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GeeBee drivers must have been nuts!

Jack Sawyer

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Ok, so I just bought and installed KPSP (thanks Jarrad!, it's outstanding!!!)


Wanted to really push VAS so here's the setup:


P3D 3.2, Global, SCA, Vector, KPSP, everything for KPSP ticked in FTX Central, Trees, PTA, HDR on, AS16 on, and all graphics sliders maxed out full right.  


With just a simple plane VAS was great, but all I did was fly/crash around the airport.  Just a few minutes of flying this wretched monstrosity.  The guys who flew these things for real must have been crazy!  I don't know if they got the flight physics right but one thing I do know, you simply cannot see out the windscreen!


I want to test the same parameters with an A2A 182 and see what happens.  


Does anyone know the stall speed in this beastie?


Anyway, here's my shots,






















I love these golf courses!



Look out, it's the civilian dude in blue jeans!  Inspired by Wakashi


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Awesome set Jack!


Agreed, nuts they must have been.  I always thought of it as a cutesy little plane as the first time I saw it would have been on these forums.  Then I saw a doco which featured it, and explained that, as flyingleaf pointed out, they bolted the smallest possible airframe to the largest possible engine.  I guess they just wanted to see what would happen.


BTW, speaking of not being able to see out of the windscreen, I just read the other day that Charles Lindbergh's famous plane, Spirit of St Louis had no windscreen at all.  Looking at pics it is actually pretty obvious, but I never knew this before.  He either had to use a periscope or zig zag so he could look out the sides to see where he was going.  As if crossing the Atlantic wasn't hard enough!



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And that's the beauty of flying in simworld. You can set your levels of reality to wherever you want to be on the scale, and have all the fun without any of the danger. Some might disapprove, but to me that's a fine thing. The only way you'd get me in one of those things for real would be by holding my family at gunpoint, but here I can go anywhere I want in it in any insane fashion I like.


Meanwhile, back at the post . . . Nice pics, Jack, and welcome to KPSP. You'll have some fine times around there.

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12 hours ago, Bermuda425 said:

What a heckuva set!

Thanks Erik!


12 hours ago, flyingleaf said:

Great shots. It looks like that thing is just one huge engine and some wings hung on it. And oh yeah throw in a seat for some poor devil to ride that engine. Lol.

Thanks flying leaf, yeah, I agree.  I watched some YT's on it last night.  This thing was just not meant to fly unless you had a death wish.


12 hours ago, RJ said:

Fantastic shots!!! :)

Thanks RJ!


11 hours ago, scottharmes6 said:

Awesome set Jack!


Agreed, nuts they must have been.  I always thought of it as a cutesy little plane as the first time I saw it would have been on these forums.  Then I saw a doco which featured it, and explained that, as flyingleaf pointed out, they bolted the smallest possible airframe to the largest possible engine.  I guess they just wanted to see what would happen.


BTW, speaking of not being able to see out of the windscreen, I just read the other day that Charles Lindbergh's famous plane, Spirit of St Louis had no windscreen at all.  Looking at pics it is actually pretty obvious, but I never knew this before.  He either had to use a periscope or zig zag so he could look out the sides to see where he was going.  As if crossing the Atlantic wasn't hard enough!



Yeah, Lindy was amazing.  I saw the Jimmy Stewart movie a long time ago where it showed no windscreen.  Not bad for the technology they had at the time.  And he did it all on no sleep before and during the flight.


11 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Beautiful shots Jack but not the best plane to go sightseeing in.

You would have to have a death wish to take one of these up.

One plane I won't be buying, I have enough trouble flying Ant's Drifter:lol:


I saw that last night Martyn, very sad indeed.  All I kept thinking was he didn't know what was about to happen to him in the next 20 minutes.  Poor sod.


9 hours ago, Voyager said:

A concept that ignores the ergometer and security in order to get quick results in the acquisition of high speeds. It was part of aviation childhood in the decades 1930-1940.
Anyway you got great shots in this experiment!


iPad - Tapatalk

Thanks Voyager, you're right, those were very different days back then with an entirely different, almost cavalier attitude.


6 hours ago, andy1252 said:

And that's the beauty of flying in simworld. You can set your levels of reality to wherever you want to be on the scale, and have all the fun without any of the danger. Some might disapprove, but to me that's a fine thing. The only way you'd get me in one of those things for real would be by holding my family at gunpoint, but here I can go anywhere I want in it in any insane fashion I like.


Meanwhile, back at the post . . . Nice pics, Jack, and welcome to KPSP. You'll have some fine times around there.

Thanks Andy, I agree completely.  I hope to do some more KPSP exploring today in a more sensible plane.

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