the latter saved as such. Regarding Tongass and FTX, I am not sure it matters. 


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6 minutes ago, dominique said:


It is simpler for me as I don't have Tongass  and I agree that the drag me system of V2 was more intuitive.


Logic is that the Tongass lines should be above OLC NA in anycase and the latter saved as such. Regarding Tongass and FTX, I am not sure it matters. 



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Top shots Jack, you are really in the outback here.

Stayed overnight in Boulia many years ago, thanks for jogging my memory of some wonderful times.


Managed to figure out the scenery library eventually, I am in the same boat as you Jack and find these things a bit of a challenge.


31 minutes ago, dominique said:


It is simpler for me as I don't have Tongass  and I agree that the drag me system of V2 was more intuitive.


Logic is that the Tongass lines should be above OLC NA in anycase and the latter saved as such. Regarding Tongass and FTX, I am not sure it matters. 


Thanks for your post Dominique, managed to point me in the right direction , the penny finally dropped.

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Thanks Martyn, as I was flying over Australia last night (destination Melbourne) I was still astounded to see such a vast continent basically uninhabited.  My friend in the UK who routes these flights gets pretty creative sometimes but I love it because I get to see places I'd never see.  For example, I have owned Australia for a while now but never fly there.  I'm always somewhere else in the sim.  So now I think I might like to sometime try a coastal tour of Oz and enjoy those sights.  And last night when I landed at that strip in the middle of absolutely nowhere I was amazed it even existed!  Gosh, what do people do for food?  Medical care?  Even postal mail?  It seems the distances between towns is so great you'd have to fly there and even then it'd be a long flight!  I wish I could visit both Australia and New Zealand.  It would be a trip of a lifetime for me.  It's now #1 on my bucket list in life, I hope I get a chance before I shuffle off this mortal coil.


As for you finally "getting" it about the scenery library, well, I'm glad for you.  I wish I could have that aha moment.


Why on Earth did they have to change it?  They must have had a sound reason and I'm not faulting Orbx, they know one heck of a lot more than I do.  It's just (hopefully) only temporary frustration. 

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Jack, I flew in real life quite a few times from Sydney to Singapore on SQ. It was always a treat, sitting high up there, sipping champagne and watching this beautiful and vast continent pass by underneath. It was truly spectacular seeing this almost never ending "outback" from FL 380 in the comfort of a Boeing 747. Although I did it fairly frequently, I never got tired of it, on the contrary!

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1 hour ago, Wakashi said:

Some "Hot Shots" Jack. :D

Thanks Roger!

1 hour ago, bernd1151 said:

Jack, I flew in real life quite a few times from Sydney to Singapore on SQ. It was always a treat, sitting high up there, sipping champagne and watching this beautiful and vast continent pass by underneath. It was truly spectacular seeing this almost never ending "outback" from FL 380 in the comfort of a Boeing 747. Although I did it fairly frequently, I never got tired of it, on the contrary!

Bernd, that sounds sweet!  I could do the same and never get tired of it.  

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9 hours ago, Bermuda425 said:

Wow, this is the opposite couple to the vastness I see in the Canadian north!

Yeah, Erika, one is snow and one is desert.  Amazing what Earth has to offer!


5 hours ago, gumbypickett said:

Some nice shots Jack. Isn't the desert scenery amazing, literally a

few airstrips the odd ranch and not much else, and then transforms again

in the wet season to a lush green with bird life etc. aaaaaaaahhhhh.:blink:



Thanks Gumby, it is amazing.  I don't know much about Oz but is there really  a wet season that tuns it all lush?  Must be quite a sight to see.


28 minutes ago, dolf8857 said:

Nice set again Jack!

Thanks Dolf!

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1 hour ago, gumbypickett said:

Sure does Jack, the Top End and Central Aus during the summer months. Wild flowers

and bird life. It comes to life.   



I'll bet it's beautiful.  Perhaps hundreds of miles of continent, uninhabited but all green and verdant.  Must be nice.


I hope I win the lottery someday so I can visit Oz and NZ.


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