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Jack Sawyer

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Everything posted by Jack Sawyer

  1. It's one way. I downloaded a free add-on that goes in the Community folder called ambitiouspilots-shiftzstats-v114_v87KI.zip and it brings back the Shift+Z functionality. It's very cool.
  2. Thanks Wain. No worries, I was still in the testing mode, getting camera and flight controls set up but a very good point. I've always found the sims' logbooks fascinating, it's kind of looking through journal entries.
  3. Thanks Gerold. I haven't bought that one yet. Dev mode is an interesting mode. It gives you more information than you can imagine about the state of the sim and it allows you to do some useful things. YEs, SDK update, Software Development Kit, I don't really need it so no need for me to update it.
  4. Thanks Gumby! It was so smooth and nice, I’m quite pleased.
  5. Thanks. I was also interested to see if anyone would interpret the box in the upper right. That’s in DEV mode.
  6. Thanks Adam. I actually did make it, kind of a challenge.
  7. Thanks Martyn, I was incredibly amazed by the lifelike rain on the windshield. It looks exactly like what I see when I drive.
  8. Thanks Doug! Appreciate directing me to the other sub forum.
  9. I think a name the soda fountain called them. Yeah, beer wouldn’t be good for the PC, even if it was an AI.
  10. I see. I thought it was a milkshake! That's what we called them as kids.
  11. It was always the registration of two aircraft. They were time limited and as I didn't fly XP all the time it would pop up whenever I booted it. I liked XP but didn't have the time to mess with it.
  12. Thanks Calum! I have Scottish heritage and have been there several times. Man do I wish I lived there, on a moor, alone, it would be awesome.
  13. Can I post a review of MSFS and the Orbx stuff along with some tips on how to boost FPS I saw from a YT that the TDS GTN guy sent me? If not I'll understand.
  14. Uninstalled a long time ago because I was so tired of having to enter serial numbers whenever I ran it, planes, add-ons, it was a bother.
  15. Thanks Andy, it was very pleasurable.
  16. Thanks John. I did indeed and it was awesome.
  17. I have learned maybe 95% of it already and am going to soon make flights. Just need to get SimBrief working.
  18. Terrific! I love dit in P3D and I'm sure I'll love it in MSFS.
  19. Man oh man these are so good I'm this close to going in debt to buy this airport.
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