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Jack Sawyer

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Everything posted by Jack Sawyer

  1. Thanks Landon. I spent several hours today testing and configuring. In my opinion the default camera system in MSFS far exceeds ChasePlane's. I used to have an Xbox a long time ago and today I found in my box of electronic junk and actual wired Xbox controller so I'll plug it in when I get a chance. I think I'm going to buy some Orbx stuff in a little while so I can post screen shots. Cheers. J
  2. Absolutely spectacular Carlos! I'm trying to learn MSFS now that I have it installed. It's a huge learning curve but I'll get there eventually. This last shot looks so like a photo it's breathtaking.
  3. Very nice shots, P3D still looks very good, I won't be uninstalling it any time soon.
  4. Wow! Fantastic Bernd! Just installed MSFS yesterday and having major teething with it but after a while I'm sure it'll work out.
  5. Good grief these are amazing! I'm just getting started after yesterday's install. Lots of work yet but I can't wait for my sim to look like this!
  6. You are correct sir. Now that I took a quick flight I’m amazed. What amazes me the most is how busy Orbx has been. I mean $6K in airports and scenery! I’m hoping to find the time today to program my controls, learn how to take a screenshot, and buy at least one Orbx airport.
  7. Hi Smudger, I got it and installed it but haven't had a chance to load it yet. I see, Custom, good, thanks. I plan on spending some quality time this evening with my iPad and type out every single last command like I did in P3D and then associate certain commands with my devices.
  8. John, you’re remarkable. Thank you, I really appreciate it. Got the PMDG 737 in but haven’t even loaded it yet. I’m out shopping with the wife right now. I’m hoping on buying some Orbx!!! Today.
  9. I don't think I'd be comfortable with an extra controller but that's just me, no offense.
  10. Dang I hope so. I just installed it and it's intimidating. And I have no idea how to buy the PMDG or install it. And when I ran MSFS I got this box, it tells me my Virtual Fly stuff won't work.
  11. Um, I don't have a Xbox game controller, I thought I mentioned that above. I do have a PS5 controller though.
  12. I have another question. Does MSFS have a wicked cool program like ChasePlane? I absolutely LOVE this program.
  13. Very cool Andrew. Sadly I tried a VR headset a few years ago in a mall and man oh man did it make me ill. I got vertigo real bad. Don't think me and VR get along too well.
  14. The most beautiful plane even invented.
  15. Hi Andrew. I have a PS5 but not an Xbox so I don’t think I’ll be getting one any time soon, my wife would kill me . Can an Xbox use something other than the game controller to fly planes? Can you connect a yoke for example?
  16. Hi Richard, been a long time, hope you’re well. This is curious about Steam. I remember people saying FSX SE was more stable too, I wonder why. That UFO! LOL. I could never catch it either. Man I remember all those missions, my all-time favorite I must have done 100 times was the Hawaii one. And the next favorite was the South American idol one. Those were good times.
  17. Thanks again John. Does it have any decent helicopters? And these mods, do any of them cause CTD’s?
  18. WU, SU, I see, thanks. Which seems to “break” the sim more, the WU or the SU? That large collection of aircraft, I’m wondering how much fidelity they have to real world planes or are they like a certain company I won’t name where maybe one third of the stuff in the cockpit works and they’re just mere eye candy?
  19. Thanks John, but why? Why did you buy the premium version? And what is WU and SU? Thanks John
  20. Excellent, thanks Smudger! I’m particularly partial to Orbx in-house airports.
  21. Well, I know it's kinda OCD but I wanted to know. I typed in all the airports, mesh, Landmarks, and other stuff into a spreadsheet and it totals out to $6440 US. Ya'll have been very busy! The first airports I want are most of North America and Alaska. I see there's a lot of third party developers selling their airports. Does anyone have a list of just Orbx in-house airports? Thanks.
  22. Hi Paul, thanks. Hope you're well, it's been a long time since I've heard from you. Yes, my controls are all Virtual Fly so I hope they're recognized. Take care.
  23. I'm going to go with the Standard version, get a feel for it especially how to place files. I reckon Orbx Central does it all automatically like in P3D?
  24. Thanks Nick. IS there a difference between MS and Steam? I'm not sure what you're talking about. It will put some files on C but then I can tell it where to install the content? Or can it all be on a separate drive? Please explain about installing everything, doesn't it do that after downloading? I agree, they're rubbish, I always take them with a grain of salt.
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