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Jack Sawyer

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Everything posted by Jack Sawyer

  1. I'm currently in the process of creating a spreadsheet of all Orbx sells for MSFS. Can someone please explain what SamScene is and what "Wow" is too? Thanks.
  2. Thanks. Aren’t the Orbx airports better than the additional ones? And is it like P3D where the airports in Orbx’s regions are better than the default? It’s a whole new learning curve with this. I especially have to spend some time looking at Orbx’s stuff.
  3. Thanks for your reply. Why wasn’t the premium worth it? The only other aircraft I’d be interested in a really good “study level” helicopter which is what I miss in P3D v5.
  4. Thanks Smudger. Why do you say you should have bought just the standard version beside the price difference? I’d be really only adding only Orbx stuff unless it’s a GTN 750, AI traffic, and weather.
  5. Hi all, I’m thinking about buying MSFS now as I can finally use PMDG’s 737 and A2A will soon release the Comanche. But I don’t know which version to buy as there looks like there’s three of them. Also, is it only available as a download or is there an actual CD one can buy? If it’s just a download, where is the best place to buy it, Steam or MS? Thanks. Jack
  6. The Mustang, my favorite small jet. Nice to see such cool shots in XP Andy!
  7. Hi Andy. Not yet but maybe this week or weekend. Been swamped with woodworking projects but every time I see the screens from it I'm blown away. A2A is getting close and PMDG is out so nows' the time. It's just going to take time to set up the controls and get a feel for it. My biggest needs after Orbx scenery would be: A weather app, does AS work with it? A traffic app, is there one available? And a GNT 750, is it also available? I'm hoping Pete @renault can give me some advice. Don't know if it'll even run on my PC. Cheers.
  8. Stunning shots, absolutely amazing. I'm thinking of finally buying this sim.
  9. You’re welcome my friend.
  10. As fine as can be expected I reckon. Thanks. Hope you’re well Andy. God bless.
  11. Thanks fellas. Your birthday wishes are greatly appreciated. I just saw this now sadly, wish I had seen it yesterday as yesterday was quite terrible. I miss the forum and making dopey posts but I've been too busy making furniture, chess sets, pens, and other things. I did make one flight from Orbx's KPSP to L70 and it was nice. Again, much appreciated. Jack
  12. These are the absolute best shots I have ever seen from a desktop simulator. If I wasn't so busy woodworking I'd devote all my time to buying it and using it. Flight sim is now on the back burner and may never be in play again. Since this game came out things have changed dramatically and for the worse. I really love the graphics but I detest the way MS always breaks the sim with their forced updates which I have read can take hours. At least the Orbx stuff always looks good, in MSFS that is.
  13. I meant one can never determine the impulse and feeeeeeelings of a woman at the same time
  14. Quite welcome good sir. I study quantum physics as a hobby. Always fascinating.
  15. Women are like quantum mechanics experiments. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle applies here.
  16. P3D v5. For four reasons. 1) A2A 2) PMDG 3) Orbx scenery (way too much invested in Orbx) 4) So many excellent opportunities for comic backgrounds. May get MSFS in the future when PMDG has its bugs worked out and hopefully A2A will have their planes in it.
  17. Hi Paul, doing as well as can be expected despite some very serious problems. I’ll believe the PMDG when I see it . Nope, not yet, maybe not ever. It would require PMDG’s 737’s, 747’s, and 777’s as well as four of A2A’s planes and a functional GTN 750 AND a good AI traffic program. I think I have a better chance of winning the lottery than that happening!
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