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N´ lüttn Törn nach Ostfriesland


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Moin die Herrn, nu geit dat mol een büschn nachn platten Land... from Bremen and its wonderful Weserstadion...


... to Oldenburg...


... and further west to the Transrapid (Maglev) test track. Though it is realistic to have no train driving here (the project is frozen), it would be such a great challenge to have it running here in the sim (like the Southampton train): It runs up to 250 mph, and would be outpacing most of our low&slow planes!


We follow the Ems river north to Papenburg, where the biggest cruiseships are built - far away from the open sea!


Did I mention how I like the impression of the scenery?


Here is a nice example of the banks of a river. Great new invention in this region pack...


... combined with some nice details...


... and a lovely upgrade of airports, like Emden:



Dat is bannig god!

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Ha - I can even recognise the tunnel under the Ems at Leer in shot #7. Been through that a couple of times back when I had a girlfirend up there... (I could even see the Meyer Werft from her house. Which wasn't difficult, since the countryside is flat as a pancake and a great big building like that can be seen from miles away)


Nice ones



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Fantastic screenies, Gerold. Our "plattdeutsch" in Münster is sooo different from what you speak up north :)


1 hour ago, Frank Schnibben said:

:D Bannig god, jo. Beten boßeln or wat? Glööfs dat vosteiht hier een? ... tööf mool: Fischkopp villicht :D


That's why I love what Frank had to say

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19 hours ago, Voyager said:

True, is a visually rich region. Very nice these shots!

I enjoyed them all!


Thank you, Voyager. And this is only the mesh-free part of the North...


19 hours ago, Frank Schnibben said:

:D Bannig god, jo. Beten boßeln or wat? Glööfs dat vosteiht hier een? ... tööf mool: Fischkopp villicht :D

Sorry. Very nice shots! :)

Jo, Din Platt is also very nice. Maybe @Fischkopp will find some time to add his version ;)?


19 hours ago, Mallard said:

Ha - I can even recognise the tunnel under the Ems at Leer in shot #7. Been through that a couple of times back when I had a girlfirend up there... (I could even see the Meyer Werft from her house. Which wasn't difficult, since the countryside is flat as a pancake and a great big building like that can be seen from miles away)

Nice ones


I also saw the tunnel before I realized the folding bridge. Great detail.

Plus some nice detail of your life, Mallard, makes me :)!


18 hours ago, RJ said:

Look so real! Great shots! :)

Thank, RJ!


18 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

They keep improving with each new release.  I love the river banks.  

+1. Really a nice new feature.


17 hours ago, bernd1151 said:

Fantastic screenies, Gerold. Our "plattdeutsch" in Münster is sooo different from what you speak up north :)

That's why I love what Frank had to say

Though is is difficult for us young guys to keep the language. It might get lost in the next generation, I fear.


17 hours ago, KVSandleben said:

Denn man to.

Very nice. These details make even that flat north interesting.

Indeed, KVS, so much to explore in these region packs...


16 hours ago, PDX Flyer said:

Wunderbare Bilder. Ja, ich verstand jedes Wort ihrer wunderbaren thread Titel.

Great to see "low German" is recognized in the new world also!


15 hours ago, Bermuda425 said:

Des is a Prachtstück!

Jo mei, now we can wait for Bavaria to find its way into our forum!


15 hours ago, olderndirt said:

All I remember from schoolboy German is "Sah ein knabe ein roslein stehn, roslein auf der heiden" - can still sing it too:).

I just get the idea to ask you for a little video... but perhaps this is out of the forum rules...:lol:

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