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50 years ago today


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How many of you who are old enough can remember where they were 50 years ago today?


It is a date and day that has stuck in my mind for some reason.


Dad had 2 days earlier picked up his new Ford Corsair GT and as he had to go to Redhill we went for a ride.


Quite to my surprise after his appointment we headed off to Gatwick Airport for a few hours.


Very different from today, it was then very quiet with not too many movements.


Aircraft I can remember seeing were mostly BUA 1-11's and Caledonian Britannias


Don't have any of those aircraft on P3D so I will have to go with the beautiful 787.



Minimal security in those days meant a massive public access. You could walk on the roof areas above the gates on the left of the shot for a close up view of the aircraft.


Not many aircraft to look at then, but they were mostly British built unlike today.



Only one runway in those days.


The weather was better then that day, sunny, cold and clear.





Guildford is under the cloud. Just to the left of the road over the hill is Merrow Golf Course. Spent many a Wednesday summer's evening there when dad played golf.


Aldershot is behind the 787.


Blackbushe Airport can just be seen under the clouds.



Maidenhead. Eaton Dorney can clearly be seen under the tail. This was the rowing venue for the 2012 Olympics.


The Thames and Kennet Marina is under the 787 with Reading behind.

Hope you enjoyed the set.

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Another set of shots that serves as background for your beloved memories from England. All of us who have our childhood and/or our early youth allocated in the surroundings of 1950s years have feelings like your vision regarding the "futuristic" feelings that cars and planes/airports afforded us!

Wonderful notes about the customs and habits of our lives.

Thanks Martyn!



From iPad

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Hi Martyn, there are quite a few wonderful old-style British aircraft available on the net. I fly the DH106 Comet and HS121 Trident a lot, all of them in P3D 2.5


Here are a few pics from a recent flight in the Comet







In case you are interested, here are the links:




Happy hunting,


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