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Close call this morning on my way to Sydney CBD

Jay Kae

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Well, I can truly say that I am lucky to be alive this morning.... I was on my way this morning as per usual on Monday morning and I was overtaking a car and on my other side was a big truck, as I was halfway alongside the truck this almighty "BOOM" and out of the corner of my eye I see that two of his tires have blown, the truck started fishtailing and the truck started moving towards me, in a split second I had to decide to slam on my brake or see if my V12 would get me past in front of him.... I decided the latter because there were 4 cars straight behind me... I think the front of the truck must have missed me by 30 cm's if it was that. Sooooo... I am glad to be here, he did not hit anyone luckily and pulled into the side of the road. So there, that was my morning  ::)

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Jensen Button?, sounds more like Jay did a Mark Webber!

note to self regarding V12: ignore any complaints from Jay about cost of petrol!

Glad your OK mate, I have had a few close calls myself lately but nothing like that, thank goodness

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Bugger Jay ,

Speaking as a past transport driver that was one of my worst fears actually, being in traffic and not seeing some debris on the road and this in turn causing a fracture and eventual failure of a tyre further down the road.

To put everyone in the picture a 10.00 X 20 Truck tyre can have some 120 Cu Ft of Air and are inflated to around 120 PSI The explosive force is enough to break windows if you beside it at the time.

But being sandwiched between a truck and the "K" rail divider would somewhat stuff your morning up.

Now onto the V12. Properly tuned the AMG V12 will actually give very respectable consumption at around 25 MPG or for you modern types 11.2 L/100Km.

BUT open the tap and watch the fuel usage rise. ;)

Close call Jay  better buy a lotto ticket or work from home it's safer.

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Actually Tonya it will be the massive torque available from this engine that saved the day here.

Mind you at full noise this thing can churn out 600 + GG's between 4700-5300 RPM will more pull than a catholic boy chior at Saturday arvo practice .

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lol you guys crack me up but it is a 2007 model, my absolute pride and joy.

How long did it take to take the seat out? What do you mean? It is still there hehehehe, seriously though, it was very lucky

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I had a simular sort of experience about 1 1/2 weeks ago.. I am a P-Plater with an XR-6 Turbo, and if I had anything less than it, I could have been in some serious sh!t... was travelling south along mitchel freeway in perth through road works area, and some silly girl in a hatch hit a bollard and swerves ACROSS the freeway, I see this out of the corner of my eye and absolutely floored it... she scraped my back bumper, a split second earlier and it would have been like the pitts manouever where i would have been swung around into other cars on the freeway... anyway she continued on to take out another car and they both crashed into the crash barriers.... I can't even remember the details because it happened so quickly, and I just went into survival mode (its the first time i ever had that!)...

but yea... im glad i picked up my XR6 Turbo.. sometimes it's better to have a powerful car to get out of trouble.... but if used inproperly can just get you into just as much trouble. :)

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Hi JayKae, strong car, adequate reaction, good luck  - and a guardian angel too. Good to know you are well.

Cause of your experience this morning and cause of "flyhalf" mentioned a dangerous tunnel in Sydney, I remember a vid which friends of mine in Fremantle sent me a few weeks ago about a dangerous tunnel in Moskow. (May be you know it allready.) I would like to post this short vid (1.9 MB .wmv-format) but I don´t know how?. Can you or anyone else please help or can I send it to you privat and you post it for me? (I have it on an email with private addresses and names.)

With Regards Rainer

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Thanks heaps guys for the kind comments

LOL@flyhalf, site administration pays nothing, just my own enjoyment, my daytime job pays me royally though ;)

@Jason that is the SL65, I have a S65

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Count your blessings bud and what a machine you drive too good on you, just looked at your sig too the site admin and is that what I see a Skulltrail system with dual 4870x2 and all that sweet ram and those 10,000rpm drives man you dont muck about its all or nothing for you. You really gotta count your blessing both for the near miss and what you have its obvious your a porn star lol. But seriously your safe and thats all that counts in the end, but if you need a cheauffeur Im up for the job ill keep ya safe from the trucks lol. Keep smiling  ;D

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Good to hear you made it ok dude and yes this just goes to show how good it is to have a powerful machine. Green schmeen I say - big engines, big power. Bring on the GE90s, V12s and all the turbos in between.

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