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From Eugene,...


... across Creswell and Walker (there was a walkaround to avoid these bridges, wasn´t it?) ...


... to Mt. Shasta and the lake:


Someone´s already waiting for me. And our driver is also there B).



Hope I get my sim back running again soon. Otherwise I´ll run out of screenies...

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14 hours ago, jsapair said:

Can I sit next to the gal in the red dress?


Sorry, that seat is reserved... ;-)


13 hours ago, olderndirt said:

That is one long skinny airplane but they seem to do the job.  Got some of that OSU education many years ago.


Great to see the link between sim and real world. Hope the education paid off... :rolleyes:?


20 hours ago, Voyager said:

Fantastic shots Gerold!

I wish you luck...



20 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Excellent shots Gerold.

Beautiful sky colours in the last few.

Hope there is nothing too much wrong with your sim.


9 hours ago, BradB said:

Awesome scenery and shots Gerold , hopefully the gremlin's in your computer will die off . :angry::(:D




8 hours ago, moonman said:

Let the Beavers rule the skies ... - I just really like this livery!

Great shots and all the best of luck for getting rid of - as Brad named it - any Gremlin there Gerold!


Not yet I found any solution to get my sim running. As I mentioned, I did a complete reinstall over the weekend, but the Gremlin returned. Maybe it was a too complete reinstall.... So the next attempt will not be finished in 2 days :(. At least I have all patches & updates from FSS now saved here, that speeds up a little.


Please keep your fingers crossed, mates!

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