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Everything posted by renault

  1. Hi Joe @Nick Cooper @joemills Hi again Joe In case the root cause of your issues may be due to windows itself, you might find the following helpful I have done this multiple times on my machine over the years and it reliably will fix a multitude of windows problems. The process reinstalls your current Windows 10 installation without losing any apps or data Here is a comprehensive guide to the steps involved: I have found the author of the video to be knowledgeable and reliable. This is a link to Microsoft to download Windows 10 Installation media https://www.microsoft.com/en-ca/software-download/windows10 Just for information, I have always used the option to put the installation media onto a usb drive, but as explained in the video either method will work. It does take the better part of an hour, as you are completely reinstalling windows but when you are finished you will have a new, clean win10 installation and all your existing applications, settings and data will be exactly as they were before you reinstalled. If the difficulties you are having are possibly due to a corrupt win10 installation , then this will at least eliminate that from the problem analysis. Hope this is of help Cheers Pete
  2. @Nick Cooper I am sorry to hear that you are still experiencing difficulties In answer to your question "I still cannot understand how the sim worked and installed the mandatory update on one day and next day the dll struck." you might find the following personal experience of interest. For the last 3 days, my MS2020 has been defunct. CTD every time I went to start it. Before that absolutely solid performance. Found the culprit and it was not MS2020 . I have a sound enhancer program called Nahimic (Nahimic - Audio that matters ) which came with my computer when it was built. I really like it and it works very well and does a great job. Last night I got MS2020 working again. Last night I checked windows store update and Nahimic was updated 3 days ago when I started up my computer. Shortly thereafter MS2020 started CTD on startup. in looking at the Nahimic settings, there are options to temporarily disable it, if, as they say "third party applications" interfere with it. So clicked that setting and MS2020 started up flawlessly. Put Nahimic back on and CTD immediately. I am beginning to wonder if a lot of the "churn" about MS2020 being badly programmed has nothing to do with MS2020 but may be related to something else that you have running on your machine that got updated and is now causing an issue with MS2020 through a incompatibility such as a drivers, .dll's, libraries such as C++ etc. . The reason for this is that many applications also install their own support "bits" when they are installed originally or updated. It makes very logical sense as well. MS2020 uses its own sound effects engine technology (links below) which surprisingly worked with Nahimic for the longest time. So my plan today is to uninstall Nahimic, as much as I like it I'm not suggesting that this is the root cause of your problem, but only that PC's have a lot of different applications that can unfortunately interact with one another with unintended consequences. Why Nahimic & MS2020 worked just fine up until the last Nahimic update is just one of life's mysteries. Cheers Pete Creating the Soaring Sound of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020: | A Sound Effect
  3. Hi Joe I am sorry to hear of your difficulties . Potentially the following may be of help. I have copied Nick on this as well @Nick Cooper as before you do the following he may have a comment. The following is perfectly safe and is what I do every week to ensure that my Win10 O/S is working properly. You mentioned that you are missing a .dll file. It is possible that the problem lies , not with MS2020 itself but within the Windows operating system. Unfortunately, win10 over time tends to corrupt its system files. The following procedure ensures that the system is running properly with correct files. I would wait until Nick sees this note and gives his concurrence that he is comfortable with my suggestion before you start To start: In the search bar type CMD and hit return This will bring up a menu selection . Select the option "Run as Adminstrator" A DOS window will then open. Go through each of the following steps one at a time. Copy each line, one at a time , paste it into the Dos window (crtl + V) and press return and it will then run. Wait until each runs and finishes before you move on to the next one. When you are completely finished, Restart your computer and then try to see in MS2020 will start and run properly Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /checkhealth Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /scanhealth Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /Restorehealth sfc /scannow Dism.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /AnalyzeComponentStore Dism.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup RESTART your computer as the last step Please note that the line sfc /scannow will probably be where you will see a lot of corrupt files repaired. If this happens, please rerun this command again until you get the message that no corrupt files have been found. It may take 2 or more tries to fix everything. As I said, it is part of my weekly maintenance on my machine . Sometimes week will go by without any issues and then there will be corrupt system files found and fixed. Also please note that the Component Store refers to the Win10 backup file repository where it keeps a clean copy of each OS file and is used to repair OS system file corruption . It is not the Windows Store which is very different I hope this may help you Cheers Pete
  4. Hello everyone One of the fascinating things I find about Windows 10 (fascinated not necessarily in a good way) is that everyone's experiences can be so different. Interestingly, I have never had the issue of updates resetting the USB power settings. Maybe the expression "Touch Wood" is relevant here However, I 'm sure that my time will come .... I have both a powered USB 3.0 Hub and a powered USB C Hub and both are permanently connected without any issues Wolfgang @wolfko brings up a really excellent point that is probably not known by many users. Luckily , I have never had this issue either but I will certainly keep this in mind for the future. Wolfgang would you mind please putting together a separate forum topic on your experience regarding the privacy settings changing with each update. That would be very helpful I think as it is something which is not obvious at all as a potential problem after a Windows Update. As you correctly point out, it could be extremely frustrating for a MS2020 user who suddenly finds his simulator has stopped working. I suspect that someone who has had it happen wouldn't necessarily look in a topic about USB power power settings for a solution. Cheers all and thank you for commenting Pete
  5. Outstanding! Possibly Citroen had a hand in it perhaps? . I can see a resemblance , design philosophy wise to the 2CV Cheers Pete
  6. I hope that the following may be of use to fellow members who are having issues with display perspectives ,basically the "fish eye" effect in MS2020. Although all my description is for external views this change also will work for internal cockpit views as well. You may have to adjust your zoom levels slightly from the values that I describe. This was a "bug" in previous versions of MS2020, and it was fixed around 2 updates ago I believe. Interestingly it is a standard problem in real life drone photography because the lens field of view is wider than the camera sensor. Normally correction of the visual distortion in the recorded drone video is done in post procession photo editing software. I hope this is is of interest/help to you Cheers Pete The correction involves two steps; 1) Editing the FlightSimulator.cfg file entry "WideViewAspect=0" by changing the value of 0 to 1 2) Secondly adjusting the zoom levels in both the External and Showcase (drone) view when you start MS2020. This setting is designed for wide view aspect monitors (21:9) , but I have found it also works nicely with a standard 16:9 aspect ratio monitor. Some users have reported that the change is not permanent and that it resets either when exiting from MS2020 or when changing any graphics settings in MS2020. I have not encountered either of these issues personally , but of course individual mileage may vary. Step 1 Changing the setting Locations of FlightSimulator.cfg MS Store Version DRIVE:\WpSystem\S-1-5-21-1087062051-3801548924-420289015-1001\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache or C:\Users\<userid>\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache And for Steam users C:\Users\<userid>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator The parameter is on line 30 of the FlightSimulator.cfg file as shown below. Simply change the parameter value from 0 to 1 ,save the file and exit. Step 2 Camera Settings Although the above modification works well with the default zoom settings of 50%, I've found that changing them slightly for me was preferable. Unfortunately , I have not been able to find a way to permanently save these these settings. Worse yet, they will revert back to default settings if one terminates a flight and starts a new one without shutting down MS2020. I have reported this to the Microsoft Flight simulator Zen desk. I should mention that these settings should be viewed as starting points. You may like them or wish to change them slightly depending upon your personal preference. A) External View For external view I found a zoom setting of 60% works very well , eliminating any tendency for visual distortion due to the wide viewing angle, except under screenshots where the camera is placed at ground level and facing upwards. This distortion can be controlled by increasing the zoom level slightly. These were taken on a standard 16:9 aspect ratio monitor. EGLC - London City Airport KSBA - Santa Barbara Airport Taken to illustrate complex aspect ratio character Viewing angle is not affected by light levels as shown below Please note that some distortion occurs in external view depending on viewing angle. This does not occur in the showcase (drone) view This still can be corrected by increasing the zoom factor to around 65-70% , or simply by raising the camera viewpoint slightly For showcase views I found a zoom setting of 70% gives me a result I am happy with. However, the showcase (drone) camera works slightly better than the external view camera and even the default zoom value of 50% works well. In this case, once the zoom level is set, I use the second joystick to zoom in and out. Please remember to turn the drone Autofocus setting on when using a joystick toggle to zoom in and out. In this case, I have found the camera works perfectly with no visual distortion regardless of the actual zoom setting. The following screenshots illustrate this scenario. These two screenshots illustrate a basic zoom out in showcase (drone mode). Autofocus is on and the actual zoom level is set at 70% The joystick toggle is used to control zoom level. No visual distortion is present These are alternative views at the zoomed location, obtained by simply panning the drone camera at the last zoomed location And progressive zooms using the drone camera at a constant zoom setting of 70% These next two screenshots show that at 50 % zoom (showcase default) there is no visual distortion. In the showcase (drone) view, the configuration file setting is the controlling parameter for setting the aspect ratio. Personally, I prefer the visual look at a 70% zoon and using the joystick controller to move the camera away from the subject. However, the combination of the two settings gives a lot of versatility to the actual perspective and there is no right or wrong answer. This is a screenshot at the same physical distance, as above, but with a different zoom value 50% (default) increased to my preferred 70% value Lastly just some perspective screenshots , which again illustrate the lack of visual distortion Viewing angle does not introduce distortion in the showcase(drone) camera view as it does in the external view
  7. This is really excellent news ! Of course everyone has their additions as we all have our particular spots of the planet that we enjoy the most. A gentle "plug" for an area that has always been something special for me since I began flight simming so many years ago. I really miss Bowerman. It was just so neat in FSX and for me became a classic. When asked by friends about Orbx my answer was always the same. Spectacular scenery that is a must have, but check out Bowerman and you will see why I enjoy what they do so much I appreciate that your plate is full for this year, but would it be possible at some point in the future to make stopping off at the "Luna Cafe" a reality again for MSFS. It would be a classic reborn But for now your roadmap will give all of us many happy hours to look forward to. Well done folks, very well done indeed! Cheers Pete
  8. This is a little tip that I hope you will find useful It is applicable to both Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge which are based on the same Chromium browser engine. Both web browsers are colour managed browsers which means that they can use specific colour profile files to control what colours you actually see when viewing a website image, such as our beloved screenshot forum. The colour profile file is like a little colour dictionary that tells your monitor how to pick the right colour to match up with the colour on the image when it was created originally. The standard range of colours on the web is called sRGB and this is the default colour range for windows based pc's. Monitor manufacturers will provide profile files for specific monitors that they make, however since most of us just plug in the monitor we end up using the windows system default profile which is an average sRGB colour profile. However if we are using a higher resolution monitor than a standard 1080p monitor or what as called a wide gamut monitor , regardless of its resolution, your monitor has the ability to display a much wider range of colours than the standard sRGB profile. As a result , when viewing a web image on a wide gamut monitor we may see different colours than what was created by the originator of the image. In addition, the image hosting service we use, especially if we are using an anonymous account, may not provide any colour info with the image to the web browser, because they assume it will be sRGB. So it is quite possible to end up with quite a wide variability in how an image may look to different viewers. The interesting aspect of all of this is that I have found that regardless of the monitor in use, you generally will see much deeper , richer colours in both Goggle Chrome and MS Edge by specifically setting the colour profile in the browser to sRGB rather than leaving it at its default setting. For a wide gamut monitor as an example , Chrome or Edge will end up using the much wider colour range of the monitor profile and sometimes look quite out of place. I don't use a TV as a monitor, however I had passed this on to my friend who does and his comment was he was pretty impressed with how much better everything looked. So all I can say is give it a whirl , as with most things computer related , individual mileage will vary. Recently I upgraded my monitor and was having this problem when viewing different web based images. This simple change has certainly helped my individual viewing experience. I hope this of interest and help to my fellow members Cheers Pete How to change Browser colour profile Unfortunately, there is not simple setting in either browser called colour profile. Here is how you can access it: 1) Open either browser 2) Enter chrome://flags/#force-color-profile in the search bar of your browser. Please note that both Chrome & Edge are based on the chromium browser engine and the chrome:// is referring to this, not Google Chrome As soon as you do this you will see the item Force color profile. Initially it will be shown as Default and you want to change it to sRGB as shown . As soon as you have done this, click Restart at the bottom of the panel and you are finished. Please note if you don't like the result, you can always revert it back to the Default settings Have a look at screenshots in the forum. In some cases, the range of colour and depth of colour change is quite significant.
  9. I have a great interest in the technical aspects of image rendering and the lighting engines that are used in gaming engines, I became acquainted with the RTX 3090 through areas of interest that I follow in that technology side. I would like to thank both of you, @B12 and Piotr @PiotrMKG for your openness in documenting the technical details of what you are doing and your willingness to answer questions and provide clear and in-depth explanations of the requirements in building these kind of systems. For me you are the best of what members at Orbx bring to discussions and are both very clearly "Ambassadors of the art of the possible" with respect to very high end hardware solutions. I have learned a great deal regarding the technology options available and I would like to thank you for what you are doing. It is appreciated Cheers Pete
  10. Thank you Piotr Your information and comments on your experiences is really helpful to me. Although my replacement card will be a later in the year purchase, I will now definitely have a serious discussion with my computer store about water cooling when I make the purchase. Cheers Pete
  11. Hi Nick Yes they are very expensive indeed. As I mentioned to Piotr , I am thinking of upgrading my RTX2060 super to a RTX3070 variant , once supply stabilizes etc. On the other hand , my 2060 works very well for my needs at 2K for both MS2020 and XPlane so it is more a later in the year decision. I wrote the ZenDesk regarding DX12 last year as I am quite interested in implementation in MS2020. They mentioned that they are very much aware that most users have 8GB cards, and I have now read in their latest updates that they hope that to use DX12 to optimize and hopefully reduce VRAM requirements. The 3090 is an exceptional card and it is very nice to read how a member is utilizing his skills in installing it in what is by all accounts a computer system that most of us would only dream of having. That is what I enjoy about Orbx forums. It allows so many different interests to be discussed in an open and helpful dialogue Cheers Pete
  12. Thank you Piotr I understand now completely. Growing up I was an amateur radio enthusiast and I used to design and build all my own equipment, so I am familiar with such ideas. The same concept is used on the final RF amplifier stage in an amateur radio transmitter The advantage is that we can use a large separate finned heat sink containing the power transistors which can be mounted optimally , away from the rest of the electronics if needed so it makes the cooling solution more flexible. Thanks Pete
  13. Hi Piotr This is an excellent photograph. I have read and watched youtube videos when various people have talked about how large a 3090 is, but no none took a very practical approach as you did to illustrate it so nicely All of us can relate to the size of a 1080 and your comparison really shows how massive this new gpu is. In fact it seems to me that it is might be physically too large to fit into many existing cases. My plan , when stock becomes available is to upgrade my existing gpu to a RTX3070 which my computer store assures me will fit nicely in my existing system. They also suggested that I might want to consider water cooling for the card which they would do for me (they have built all my gaming computers) I see that you are using the Heatkiller IV water cooling block on the 1080. At their website they make models for all the 3000 series of cards as well. Is this what you will use on your 3090. The reason I ask is that they mentioned that I might be interested in that brand as well which they recommend and use. I have no experience with water cooling so it is a thoughtful decision for me. I struggle with the idea of having conductive fluids in my computer is my big concern. Thanks Pete
  14. Card will be modded, I will replace 5 mili Ohm shunts with 3 mili Ohm ones, I will rise power limit from 480W to ca. 850W, add some SP capacitors on the back. I'm just curious. It is surprising to me that lowering the shunt resistance from 5 to 3 will increase the power limit by such a large amount , so I feel I don't understand what is occurring. . I can understand adding additional capacitors for noise filtering as that seems to have been an issue from launch. Also does this mean that you will have a very advanced water cooling solution with this change - basically on a gpu more electricity = more performance, but more electricity also means much more heat to be dissipated. Its hard to understand how air cooling would be adequate. Thank you Pete
  15. To była moja nieudana próba zażartowania Przepraszam i przepraszam za zamieszanie. Kiedy ostatnio byłem w moim sklepie komputerowym, mieli kilka na półce, ale powiedzieli mi, że są tak bardzo poszukiwani, że musisz zatrudnić ludzi, którzy będą cię pilnować w drodze do domu. Kiedy powiedziałem mojej żonie, roześmiała się i powiedziała, i założę się, że chcą od ciebie zapłacić dodatkową opłatę za ochronę i musielibyśmy też nakarmić ich obiadem! Jesteś bardzo szczęśliwy, że masz tak wspaniałe GPU. Przepraszam za moją kiepską próbę żartu. Pete Mój ojciec był Polakiem, ale niestety nigdy nie nauczyłem się języka. Szczerze tego żałuję, więc mam nadzieję, że to dobrze się tłumaczy.
  16. Very nice sir! Just one question - did the armed guards for a year to protect it and you from the nefarious types who want a really superb gpu cost extra or was it included in the price ? Cheers Pete
  17. The purpose of this note is to document some recent issues I have been having with Windows 10 power management in the hopes that my experiences may be helpful to other members. Issues that I have been experiencing 1) For the longest time I would be disconnected from the Orbx messenger system after about 20 - 30 mins and then would have to log back in again, sometimes losing a PM I was composing in the process. 2) In MS2020, especially if I was on autopilot with the A320 Neo, and disconnected it and started moving my joystick quite often I would find that the joystick would be unresponsive for a few seconds and then suddenly come alive so to speak. I did not have this issue with XPlane, but then again, in XPlane I never fly on autopilot. I assumed that this behaviour was simply one of the many "work in progress" issues as MS2020 develops. 3) Very recently , since the last Win10 update ( H2 Windows experience pack) I started experiencing some downright odd behaviour with some of my usb devices , i.e. in the middle of typing my keyboard would disconnect etc. I spent two days with cabling etc, thinking that I had either a dodgy cable or usb port and was just about ready to order a new keyboard. What I discovered: By default, it seems that Win10 assumes that the OS is assigned on a laptop with respect to many of the power management settings. I assumed that I had corrected for all of this by changing my power management settings to Ultimate Performance which should mean that everything receives full power all the time. Steps to do this are as follows: a) Go to Power Options , select Ultimate Performance and then select Choose when to turn off the display This will then take you to the following screen - select Change Advanced Power Settings Which in turn will take you to this screen . The recommended fix from Microsoft for my item 3 issue (keyboard disconnect) was to ensure that the following setting was changed Please note , that I have always done this before. This is one of the items related to the "assumption that the device is a laptop" , as this item in its default configuration allows the OS to turn off power to USB ports to save on power consumption if the OS determines that the USB port is not in use. However, the criteria for "not in use" seems to be somewhat dubious. So you want to change the setting from Enabled to Disabled as shown. Also check that Turn off hard disk is set to Never, as on my system the default setting was 15 minutes. Since I had , in the past changed these settings but now found that they were enabled i.e. USB selective suspend setting was set to Enabled again, that the last H2 Features update had somehow reset things. This all was easy to do, but unfortunately it did absolutely nothing to solve my issues. I finally discovered that going to Device Manager , in my case held the key. The following slide is an example for all the USB ports. The Power Management tab had the item Allow computer to turn off this device to save power checked as its default setting. Although this is a bit tedious, I went through all my USB controller items and found that where ever there was a Power Management setting for the device, the default setting was checked to allow the device to be turned off to save power. I unchecked this setting in all instances . In addition, my wifi device had the same setting checked as a default, which explained the disconnect issue I kept experiencing ( I was logged on to Orbx forums last night for over 3 hours without issues). Making these changes and rebooting my machine I now find that in MS2020, my joystick controller now responds instantly to input, my XBox controller (which again is connected through a USB connection) is instant, whereas in hindsight I now realize that it had a slight lag before when it started. And of course my wifi connection is now stable . I hope that this note will be of interest and potential help to my fellow members. It seems that everyone's system is different , and you may not experience what I did, but I hope that this little note will serve as a convenient guide to check these items. Cheers Pete
  18. Hi TTM I have XPlane on a 1 TB Samsung T5 Portable SSD. It uses a USB 3.0 connection and works like a charm Cheers Pete
  19. To all at Orbx who made this happen! And Tony's guidance @Tony Wroblewski Thank you Cheers Pete
  20. Hello Empire If your changes to fsx.cfg don't help as much as you would like, you might try reducing the sharpening setting and increasing the film grain setting to see if you can reduce/eliminate the "sharpening flicking dots". Sharpening is very much an exercise in moderation & fine adjustments - too much can introduce any number of artifacts. And ultimately sometimes it can't be reduced to a satisfactory level, in which case you might have to decide whether to use it or not. Renault
  21. I've provided a little more detail on the approach in the XPlane 11 , Tips & Techniques Section Cheers Renault
  22. The latest driver update ( 441.41) now includes this option for OpenGl and Vulkan I have been using the previous version on some non XPlane applications (DX11 & DX12 api) and have been very pleased with the results Cheers R
  23. Hi Andy Its a great suggestion and works very well for DX .. games. At the moment it doesn't work for OpenGL/Vulkan , but the release notes indicate that a future update will also cover that system as well. So for the moment FSX/P3D' ers enjoy, and those with XPlane - your turn will come as well Cheers R
  24. You are definitely right Martyn Clouds are not necessary for such a great shot!!! Cheers R
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