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14 hours ago, smckechnie said:

Cool shot. Is this in P3Dv3? Has the Otter Extended installer been updated yet?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Is not the updated installer.

This is P3D V3.1

It works for me.
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15 hours ago, smckechnie said:

Cool shot. Is this in P3Dv3? Has the Otter Extended installer been updated yet?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


The official Twin Otter (TO) project manager says in the post n # 11 here, that he installed TO into P3Dv3 without the AS has provided a new official installer.

So, we all that have the TO, using the means that are currently available, are installing the TO in the P3Dv3 ourself without problems.




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