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Jon Clarke

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Posts posted by Jon Clarke

  1. Who sent you the email? Was it me?

    Can you confirm that you went through the suggestions made in the email as you only mention you have tried uninstalling reinstalling.

    The only further suggestion that I can make at this point is to open Orbx Central/settings/downloader and check that the disk drive setting under "Concurrency" is correct for your set up and then change the "Conversions" setting to Moderate or Low. The attached pics how you what is required:





    As this is a problem with Orbx Central processes I am passing this over to @Nick Cooper and @Steve Raycraft to ask for Orbx Central support

  2. I understand the the file labelled s Airports but it needs to remain named as Global airport. Have you renamed the Global Airports file to "Airports" or is Global Airports inside a new folder you have named as Airports?

    The path to that Airports folder is also not complete as it is labelled as this:

    SCENERY_PACK Custom Scener Airports/               with no forward slash after the word "scener" and the word "scenery" incomplete.

    These thing affect XP11.

    You need to have a file labelled Global Airports and in the Custom Scenery folder and also do not rename files.

    Please do the necessary and i will be happy to then sort out the scenery_packs.

    Thanks for being an Orbx user as well:)

  3. I cannot locate the default file of Global Airports unless my eyes are playing up:) You need that.

    What are these files?

    SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Versions/
    SCENERY_PACK Custom Scener Airports/


    Once you have Global Airports in your Custom Scenery folder and it shows in the scenery_packs.ini I can make the necessary changes. Also check your XP Graphics settings of World Objects as it should be at Maximum as it governs the amount of autogen displayed.

    Resubmit your scenery_packs when you have added Global Airports and answered me regarding the 2 files I have mentioned above.

  4. Hi

    I cannot see a Support Ticket so I ask you to give me a Ticket number so I can look it up. The log file I would need is the XP11 Log file and the Orbx Central log file. The Orbx central log file is probably the one that is large and you could try to Zip it.

    @Steve Raycraft @Nick Cooper this appears to be an installation issue requiring Orbx central support after the log files are submitted. Nick , please check if there is a support ticket raised for this.  Thanks

  5. I recall doing a lot of research at the time of first reports of a FPS hit at EGNM. These reports were few relatively speaking.

    I can only link you to you the posts in this topic where I give my  XP settings and comment about use of Vulkan and the effect of high demand payware planes like the Zibo. I also don't use VR which can also have a serious effect on FPS. You will see that in the Cirrus, I was getting 30FPS in the area of concern and running Traffic global at 70%. There are obviously going to be differences in performance(FPS) depending on PC specs, plugins, XP settings and planes used.

     There is no plan as far as I am aware to any further updates to EGNM



  6. Both the airports you mention are either the default ones that are in TE Southern Spain or you have 3rd parry addons. The default ones are fixed as far as removing duplicate buildings is concerned.  To get things like floodlight poles changed etc would be either up to Laminar ( for the default airport) or  for the Developer of the 3rd party addon like Aerosoft if that is the Developer's addon you are referring to.

  7. A scenery addon is what you purchase or obtain as freeware and enhances the scenery like the True earth addons you have in your scenery_packs.

    With Orbx Central you are able to create a "Library" outside of the actual XP11 installation onto another or other disk drives. You create them and name them and then you link them, via Orbx central, to the XP11 directory/Custom Scenery folder. Seethe attached User Guide and look at page 19

    It appears that is what you are currently doing.

    I have made slight adjustments to your scenery_packs.ini.


    Central User Guide.pdf


  8. Sorry about the feedback that indicates no change.

    As far a s I am aware there is no difference in content from the DD version to the Orbx version. Only the installation process differs. We have checked the installation and it is correct.

    To check if there is any conflict with another of your addons please conduct this small test.

    Rename your custom Scenery folder to Custom Scenery.x

    Make a new Custom Scenery folder.

    Copy and paste EPWA and Global Airports into the new folder.

    Run XP and exit

    Make sure EPWA is above Global Airports in the scenery_packs.ini.

    Choose a flight at EPWA and report back please.


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