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Everything posted by gumbypickett

  1. Very nice Adam. I very much like those sky colours. cheers Gumby
  2. Superb shots. Geez I'm glad you knew what you were doing. All I know is BTW, LOL, OMG, and arrr something else. cheers Gumby
  3. Only if your the guy on the far right. cheers Gumby
  4. Many happy returns Ken. Have a good one. \cheers Gumby
  5. That would be Melbourne airport. Many years ago as a youngster I would make several trips to YMML, stay a week and spend about 3 or 4 days just hanging around the airport plane spotting and taking photos. Lots of fond memories. cheers Gumby
  6. Very nice shots Gerold. Today is the day QLD opened up it's borders to everyone, without having to worry about vaccination proof paperwork. But give it a short time and they will close again. It's been a bit like a yoyo up there. Oops sorry you were promoting the area. Come to Tassie for the best experience ever. cheers Gumby
  7. Striking aircraft and weather Adam. What type of aircraft is in the 3rd shot? cheers Gumby
  8. Many happy returns Scott. I hope it was a good one. cheers Gumby
  9. Superb shots. I recall when my Father drove those old Fords when he was in the Ambulance service. They looked a little bit different though. They had a red cross on them. cheers Gumby
  10. I thought you went for football. I know we won't get started. cheers Gumby
  11. Football (Aussie Rules) My team is Hawthorn, I've followed them all my life. However the game has changed for the worst with new rules year after year, they have spoilt it. Bring back the Biff. Beer. Local brew Boags or anything else that has a head and bubbles. cheers Gumby
  12. Nice country views Iain. Well done. cheers Gumby
  13. They look great Graeme. cheers Gumby
  14. Oh really, I don't believe this rubbish. The beaming light is suppose to be white. Nice one. cheers Gumby
  15. Thank you Iain and all the very best to the three of you. How ever I feel your shot could do with a bit more colour. cheers Gumby
  16. All the best Mr Boetie. cheers Gumby
  17. No guesses who was pushing for a Christmas day Birthday. cheers Gumby
  18. I'm predicting these people will be here the same time next year. Just a guess though.
  19. I can't believe the number of Birthdays on the forum today. Happy Birthday to all. cheers Gumby
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