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Parkes RT in NSW.


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  • 7 months later...

Hi guys.  I've Just got a new computer (Win 10).  I used to have the Parkes Telescope in the old computer and I now no longer have it.  Could you point me to where I can get it again. For that matter the Mills x one as well. Thanks.


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Guys, I did this ages ago, back in2012 or thereabouts I think. If I remember correctly it was released by OZX, but if it was not, and it may well not have been, I  have no recollection of how it got on Orbx, and I guess that the team may have to remove it. Sorry about this folks, and JV. Teecee.

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Just looked it up, and it was indeed done in August 2012. I gave my addon folder to those that asked  me for it back then, so Parkes may have found it's way into  Orbx from anywhere.. Would someone that does not have any of my stuff in their systems please check that they do not have Parkes RT please? If in fact it is in Orbx, again, my sincerest apologies to JV. Teecee.

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  • 6 months later...


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